Lögberg-Heimskringla - 27.11.1992, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 27.11.1992, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 27. nóvember 1992 ’s Corner The “Lóa” Legend ln lceland by Bragí Dedicated to Lóa Magnusson Gray In the plaza a little boy Was making birds from clay Mindful not, it was the Sabbath A day to rest and pray When suddenly beside him stood An angry Sadducee Threatening to destroy the birds Calling this blasphemy Little Jesus, with upraised hands Blessed his creation And all the birds took to the air In great jubilation The Sadducee was thunderstruck And hastened back to pray While the birds sang Gloiy-Glory And do unto this day They are the heralds of spring time Fitting well this stoiy The “Lóa” birds of my homeland Singing “GLORY- GLORY”. Herald of Spring A little bird came to the Lord Walking not, but bobbin’ Whispering gently in His ear Can I be your Robin “Well, sing for us my pretty one Sweet tunes of budding spring Sing away the winteiy blues Yes, let us hear you sing” His songs rang out so pure and clear To everyone’s delight The cheerful tones filled the air He sang with all his might “You shall become my bugler fair Herald of spring’a bobbin’ Bring good tidings everywhere You shall be my Robin” Letter to the Ecflitor Genealogical Research I recently visited Markerville, Alberta, in hopes of finding some information on my great grandfather, Sigurður Arnason, and my great grandmother, Karítas Ólafsdóttir. They were part of the original settlers to come to Markerville in 1888. I have been trying to do some genealogical research on them for some time but have come up with very little. I have examined the micro- OBITUARY: Gusti Sigurdson It is with deep regrets that this obituary did not accompany the eulogy for Gusti Sigurdson. On behalf of the staff and editors of Lögberg-Heimskringla we apolo- gize for this omission. Gusti passed away August 23, 1992. The burial service was held at the Lutheran Church in Gimli by Pastor George Johnson with interment at Arnes Cemetery. films on loan from the Mormon Genealogy Library at a local library. In those films I found the birth of Karítas Ólafsdóttir but nothing more. I would be grateful if anyone with information that can help me would contact me: Sincerely, Deborah L. Aiken 5418 N 9th Rd. Arlington, VA. 22205 Join . - . Icelandic) Canadiaii Frón Send membership fee of $25.00 single or $35.00 family (includes membership in the Scandinavian Centre) to: lcelandic Canadian Frón 764 Erin St., Winnipeg, MB R3G 2W4 Telephone: 774-8047 PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: 284-5686 Advertising Office: 478-1086 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday through Friday 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. PRESIDENT: Neil Bardal vice presidenT: Don Bjornson treasureR: Gordon Thorvaldson SECRETARY: Barbara Sigurdson editoR: Tom Oleson advertising director& icelandic editor: Birgir Brynjolfsson editorial assistant: LaurieOleson RECORDING secretary/office MANAGER: Rosemarie Isford board members: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Cliff Johanson, Gordon Peterson, Bea Sharpe, Oli Narfason, Hal Bjornson, Dennis Stefanson, Baldur Schaldemose REPRESENTATlVE in ICELAND: Þjóðraeknisfélag Islendinga Umboðsmaður blaðsins á Islandi Hafnarstræti 20 101 Reykjavík, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 Graphlc Design: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $37.45 per year (indudos GST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws. (L-R) Neil Bardal, Mike Reardon, Freeda Reever, Tim Samson, Brian Petursson. L-H Festival Prize Winners During the Icelandic Festival weekend, Lögberg-Heims- kringla held a subscription drive and a raffle or a draw for prizes. The winners were: Freda Reever: Dinner for two, (donated by Round Table, Þráinn Kristjansson.) Tim Samson: Free advertising in L-H. Mike Reardon: Sweat-shirt, (donated by H.P. Tergesen & Sons, Gimli.) Prizes were given out by Brian Petursson, chairman of advertising and promotion committee. Also present were Neil Bardal, President of the Board of L-H. L-H congratulates the winners and thanks all the volunteers who helped to make the festival promo- tion a success. The very center of the worl • Bargaln stopover tours of ícetend. • Super Saver car rentals in Luxembourg. • FREE bus service from Lux- embourg to cities in Germany. • Reduced train fares to Switzertand and France. Your European holiday. centered around breathtakingly beautiful lceland, not only puts you in the very heart of things but saves you a nice bit of change, too. • Eurobargain and Super Bar- Irorn New York and Orlando, Ffa. to luxembourg. • Low costround trip service to Paris. Frankfurt London and Stockholm, Copenhagen, Osto, Heisinki, Gothenburg, Bergen.



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