Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Síða 2

Lögberg-Heimskringla - 09.05.2003, Síða 2
page 2 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday, 9 May 2003 Editorial • Ritstjórnargrein Lillian Vilborg 0 Managing Editor | WlNNIPEG, MB In those days, the westbound train stopped in Regina in the middle of the night. My parents stood silently in their night clothes at the front door of the house at 2119 Grant Road watching as Lorne and I and our two-year-old son walked out, our eyes fixed on our future in another place. I don’t remember any- thing about the trip from Regina to Vancouver, wrapped as I was in my parents’ silent sorrow. The enormity of our decision began to sweep over me as we clacked along the sea from Vancouver to Seattle. My most vivid memory of that portion of the trip was a young woman from Australia raptur- ous at seeing the Mighty Pacific once again. No other sea was like it, she said. She’d been on the road for a year and was on her way home. Dear Editor, Lillian mentioned the con- tribution of aboriginal people to the survival the early set- tlers of New Iceland. Has the íslendinga- dagurinn Festival Commitee ever formally acknowledged the kindness accorded our peo- ple and the importance our First Nations’ neighbours have in our history? If not, it may be worth considering. First Lutheran Church Celebrating 125 years (1878-2003) 580 Victor Street Winnipeg R3G 1R2 204-772-7444 www.mts.net/~flcwin Worship with us Sundays 10:30 a.m. Pastor Michacl Kurt/. Come Home! Anniversary Weekend October 17-19, 2003 We had been living with my parents and my brother for just over two years. My moth- er had minded Arne while I worked and Lorne finished his university studies. Although I was gainfully employed, women earned half what men earned in those good old days. Literally. What I earned following my graduation from the University of Saskatchewan with a B.A. barely paid our rent and food, let alone a babysitter. With a student hus- band, we had to find a solu- tion. We struck a deal with Mom and Dad. There was no such thing as maternity leave then. Nor was there job security follow- ing pregnancy. I had to pick a date on which to resign. I picked my due date. I was lucky that Miss Henderson, Betty as I was to call her later, my boss, empathized with my situation. She offered to hold my job for me and encouraged me to take whatever time I needed after the birth. I went back to work when Arne was three weeks old. Our two years with my Please let me know. Ken Davidson Vancouver, BC Dear Editor, I received a letter from Séra Ágúst Sigurðsson, recent- ly retired from his ministry, requesting information for articles he is doing about two noted Icelandic women, Ólöf Sölvadóttir and Steinunn Jóhannesdóttir. Perhaps some of your readers may be able to supplement the information he has already gathered. I would be pleased to hear from any- one who could provide nie with further details that I would send to him in Iceland. Responses should be directed to: Johanna Wilson 802 - 188 Roslyn Road Winnipeg, MB R3L 0G8 Phone 1-204-453-2538 Or: Séra Ágúst Sigurðsson Hagamelur 14 107 Reykjavík Iceland parents were very happy for all of us. Lome graduated and got an interesting job - that paid twice what mine did! While there we lived in an 1100 square foot bungalow with three bedrooms and one bathroom - five adults and a baby. It never seemed crowd- ed or inconvenient. My mother could well have been Arne’s mother, she herself was so young. Each day as I left for work, he was snuggled up to her on the couch listening to a story she was reading to him. Years later, many years later, my mother told us that our taking Arne away to Seattle was the worst thing that happened to her in her life. I was dumbstruck. And felt a wave of remorse, wondered how I could have been so cal- lous, so thoughtless. I should have known. But I didn’t. I was focused on my financial realities. I wanted to be able to earn enough money to live on, in the event I might have to support the family again. It was clear to me that without some kind of profes- “...Now I use the time to read and write, for example, about 2 Icelandic women who emigrated to Canada 1876 and 1888, both 18 years old. ...