Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.12.1983, Síða 7

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.12.1983, Síða 7
WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 2. DESEMBER 1983-7 Frón Kaffi Hús — A successful social event Last Friday, November 18th, an in- teresting and novel gathering took place within the Icelandic communi- ty here in Winnipeg. This was the Frón Kaffi Hús. New, Frón gather- ings are not all that uncommon, but what made the Kaffi Hús different was the emphasis on informality and keeping a relaxed atmosphere. The slogan "meet, mix, mingle'1, which could be found on the Frón flyer advertising the Kaffi Hús, captures well the type of enterprise taking place. Apparently there was quite a number of people interested in "meeting, mixing and mingling", as the turnout was very good, and must have surpassed the highest hopes of the organizers. Particularly enjoyable was the large number of young peo- ple that showed up — which certain- ly defeats the accusation sometimes made that Icelandic socials in Win- nipeg are almost like a gateway to Bethel. Fremri röð vinstri til hægri: Sigridur Magnusson, Begga Methusalemson, Magdaline Lechowicz og Laura Wilkinson. Aftari röð vinstri til hægri: Helgi Johnson, Ragner Gudmundson og Halli Bjornson. Mynd Dorothy Torfason. Afmæli á Betel, Gimli Einu sinni í mánuði hverjum halda Betelbúar á Gimli upp á afmæli. Nýlega var afmælisbörnum nóvembermánaðar haldið hóf og var þar eitt og annað til skemmtunar. Skröfuðu íbúar við gesti og Óli Narfason og Dennis Carlson stjórnuðu fjöldasöng. Clara Stevens bakaði myndar afmælisköku sem viðstaddir neyttu ásamt öðru góðgæti. Obituary Aleph S. Johannson Funeral services for Aleph S Johannsson, 101, a resident of Seat- tle for 77 years and Democratic precinct committeewoman in Ballard for 27 years, were recently held in the Calvary Lutheran Church, 7002 23rd N.W. Mrs. Johannsson was born in North Dakota Territory in 1882, and came to Seattle in 1906 to marry Bjarni O. Johannson who was graduating from the University of Washington School of Pharmacy that year. Mr. Johannsson operated the Cascade Drug Store in Ballard for many years. On her lOOth birthday, Mrs. Johannsson was presented a cer- tificate signed by Washington's top Democrats, including the late Sen. Henry M. Jackson and former Gov. Albert D. Rosellini, thanking her for her service as a precinct committee- woman. The president of Iceland, Vigdis Finnbogadottir, who visited Seattle, also met with Mrs. Johannsson and congratulated her on her lOOth birth- day. Mr. Johannson and her husband were of Icelandic descent. She was a member of the Audubon Society, and a founder of the Calvary Lutheran Church in Ballard. Mrs. Johannsson is survived by a son, Lincoln S. Johannsson of Seattle: three daughters, Sigrid Hastings and Wilma Vadnais both of Seattle, and Thorun Robel of Renton; eight grand- children and 13 great-grandchildren. ICELAND CALENDAR ’84 Colorful Iceland calendar for 1984 now available. Beautiful 12 pages calendar from the land of ice and fire. m • • • lt 11 lt 11 u m :....:;! » U 1« 11 M M » tl ttuMtsnats. . utsMMHMB . rn mmmmmm . mmmmmmm m 21 II 11 • . mmmZm size ca. 25x35 cm. Price including postage to U.S. and Europe $8.50; Canada $10.88 Published by: Snerra sf., P.O. Box 20, 270 Varmá, Iceland Being a regular at Frón socials, I saw new faces and made new acquain- tances. Many of those were coming to a Frón social for the first time and seemed to thoroughly enjoy it. The formal programme was very good and just the right length. Enough to get people in a celebrating mood without overpowering the in- formal setting. The refreshing singing and playing of L. Brandson and J. Magnuson was lively and entertaining And then, later, Kristjana Gunnars, struck a slightly more serious note when she read some of her poetry. Quite honestly I was a little worried that she came on too late in the even- ing and that people had passed the point where they enjoy listening to poetry. But those worries quickly vanished as Kristjana began her live- ly reading, and people showed their appreciation with a complete and im- pressive silence while she delivered her poems, followed by a big ap- plause once she had finished. To complete an excellent programme the Argyles sang in beautiful har- monies to the delight of us listening. Events like this one are very impor- tant for the formation of new ties and relations and strengthening of ex- isting ones within the Icelandic com- munity in Winnipeg. The Frón ex- ecutive deserves a praise for this in- itiative and hopefully there will be a continuation of this that meets with as great a success as did this Kaffi Hús. Birgir Guðmundsson Business and Proff essional cards TAYLOR BRAZZELL McCAFFREY Barristers & Solicitors 4th Floor — 386 Broadway Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C 2R6 Winnipeg phone 949-1312 Gimli phone 642-7955 Winnipeg Beach phone 389-2999 Mr David King and Mr. Eric Lister attend in Gimli and Rivertbn on the first and third Kriday of each month and in Winnipeg Beach in tlie afternoon on the second and fourth Fri- day of eiich month. Officc hours are held in Gimli at 3rd Avenue and Centre Street between the hours of 9:30 - 12:00 and 3:30 - 5:00 p.m. In Riverton, Mr. King or Mr. Lister attend in the Riverton Village office between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Asgeirson Paints & Wollpapers Ltd. 696 Sargent Avenue Winnipeg, Man R3E 0A9 PAINTS Benjamln Moore Sherwln Wllllama C.I.L. HARDWARE GLASS and GLAZING WOODand ALUMINUM 783-5967 Phones: 783-4322 GOODMAN and KOJIMA ELECTRIC BLECTRICAL CONTRACTORS 640 McGee Streel Winnipeg, Man. R3E 1W8 Phone 774-5549 M. KOJIMA RES.: 889-7564 Evenings and Holidays GOODMAN & GRANTHAM Barristers, Solicitors and Notaries Public. Westside Plaza 353 Main Street, Stonewall Phone 467-5527 Stonewall Winnipeg Line: 475-9692 TEULON OFFICE every Thursday 144 Main Street, Teulon Phone 886-3193 Tallin & Kristjansson Barristers and Solicitors 300 - 232 Portage Avenue Winnipeg, Manitoba R3C OBl ALBERT W. EYOLFSON. LLB. Barrister and Solicitor Associated with the firm of CHRISTIE, DEGRAVES. MACKAY 400-433 Portage Ave., Winntpeg, Man.. R3B 3A5 Ph. Business (204) 947-6801 Ph Residence (204) 888-2598 S. A. Thorarinson BARRISTER and SOLICITOR 708 SOMERSET PLACE 294 PORTACE AVE. R3C0B9 Off. 942-7051 Res. 489-6488 Working To Keep Our Heritage Alive CANADA ICELAND FOUNDATION SECRETARY: 1 - 204 - 475-8064 40 Garnet Bay Winnipeg, Manitoba R3T 0L6 Minnist CBETEL i erfðaskróm yðor



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