Lögberg-Heimskringla - 23.05.2003, Blaðsíða 7
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur, 23 Maí 2003 • page 7
Café on the Beach
This small restaurant on White
Rock’s East Beach has a new
owner, Ola Andreasdóttir.
What a surprise to see vínarterta
in a restaurant on White Rock, BC’s
popular beach front. There it was in
the display case amongst the freshly
baked scones, muffins, cookies and
There must be an Icelander on
site, the bold L-H reporter surmised.
There were actually three that
Saturday morning. While kites of
every colour and shape flew across the
street on the beach, Icelandic was spo-
ken in the Café on the Beach. Ólöf
Andreasdóttir, known her whole life as
Óla, on March lst purchased the busi-
ness, and is beginning to put her own
stamp on it. Helping her out that day
were her daughter Andrea and her
friend Kristjána Jónsdóttir Helgason.
Óla and her husband Jón Ólafur
Jóhannsson came frorn lceland in
1989 with their two daughters Andrea
now seventeen and Auður twenty- six.
Jón Ólafur is from the Westman
Islands, and it is from there that they
emigrated. They lived there from
1970 until they left Iceland. Both their
daughters were born there.
When L-H returned to talk with
Óla a couple of days later, the restau-
rant was buzzing. The sun was shin-
ing and Mount Baker was in full view.
The outdoor tables were full, and
inside people were going through the
small box by the till looking for their'
coffee cards. A group of men in bril-
liant yellow jackets, the White Rock
Volunteer Patrol, were reading their
horoscopes to each other while they
drank their coffee.
Before purchasing the café, Óla
worked for six years in a bakery. Now
she does all the baking in the restau-
rant. She intends to add, besides
vínarterta, kleinur and pönnukökur to
her Icelandic treats list.
Óla has been active in the ICC of
BC, has served on its board, and does
baking for events. Her daughter
Andrea is this year’s princess. She
also worked, for a few months, at
Höfn, the Icelandic Care Home in
She is changing things slowly, get-
ting trees and flowers outside, chang-
ing things on the interior to “make it a
little bit homey. Maybe put up some
Icelandic pictures.”
She has been able to go to Iceland
every couple of years. “Everybody’s
there.” They came to Canada because
Óla in her Café
their friends Sigríður Gunnlaugsdóttir
and Jón Ari Sigurjónsson had rnoved
to Victoria. He works for the BC
Ferries. Although they live in Victoria,
the two families get together for major
holidays like Christmas or New Year.
Óla’s husband worked in the fishing
business in Iceland, at Netagerðin
Ingólfur, and continues to work in the
fishing industry in Canada, building
fishing gear.
She says, “Things are going well
at the restaurant. It’s a busy place. It
will be good.”
Match the Icelandic word or phrase
to its English meaning.
(Answers below)
vacuum cleaner
dirty water
‘lujotsupaij Toium Áyip ‘d[0>(s
íjind ‘npj íjsnp ‘>[A.i íjajsnp ‘.mtnpjt’u
-n>[jncjjn tundjsnp ‘njjn>[si§æj ímoojq
‘jnisn>[ :j3uu9[o uinnonA ‘n§ns>[Xj
Children 's Corner
by Árný Hjaltadóttir
Anna heimsækir Michelle
Strax og Anna er búin að tala við Michelle fer hún tii mönunu sinnar og spyr
hana hvort hún niegi ekki heimsækja Michelle. Mamma hennar segir henni
að hún megi fara í heimsókn eftir hádegið. Anna er ekki ánægð með það og
As soon as Anna has spoken to Michelle, she goes to her mom and asks her
if she can go and visit Michelle. Her mom tells her that she can go for a visit
after lunch. Anna isn’t happy about that and says:
But mom, she invited me
to conte right now. She
got a puppy for her birthday.
Yes, nice for her.
I arn certain that her mom
doesn’t want you to visit this
early on Sunday moming.
Can I phone and ask her?
No, no, you’ll just go after
lunch to her birthday party, like
the other children.
Anna Visits Michelle
Anna: En mamma, hún bauð mér
að koma strax núna. Hún
fékk hvolp í afmælisgjöf.
Mamma: Já, en gaman fyrir hana.
Mamma hennar vill örugglega
ekki fá þig í heimsókn þetta
snemma á sunnudagsmorgni.
Amma: Má ég hringjá og spyrja hana?
Mamma; Nei, nei, þú ferð bara eftir hádegið
í afmælisveisluna hennar, eins
og hin börnin.
Anna er fer í fýlu og hleypur upp í herbergið sitt og skellir hurðinni á eftir
sér og hendir sér upp í rúm og segir öll ljótustu orðin sem hún kann upphátt.
Kettlingurinn hennar, Tíra, kemur skríðandi upp í rúmið til hennar og fer
að sleikja á henni hendina. Þá fer hún að róast og hættir að bölva og tekur
kettlingin upp og fer að klappa honum. Kettlingurinn fer að mala af mikilli
ánægju og Anna róast niður við það og fer að hugsa um hlutina. Hún kemst
að þeirri niðurstöðu að mamma hennar hafí rétt fyrir sér og að best sé fyrir
hana að fara bara í afmælisboðið seinnipart dags eins og ákveðið var. Svo
hún fer og hringir í Michelle.
Anna goes into a huff and runs up to her room and slams the door behind
her and throws herself onto the bed and utters all the ugliest words she
knows aloud. Her kitten, Tíra, crawls up onto the bed to her and begins to
lick her hand. Then she calms down and stops swearing and picks the kitten
up and begins to pet him. The kitten starts to purr with great satisfaction and
Anna calms down and begins to think things over. She comes to the conclu-
sion that her mom is right and it is best that she just go to the birthday party
in the afternoon as she originally intended. Then she goes and phones
strax as soon as afmælisveisluna the birthday party ljótustu ugliest ánægju satisfaction seinnipart dags in the afternoon
heimsækja to visit fýlu bad mood upphátt aloud róast calm ákveðið intended
heimsókn visit skellir slams skríðandi crawling niður down
hádegið noon hurðinni the door bölva swearing niðurstöðu conclusion
bauð invited hendir jhrows mala purr rétt fyrir sér be right
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