‘Ólöf Sölvadóttir’ ... was a dwarf, but very famous as a reader in U.S.A. in the part of an Eskimo lady...The other woman was Steinunn Jóhannesdóttir, a relative of my father... born 1870. She died in California in 1960. She was the first Icelandic woman who studied theology to the end in Chicago and gained the goal of Candidatus Theological, 1895. ... S t e i n u n n Jóhannesdóttir was a chaplain for some years until she stud- ied medicine to a very high examination 1902, married Arthur Hayes, her fellow stu- dent in medical studies, and they went to China as a mis- sionary doctor and minister. They preached the gospel, cured and healed people, the poor and numerous others, for 40 years. They did come to Iceland for two weeks in 1909 sional degree I would never be able to do it. So our excursion to Seattle was for me to get a graduate degree. All these memories of my parents and living with them and leaving them came back to me this Easter weekend. Then we had a re-enactment of the baby leaving her grand- parents scene. Only it was our granddaughter Eva with her parents Jacki and Erika walk- ing out the front door with their eyes fixed on their future in a different place. I wasn’t as stoic as my mother was. I cried. All weekend. At our home in Winnipeg, we have had separate quarters. We haven’t taken our meals together, nor have we used the same bathroom. We didn’t share a telephone line. Nonetheless, we saw Eva every day. We heard her laughing and talking while she played, saw her take her first step. And now she’s gone. Just for a year they say. I do hope so. on their way to America where they had a year ofi'. Their only child, Arthur Hayes, born in China 1905, was a chemical professor in California, married but with- out children. Therefore Steinunn had no descendents. Holmfridur Danielson wrote about her in Lögberg- Heimskringla, February 11, 1960. Not long after Steinunn died at the age of ninety. If you could tell me something about these 2 Icelandic women in the Western world, 1 would be very thankful, for example if Steinunn was ordained as a reverend or chaplain...” I will appreciate having this “Request for Information” published in the Lögberg- Heimskringla in whatever format you feel is suitable. Thanks for your attention. Sincerely, Johanna Wilson WlNNIPEG, MB Heimskringla Published Fridays, 44 times a year by: Lögberg-Heimskringla Incorporated .206-900 St. James Street Winnipeg, MB R3G3J7 Ph: 204-284-5686 Toll free: 1-866-LOGBERG (1-866-564-2374) Fax: 204-284-3870 E-mail: Advertising: logbergads@mts.net Contrlbutions: logberg@mts.net Subscriptions: logbergadmin@mts.net Website: www.logberg.com MANAGING EDITOR: Lillian Vilborg ASSISTANT EDITOR/ ADVERTISING OFFICER: Catherine Lambertsen McConnell ICELANDIC EDITOR/ COPY EDITOR: Árný Hjaltadóttir LAYOUT: José Orellana BUSINESS MANAGER: Audrey Juve Kwasnica PRINTING: The Daily Graphic SUBSCRIPTIONS SUBSCRIPTION: 44 issues/year: Canada: $45 Canadian -Manitoba, add GST & PST: $51.30 -other provinces, add GST: $48.15 U.S.: $54 US or $81 CAD lceland: $54 US or $81 CAD -PAYABLE IN ADVANCE DONATIONS All donations to Lögberg-Heimskringla Inc. are tax-deductible under Canadian laws Charitable Reg. #10337 3635 RR001 Business # 10337 3635 RT 0001 CORRESPONDENTS: • ALBERTA: Erla L. C. Anderson • NEW YORK, NEW ENGLAND: Thomas J. Marlin • SASKATCHEWAN: Joan Eyolfson Cadham • TORONTO: Betty Jane Wylie BOARD OF DIRECTORS PRESIDENT: Julianna Bjornson VICE-PRESIDENT: Grant Stefanson SECRETARY: Elva Jónasson and Evelyn Thorvaldson TREASURER: Bill Perlmutter BOARD MEMBERS: Ernest Stefanson, J.S. Laxdal, Kathe Olafson, Walter Sopher, Ragnar Bergman, Vi Bjarnason Hilton MEMBER-AT-LARGE: Jon Síg. Gudmundson, Kentucky REGIONAL REPRESENTATIVES: • BC: Norma Guttormsson • CALGARY: Margaret Grisdale • EDMONTON: Walter Sopher The L-H gratefully acknowledges the generous support of the Government of Canada through Canadian Herltage’s PAP program Letters to the Editor • Bréf til ritstjóra Parts of his letter follow: <m if nnn* Rin* im mv 'n&'hkiw mri h mir Nnr'KwrN « rim á nn wwim



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