Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.2002, Síða 11

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 13.12.2002, Síða 11
Lögberg-Heimskringla • 6 Desember 2002 • page 11 The Spell of David Gislason Arborg, MB Continued from last issue Guðríður participates in seiður There are a couple of very intriguing episodes in Guðríður's saga. On fxrst arriv- ing in Greenland in the late fall, after that harrowing cross- ing, they spent the winter near the south point at a place called Heijólfsness with the farmer Þorkell and his wife. Times were hard in Greenland that fall, and Þorkell invited the local seeress, Þorbjörg by name, to hold a séance, and predict the future for the people there. Elaborate preparations were made, but one element Guðríður was missing. Unless someone could be found who could sing a magic incantation, nothing would be revealed to the seer- ess. No one knew the tune or words. Upon looking further, it was discovered that Guðríður knew one called, Varðlokur, having learned it as a child from her foster mother in Iceland. She, however, had accepted Christianity and wanted nothing to do with this heathen ritual. The seeress con- vinced her that it would not reflect badly on her, if she were to help the others in their time of need, and so she did sing the Varðlokur, and did so more beautifully than those in the room had ever heard before. The future was now revealed to the seeress, and she predicted many things for Guðríður, all of, which would be realized. She would make the best of' marriages in Greenland, and would eventu- ally retum to Iceland, where she would leave many promi- nent descendants: "Over your lineage shines a light brighter than I can adequately see or describe". The other episode took place in Vínland, where she and her countrymen spent three years, in their effort to establish a settlement on what is now Canada's East Coast. There had been encounters with the natives of the new land. In spite of the language barrier, and the stark differences between these two peoples, trading had taken place between them, and now the natives were back in greater numbers than before. Þorfinnur Karlsefni forbade his men to trade any of their metal weapons, which the natives lacked, and wanted. When one of the natives tried to take some of these wondrous weapons he saw near the build- ing, an intervening Icelander killed him. During the skirmish that followed, Guðríður was inside trying to comfort her newbom son, Snorri. As she rocked him, she saw a vision of a native woman enter the house. The vision asked her her name, and she replied, "My name is Guðríður." The vision replied, "My name is also Guðríður." The clamour out- side the door grew louder, and the vision vanished. This trou- bled our Guðríður, and she took this as a sign that they should leave and return to Greenland, which they did. Guðríður Returns to Iceland They did not leave this Vínland empty-handed. Laden with furs and timber, and other resources of the new world, they returned to spend the win- ter in Greenland, then on to Norway with the most valuable cargo ever brought back to Europe at that time. From there their path led home to Iceland. It is interesting that now, for the first time, this woman of adventure felt a sense of insecurity and unease. Not at the thought of yet another ocean voyage, but at the thought of meeting her mother-in- law! She was not bom of royal blood, as were her parents-in-law, and this had her worried. How would her new family receive her? Initially not that well, as it tumed out. Þorfinnur had married beneath his status, and this was now a problem at Reynines. The solution was for the young cou- ple to strike out on their own, and build their own farm at a place they called Glaumbær, the sagas say. Glaumbær in Skagafjörður, that most beauti- ful of valleys in northern Iceland. David Gislason delivered this talk at the New lceland Heritage Museum's Fall Fundraising Dinner in Gimli. To be concluded in the next issue r Ðrðaleikur \ Match the Icelandic word or phrase to its English meaning. (Answers below) divine heilagur . engill kerúb erkiengill guðdómlegur guðspjall guðþjónusta guðdómur divine service gospel divinity angel archangel cherub holy Answers /(jiuiAip ‘jmuoppnS laaiAjas suuip Mamma: Ég held að íslendingar hér hafi I think Icelanders here used to Anna: Ég ætla að hringja í hana strax. I am going to phone her right away. haldið jólaböll, en hættu því vegna have Christmas balls, but quit because Mamma: Gerðu það. You do that, þess að það voru svo fáir sem komu. very few people came. Anna fer og hringir í Michelle: Anna goes and phones Michelle: Anna: Kanske við gætum byrjað á því aftur. Maybe we could start it again. Anna: Sæl. Hvemig gengur? Hi. How is it going? Mamma: Já, ef við fengjum nógu marga til að Yes, if we would get enough people to Michelle: Sæl. Ég er hálf þreytt í dag. Hi. I am a bit tired today. taka þátt í því, þá væri það hægt. participate then that could be done. Anna: Heyrðu, viltu fara með mér á Listen, do you want to go to a Anna: Ég heyrði að það eigi að vera I heard that there is going to be jólaskemmtun? Christmas party with me? jólaskemmtun fyrir krakka í a Christmas party for children at Michelle: Hvar er það og hvenær? Where is it and when? Manitóba háskólanum. the University of Manitoba. Anna: I Manitóba háskólanum. At the University of Manitoba Mamma: Langar þig að fara? Do you want to go? á Laugardaginn kemtir. next Saturday. Anna: Já, það vildi ég gjarnan. Heldurðu Yes, I would gladly go. Do you think Michelle: Jú, ég held ég geti farið, það er Yes, I think 1 can go, there is Michelle megi koma lfka? Michelle could go too? ekkert annað á dagskrá hjá mér. nothing else on my calendar. Maninia: Hún getur það örugglega, svo She definitely can, so Anna: Þá ákveðum við það. Sé þig á Then that is decided. See you franiarlega sem foreldrar hennar long as her parents rnorgun í skólanum. Bless. tomorrow at school. Bye. leyfa henni það. allow her to go. Michelle. Bless. Sé þig á morgun. Bye. See you tomorrow. íslendingar Icelanders jólaskemnrtun Christmas party örugglega definitely kemur next, coming vegna þess because háskólanum the university svo framarlega so long as annað else kanske maybe langar want leyfa allow dagskrá calendar taka þátt í participate gjaman gladly þreytt tired ákveðum decide væri hægt could be done heldurðu do you think hvenær when skólanum the school Anna fór á jólaball Anna Went To A Christmas Ball ‘ujsnuofcJpnS qadsoS ‘[[nfdspnS íauiAip ‘jnS -3|uioppnS ‘.[aSutnjDJT! ‘[[íSuoiijja íqnjoqa ‘qiuaif íjoSue ‘[[iSus íXjoq ‘jnScpsq Children 's Corner by Ámý Hjaltadóttir Visit us on the web at http://www.logberg.com



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