Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.04.1995, Blaðsíða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 07.04.1995, Blaðsíða 2
2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 7. apríl 1995 Environmental experience of lceland's Eimskip Eimskip is one of the sponsors of World Cup 95 and will be transp'orting about 70 tons of equipment for televising the World Cup matches. In September of 1991 Eimskip published its policy for handling environmental affairs. The company was thus one of the first Icelandic firms to formulate a policy in this important area. It is interesting to review the company’s goals since then and see how well they have implemented the policy. In essence, Eimskip’s environmen- tal policy is to run the company with absolute minimum pollution. In order to implement this policy a 19- point plan was formulated, grouped under three operating areas: environ- mental protection in ship operations, shore operations and office manage- ment. Five goals were set in connection with ship operations that covered, among other things, disposal of all trash and oil, onboard power utiliza- tion, and recycling of freon and other CFCs. At the same time the goal includes conforming with interna- tional regulations concerning pre- venting pollution of the oceans. The most extensive goals con- cerned shore operations. The 12 points included classification of trash and disposal of solid waste products such as wood, iron and tires, as well as recycling waste oil and grease, the use of electric lifts, and the recycling of acids and heavy metals.. Two goals were set for office man- agement; one concerning the use of recycled paper where possible, and the other, collecting used batteries and seeing that they are disposed of at special collection centres. TAYLOR McCAFFREY Barristers & Solicitors 900 - 400 St. Mary Avenue Wlnnipeg...........Phone 949-1312 Winnipeg, Manitoba Glmll..............Phone 642-7955 R3C 4K5 Wlnnlpeg Beach.....Phone 389-2999 David King attends in Gimli and Riverton on the first and third Friday of each month and Mary Ann Stanchell in Winnipeg Beach in the afternoon of the second and fourth Friday. Office hours are held in Gimli at 3rd Ave. & Centre Street between the hours of 8:30 a.m. -12:00 noon & 4:15 - 5:00 p.m. ln Riverton, Mr. King attends at the Riverton Village office between the hours of 1:30 p.m. and 3:00 p.m. Office hours in Winnipeg Beach are between 1:30 p.m. and 3:30 p.m. in the Winnipeg Beach office of the Gimli Credit Union. Toll Free Line from Interlake Area: 1-957-5464 EIMSKIP THE ICELAND STEAMSHIP CO. FASTEST REGULAR DIRECT SAILINGS TO REYKJAVÍK, ICELAND, HALIFAX, AND NEWFOUNDLAND EASTBOUND Skógafoss 504 Goðafoss 505 Skógafoss 505 Argentia 6 Apr. 20 Apr. 4 May Boston/Everett 10 Apr. 24 Apr. 8 May New York 11 Apr. 25 Apr. 9 May. Norfolk 13 Apr. 27 Apr. 11 May Haiifax ******** 1 May Argentia 19 Apr. 3 May 17 May EIMSKIP USA, INC.P.O. Box 3698, Norfolk, Virginia 23510 FOR FREIGHT RATES AND BOOKINGS CALL TOLL FREE (800)446-8317 Norfolk (804) 627-4444 New York-Strachan (201) 333-6600 _____Boston (617)561-4554 Halifax (902) 423-8136 LÖg berg-H ei m skringla PUBUSHED EVERY FRIDAY BY LÖGBERG - HEIMSKRINGLA INCORPORATED 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, Man. R3M 2C3 Editorial Office: (204) 284-5686 Fax: 284-3870 Advertising Office: (204) 453-8502 Fax: 475-6853 NEW OFFICE HOURS: Monday to Friday 10a.m. - 2 p.m. president: Neil Bardal vice president: Don Bjornson treasurer: Gordon Thorvaldson SECRETARY: Barbara Sigurdson éditor-in-chief: Tom Oleson editor: Laurie Oleson icelandic editor: Gunnur Isfeld advertising directoR: Ray Gislason RECORDING SECRETARY/OFFICE MANAGER: Sandra Duma BOARD MEMBERS: Robert Oleson, Linda Collette, Sigurlin Roed, Brian Petursson, Kirsten Wolf, Bea Sharpe, Hal Bjornson, Connie Magnusson-Schimnowski, Kevin Johnson, Paula Nygaard representative in iceland: Pjóðræknisfélag (slendinga, Umboðsmaður bláðsins á (slandi Geysir House - 2 Aðalstraeti, 101 Reykjavík, Sími 3541-628911 Telefax 3541-25285 graphic öesign: Barbara Gislason • typesettinG: Keystone Graphics • printinG: Vopni Press Subscription - $39.90 per year (indudes GST & PST) in Manitoba, $37.45 per year (indudes GST) in Canada, $40.00 in lceland, U.S. + Others - PAYABLE IN ADVANCE - All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax deductible under Canadian Laws. On every count Eimskip has suc- ceeded in implementing their envi- ronmental policy and has achieved the 19 goals that were set. All employees have clear goals to work for and understand the regulations conceming environmental problems. Eimskip will mount a campaign to achieve even better results where necessary for the future. With this policy formulation and follow up of Eimskip.management and opera- tions, the company will continue with the protection of the environ- ment as a major goal and will shoul- der responsibility for controlling pollution and environmental prob- lems. mmm our e always love to hear from our readers. Your views are impor- tant to the community and to this newspaper. Here are a few of the comments we have received recently: M. Pekary of Comox, British Columbia writes: Iwant to see more news of individuals of Icelandic descent. Ed. note: We do too, so we hope everyone out there will keep wríting to us about what is happening in their area. ★ ★ ★ Ilove this week’s issue with all the advertising and notes from all the small towns (our travel issue of March 17/95). I really am enjoying Grímkell’s stoiy. Mrs. F. Holigroski Winnipeg a & k Ihave been buying Lögberg and Heimskringla since I was 18 years old, which is almost 60 years ago, and I guess I could have quit or com- plained many times for many different reasons. It is apparent that I have lived with all the difficulties the papers have had and I hope' you get the support to sur- vive for a long time. There is a procedure in your mailing which annoys other people and me and it is your labeller putting the labels over printed matter. I thought I’d men- tion it, so you can put some of that Western Icelandic ingenuity into solv- ing the problem! Yours, Hafsteinn Bjarnason Ed. note: We spoke with our mail- ing service and they assure us they will really try to rectify this problem. Hope it helps. ★ ★ ★ The most recent editions; with the stories of the scholarship win- ners and of Erik Isford, inform me of the continued and necessary practice of using Lögberg as a vehicle to tell the wonderful success stories of our community. It is good and worthy that our newspaper is so optimistic in tone, and tells good news, which is not told often enough in our persistent media. Thanks for your continued help and support, Sincerely, Kevin Jon Johnson Winnipeg Ed. note: Watch for one of Kevin’s articles coming up in our next issue on Real Successes in Virtual Reality. Ministry of Culture & Education Scholarship North American students of Icelandic descent are invited to apply for two scholarships to study Icelandic language and literature at the University of Iceland in Reykjavík for the 1995- 96 term. The scholarships are valued at 416.000 Icelandic kro- nur or approximately $8500.00 CAD and covers University tuition fees, room and board. For application forms and further information please contact: Icelandic National League Head Office 699 Carter Avenue, Winnipeg, MB Canada R3M 2C3 Telephone: (204) 284-3402 or Fax: (204) 284-3870 Deadline for applications: Monday April 24,1995. We Understand BARÐALyýí* FUNERAL HOME & CREMATORIUM Winnipeg’s original Bardal Funeral Home since 1894. 843 Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg Telephone 774-7474



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