Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.03.1984, Side 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 02.03.1984, Side 2
2-WINNIPEG, FÖSTUDAGUR 2. MARZ 1984 ur rr„ r~ 7! P ðma tsitar CTjLClktZU && ' lL • • • ^ — j) Hi Uncle Trausti in San Leandro, California, U.S.A. Glad to hear you read this column. Aunt Loa had a wonderful visit with you. She is still settling down from the purse-snatch- ing episode. She was so upset, she knit the right and left thumb on the same woollen mitt. To Cousin Walter Paulson in Wynyard, Saskatchewan. I enjoyed Jonas Þor's interview with you. We have met only once in Lundar, but I wrote your mother, Nina, for Amma Holm, and stopped to see her in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan. The family has lived apart for so long and the distance between us is so great. I know very little of Láng Amma, Elisabet, a'nd Láng Afi, Johan- nes Borgfjord, and their life in Leslie. a wonderful family party with Uncle Cameron, Aunt Lil, and their family. Besides Deidre's, we wished Joanne and Iris a happy birthday. The three birthday girls blew out the candles on a delicious 16" x 24" Eaton's chocolate, double layer cake. Neediess to say, everyone took some honiie. Wish you had been here. Have Theodore Johann and Elizabeth Sandra made many friends in the Edmonton Chapter of the Icelandic National League? I hope they will write me a letter concern- ing some of their activities and en- courage other friends as well. To Uncle Adolf Holm in Gimli, Manitoba. Our next Frón Kaffihús at the Scandinavian Centre is March 30 at 8:30 p.m. Tickets will go quickly. Shall I save you one? You still owe me a butterfly dance. To any relatives in Iceland or some- one who lives in the area of Holmlátri í Skogarstrond. My afi, Sigurður Holm, was born at Holmlátri, July 12, 1876. He came to Canada in 1894. At the foot of his bed hung a college picture of the shapes of 3 special mountains near his Icelandic home. I don't remember their names, but he often told stories of his youth and, in particular, one of the creatures from the sea. I would enjoy hearing in either Icelandic or English from someone concerning the area and its history. To all the readers of the Lögberg- Heimskringla. When this column started, it was intended for children. As my time for writing is very limited, I invited others to submit ar- ticles and hoped subscribers would encourage young people to write. Unfortunately, this hasn't happened. To quote a famous Winnipeg ar- cheologist and resident Viking, Icelanders don't seem to have any — youngsters that is. As all the efforts, except for those of the editor and of- fice staff, are volunteer, I hope you bear with me in this struggle. I rely on your participation. Sæl og bless, Linda I don't know where the farm was or even where they are buried. I only know that Amma travelled once from Lundar to visit and that Láng Afi came by train to Oak Point (the end of the railway) and walked from there to the Holm farm near Otto, after having asked further directions from the people who eventually became my other Amma and Afi. I hope you will take pen in hand and tell me about them. I would love to hear from you. Tíl Sigriður Ragna Sigurðurdóttir í Reykjavík frá Linda Sigurðson, "pen- pal'' since 1955. My mother was very sorry that she had been visiting next door to you and didn't learn this un- til she was at Keflavík on her return home; To bring you up to date, my hus- band and I have returned to Win- nipeg after having lived in Regina, Saskatchewan for 5 years and Ot- tawa, Ontario for 6 years. Our children are David Frederick, age 16, and Deidre Fay, age 12. I hope that someone in Iceland will pass on this message to Sigriður. "Please write!!!” To Sandra Julia in Edmonton, Alberta. Thanks for phoning on Deidre's 12th birthday. We enjoyed The Icelandic Society of Northern California February 6, 1984 Dear Fellow Icelanders & Friends, Our Christmas Party was a tremen- dous success and on behalf of our club, I would like to thank everyone who helped make it a successful day. Without all of your help, it wouldn't have been the same. The list would be too long if I were to name all of you that helped us both in the kit- chen, setting everything up, and all the clean-up afterwards and last but not least everyone who donated all the Icelandic goodies for our dessert. Þorrablót: We will continue the tradition by holding our Þorrablót, on March 3, 1984 at the American Ljegion Hall, 655 E1 Camino Real, Redwood City, CA. Directions: Take Bayshore Freeway (Hwy. 101) to Whipple Avenue exit, drive west to E1 Camino Real, turn left on E1 Camino Real, The American Legion Hall is about 1 block from Whipple Avenue. Agenda: 6:30 p.m. — Social Hour. 7:30 p.m. — Dinner (Food flown in from Iceland). 9:00 p.m. — Dancing until the wee hours of the night. Admission: For paid members ad- mission is $15.00 per person, non- members $20.00 per person and for students $ 10.00 per person (ASB card required). Dues: Our Treasurer, Arni Ar- nason would be very happy to except your memberships dues which are $5.00. Let's keep our society solvent and efficient and the best way to do so is to pay your dues, after all, this is YOUR club. Lottery: Round trip to Iceland, etc. If you have any donations for the lot- tery, please notify us. Out of Towners: There are two AAA recommended motels near the Legion Hall. Here are the names and addresses. Sundial Motel, 316 E1 Camino Real, Redwood City, CA. (800) 528-1234 Toll free, (415) 366-3808 Local. Algiers Motel, 2610 E1 Camino Real, Redwood City, CA. (415) 368-1495 Local. If you have any questions, you may Call me at (408) 281-8282. i Birna G. Mitchell Up-Coming Events BRANDON CHAPTER FÁLKINN: Þorrablót, March 24 at Harry's Ukrainian Kitchen. Haustkvöld við hafið Haustkvöldið stend ég hjá sjónum er syngur af móði Og suðandi kyssir ströndina, læðist og flissar. Hann bælist á fjöru en belgist aftur á flóði og blöðugum fingrum nafn sitt á klettana rissar. Þönglarnir standa í þyrpingu ofan í flæði Og þaraskúfum dingla í veðarblíðu Einsog þeir vilji nota sem best það næði Sem næturkyrrðin gefur hjá hafi stríðu. Máfarnir sveima um loftið med limi stirða Og líta gargandi til og frá yfir sjóinn, Svipast um fjörðinn og seinlega æti hirða. Síðasti báturinn fram á miðin er róinn. Undarleg veröld ertu hérna við sjóinn. Argið í fuglunum hljómar sem manna rómur. Ströndin er myrk á svipinn en fagur er flóinn. Þau faðmast skynlaus, blind það er eilífur dómur. Borgthor V. Gunnarsson Belvidere, Illinois ICELANDIC CANADIAN FRÓN Heritage Night March 13, 1984 Dr. John Matthiasson — Guest Speaker St. Stephens Lutheran Church 99 Turner Ave.( St. James Phone 786-4716 This space made available courtesy Neil Bardal Inc. Family Funeral Counsellors 984 Portage Ave.f 786-4716



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