Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.02.1993, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 05.02.1993, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 5. febrúar 1993 Letters to the Edítor Experíence in lceland Re: Letter of Bjöm Jónsson, 15, Jan. 1993. The reference letter reminds me of an experience in 1972 in Iceland. My family together with an aunt and uncle from Reykjavík drove to the north to visit our relatives on the farm. In Húsavík when we stopped for bensín and to wash the cars, my uncle Kristján Bender spoke to a man who happened by. When the man Ieft, Kristján said to nfe, “He is related to you. Did you notice the missing upper front tooth? Just like Grásíða Man in the National Museum in Reykjavík.” Grásíða Man is a skull dug up on my ancestral farm, Grásíða, in Norður-Þingeyjarsýsla not too far from Kinn. Theodore R. Beck Seattle, WA USA Seattle’s Fjalikona for 1992 Lára Jonsson Lára was bom, raised and educat- ed in Iceland, where she eamed a degree in teaching, and served as “teacher principal” in Borðeyri in Hrútafjörður. In 1987 she and her young daughter, Harpa, came to Seattle where she was married to Eric Jonsson the following year. The Jonssons and nine-year-old Harpa make their home in Redmond. Harpa spent last summer visiting her grandparents in Iceland. Lára is presently working toward a Master of Education degree at the University of Washington while also serving as Notary Public for Senior Estate Planning. Lögberg-Heimskringla PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnípeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: 284-5686 Advertieing Office: 478-1086 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Tues., Wed. & Thurs. 10 a.m. - 3 p.m. president: Neil Bardal vice president: Don Bjornson treasurer: Gordon Thorvaldson SECRETARY: Barbara Sigurdson EDITOR: Tom Oleson advertising director& icelandiceditor: Birgir Brynjolfsson assistantEDITOR: Laurie Oleson recording SECRETARY: Rosemarie Isford BOARDmembers: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Gordon Peterson, Bea Sharpe, Oli Narfason, Hal Bjornson, Dennis Stefanson, Baldur Schaldemose representative in ICELAND:. Þjóðraeknisfélag Islendinga Umboðsmaður blaðsins á Islandi Hafnarstraeti 20 101 Reykjavík, Sími 621062 Telefax 626278 Graphic Design: Barbara Gislason • Typesetting: Keystone Graphics • Printing: Vopni Press Subscription - $37.45 per year (indudes OST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donations to Logberg-Heimskringla tnc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws. Outlandish Claim In his otherwise excellent article “Ancestor of us all” (L-H 1-22-93) Einar Kvaran ends by saying “Jón Arason is generally believed to be the ancestor of all living Icelanders despite the relatively short time since his death.” Historians estimate that by the year 1100, the population of Iceland was 70 to 80 thousand Since this is long before the time of Jón Arason, did all of these people, descendants of numerous Vikings, hailing from various families and areas of Scandinavia, Ireland, etc. drop dead? Did they not have any descendants that could account, not only for Jón Arason, but all of his con- temporaries? Could it be that his immediate family lived alone in Iceland at the time, and they were so sick and tired of the old guy and two of his sons, that they chopped off their heads? If, upon reconsideration, Einar sticks to his claim, I suggest that he provide the readers of L-H with a list of authentic sources where this “general belief” is clearly stated. Being born and brought up in Iceland, feeding on the Sagas, Icelandic history and geneology, I have never heard of this, and from the simplest logi- cal and analytical point of view, it bog- gles the mind. Bragi Magnússon, Fridley, Minnesota Interesting news I enjoy your paper very much. I get interesting news about people I knew years ago in the Wynyard district, and Winnipeg. When we lived on a farm north of Wynyard. We subscribed to both papers. Our matemal grandfather read the Icelandic serial stories aloud at night (Thursdays) by the light of a coal oil lamp. I am enclosing $12.55 for a love offering. Thanks for good articles. The very best in the new year. Kristrun Gauti, Hamilton, Ontario ln answer My daughter, Alyson, receives her subscription as an annual birthday gift from her Auntie Margret and loves receiving the L-H — and so do we all! I read aloud one statement from the beginning of Nelson Gerrard’s article “How about Icelandic-Canadian ?” to my Glaswegian husband Hugh. His response was “that puts it all into per- spective. Now I know what I’ve been suffering from these past 47 years — the Icelandic last word” Svona gengur það! Happy New Year to you all. Agnes Bardal Comack, Winnipeg Pen pal wanted To whom it may concem: I am a mother of two young daughters and am interested in corresponding with an Icelandic lady. My heritage is, indeed, Icelandic and I am attempting to leam the Icelandic lan- guage. I also like to spin wool and cro- chet. I would appreciate all responses to be sent to: Mrs. Melanie Olson, 404 W. 6th St. Canton, S.D. 57013 The very center of the Your European holiday, centered around breathtakingly beautiful lceland, not only puts you in the very heart of things but saves you a nice bit of change, too. • Eurobargain and Soper Bar- gatn fares on direct f iights from New York and Orlando, Ffa. to Luxembourg. • Low cost round trip service to Parie. 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