Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.02.1986, Blaðsíða 3

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 28.02.1986, Blaðsíða 3
WINNIp'Ég! FÖSTUDAGLJR 28. fÉbRUAR 1986-3 The Women's Association of the First Lutheran Church by Aurora Thordarson (in 1953) The late Mrs. B. B. Jonsson called a meeting of a few women at her home on Victor Street in the middle of January 1931, and said she had something important to discuss with the younger married women in our Church. When we arrived at her home Mrs. Jonsson explained at length the need for a younger women's Ladies' Aid in the Church as there were so many women that did not understand the lcelandic Language and it was used entirely at the Ladies' Aid meetings, so that it would be to our advantage to have an English speaking one also. Before that afternoon was over we had drawn up a constitution with the kind help of the late Dr. B. B. Jonsson the Pastor at that time, and we had a slate of officers ready for our very first meeting which was held in the Church Parlours on Tuesday after- noon January 27th, 1931. There were 21 members present. At that first meeting we elected our reverend founder and constant helper the late Mrs. B. B. Jonsson, our Honorary President, which position she held until she passed away. Even íhough there were only 21 ladies that sign- ed the membership book at that first meeting our Womeii’s Association has grown to a membership of about 80. We changed the name from Junior Ladies' Aid to Women's Association just last year, as so many of us have become Grandmothers that we decided to drop the Junior name. Through the years we have lost several wonderful Christian workers, not only by death, some have had to move away to other cities and towns, whose gain is our loss. Each year in January, we have a Birthday Meeting with birthday cake and all the trimmings, and usually a good program. On our seventh and 17 birthdays I read a poem, written for the Ladies Aid, that tells the story of our work, so I will include them here as follows: “We Are Seven'' I chanced upon a lady of some wit. And in her hand a cake with candles lit, The reason asked she rolled her eyes to heaven, And like the maid of yore quoth "We are seven'' This story then proceeded to unfold, I pass it on, and nought shall I withhoid. ''Twas ín the year of 1931 When people did not seem to have much fun. The weary world was in a dreadful state, Depression seemed to have a lasting date. And church affairs, I'm sorry to confess, Front Row — from left to right: Mrs. H. Taylor, Mrs. E. Helgason, Mrs. J. D. Turner, Mrs. G. W. Finnsson, Mrs. C. Sigmar, Mrs. G. Johannesson, Mrs. V. J. Eylands, Mrs. G. P. Goodman, Mrs. P. Sigurdson, Mrs. V. Jonasson, Mrs. O. B. Olsen, Mrs. E. S. Felsted, Mrs. H. Olsen. Second Row from left to right: Mrs. O. Anderson, Mrs. J. Beck, Mrs. T. H. Gudmundson, Mrs. L. G. Johnson, Mrs. W. S. Jonasson, Mrs. J. B. Johnson, Mrs. M. Magnusson, Mrs. W. Hawcroft, Mrs. F. Thordarson, Mrs. J. Davidson, Mrs. R. Armstrong, Mrs. J. Thordarson, Mrs. A. Blondal, Mrs. J. G. Snidal, Mrs. O. V. Olafson, Mrs. I. Swainson, Mrs. W. H. Olson. Third Row — from left to right: Mrs. K. G. Finnson, Mrs. H. Benson, Mrs. T. J. Sivertson, Mrs. J. G. Johnson, Mrs. B. Guttormson, Mrs. J. Anderson, Mrs. A. Eggertson, Mrs. G. Finnbogason, Mrs. B. H. Olson, Mrs. G. K. Stephenson, Mrs. J. Ingimundson, Mrs. E. H. Isford, Mrs. F. Ruppel. Back Row — from left to right: Mrs. R. Frederickson, Mrs. W. Crowe, Mrs. B. C. McAlpine, Mrs. J. Bergman. Most everywhere, were in a frightful mess. As always when the plagues a coun- try strike, They know no law and lay low all alike. And though on Victor stood in splen- dour rare, The Pride of Iceland's sons and daughters fair, It felt the steps of poverty advance, And knew the winds of adverse circumstance. With fervid Viking zeal the people worked, And spared not self and saw that no one shirked, The pastor's cheque grew yearly somewhat slimmer, The organist though thin, grew daily thinner, The choir-leader his stipend cut anew, And sought himself another job or two. The men dug deep and digging sigh- ed "Ah me" (It wasn't yet the fashion to pour tea) O'er miles of rullu-pilsa the ladies toiled, And sometimes wished they'd never seen it boiled, Alas; — they dug and toiled and boiled in vain. The budget would not balance — t'was quite plain. Now mongst those folk dwelt matrons young and fair, Whose mode of life filled hearts with dark despair, For like the lilies in that oft sung soil, Continued on Page 6. LONDON ICELAND AMSTERDAM LUXEMBOURG FRANKFURT PARIS VIENNA BALTIMORE/ WASHINGTON MUNICH ZURICH -------ICELANDAIR.-------- YOUR BEST VALUE TO EUROPE. 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