Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.03.1995, Page 15

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 17.03.1995, Page 15
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 17. mars 1995 • 15 K vrGöjur frá Islandi VopnaTjörður Hótel Tangi, Hafnarbyggd 17 Egilsstaðir Vallahreppur, Hallormsstaö Breiðdals víh Sérleyfisbílar Suðurfjarða hf. Sóheimum 6 Selfoss Biskupstungnahreppur, Aratungu Gnúpverjahreppur, Árnesi Grafningshreppur, Bíldsfelli Hrunamannahreppur, Flúðum félagsheimili Selfossveitur, Austurvegi 67 Tjvolsvöllur Vestur-Landeyjahreppur, Bergtþórshvoli Vestmannaeyjar Sparisjóður Vestmannaeyja, Bárustíg 15 íslenski dansflokkurinn: HEITIR DANSAR í ÞJÓÐLEIKHÚSINU Frumsýning í Maí 1995 CARMEN Danshöfundur: Sveinbjörg Alexanders Tónlist: Bizet/Shedrin Sólardansar Danshöfundur: Lambros Lambrou Tónlist: Yiannis Markopoulos Adagiétto Danshöfundur: Charles Czarny Tónlist: Mahler - 5. sinfonía Til Láru Danshöfundur: Perjonsson Tónlist: Hjálmar H. Ragnarsson Styrktaraðilar verksins eru: Eimskip Teater og Dans í Norden BÚNAÐARBANKI ISLANDS RAFVEITA AKUREYRAR MJÓLKURBÚ FLÓAMANNA Hitaveita Reykjavíkur Grensásvegi 1 Sofbu hjá mér REI T TOURBN HEStftR mmmmmmmmsttteBm Q?s lana 19 9 4 ISLENSKAR HESTAFERÐIR HF. ICELANDIC RIDING TOURS Bæjarhraun 2 220 Hafnarfjördur Tel. 354-565-3044 Fax 354-565-2113 íshestar offer riding tours of great variety both up into the highland wilderness areas, as well as through the lovely farming country of this unique land. With our twelve years of experience we are now able to offer all kinds of treks from 7 farms in different parts of the country. Every effort is made to offer only good and reliable horses, well suited to different stages of skill. Our guides are thouroughly familiar with the trekking routes, and they will try to make the trip pleasant in every way. These treks combine wholesome out- door activity with an intimate enjoyment of nature and a rewarding relationship between horse and rider. For further information contact our office: ÍSHESTAR Bæjarhraun 2 220 Hafnarfjördur [ihir ■ Cl. Fax 354-565-2113



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