Lögberg-Heimskringla - 08.04.2005, Blaðsíða 5
Lögberg-Heimskringla • Föstudagur 8. apríl 2005 • 5
New hall and new blood in Arborg
Evelyn K. Thorvaldson
Arborg, MB
A new community hall and
new youth choir brought a new
feeling to the annual Arborg
The new facility in Arborg
is most impressive. Nestled
comfortably on the west side
of the old community hall, it
is bigger and better in every
respect. Those attending were
greeted at the door by Lil-
lian Gudmundson and Garry
Oddleifson, who sat at a table
graced with a beautiful display
of fresh flowers. The sold-out
event was attended by 210 peo-
Mistress of ceremonies for
the evening was Rebekka John-
son of Reykjavik, Manitoba.
Following the mealm which
included blóðmör, lifrarpylsa,
hangikjöt, vínarterta, the New
Iceland Youth Choir performed
their songs under the direction
of Rosalind Vigfusson. There
are only two members still re-
maining from Rosalind’s pre-
Members of the New Iceland Youth choir enjoy the meal.
vious choir and some 12 new
voices have joined.
A live play with local per-
formers was very well received.
Based on Bréf Vestur Islend-
inga II by Böðvar Guðmunds-
son, the play focused on letters
between two sisters. One had
emigrated to Canada, while the
other remained in Iceland. The
sisters were played by Benna
Martin and Wanda Anderson.
Tinna Grétarsdóttir was the
commentator, with a rich and
distinctive voice to capture the
players parts.
The Four D’s struck up the
band, and the dancipg began on
the new shiny hardwood floor
for the rest of the evening.
Old friends and good times in Utah
Ronald Thomas, Blaine Ashby and John Johnson, all of Ice-
landic descent at the annual þorrablót held by the Icelandic
Association of Utah. AII three attended Spanish Fork High
School together.
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“Working Together to Build Our Communities,’
Lou Howard and Judith Hoye discovered that they are cousins
at the Friends of Iceland þorrablót in Ottawa.
All ages at Ottawa þorrablót
Lou Howard
Ottawa, ON
The Friends Of Iceland
(FOI), INL Ottawa Chapter,
held their annual þorrablót
Saturday evening March 19,
2005. Fifty members attended
— the youngest at two years
old, and others through their
teens, thirties, fifties and some
in their eighties. The foods
brought included many typical
Icelandic dishes, and there was
a short program of poems in
Icelandic, memories of grow-
ing up Icelandic, and an an-
nouncement of the annual pic-
nic to be held in Perth, on June
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To those who make communities great
a sincere thanks, and congratulations
lf you want informotion about
where to apply for the
Manitobo Lotteries Volunteer
Bingo program please call
957-2500 from Winnipeg or
1-800 265-3912 from outside.
For REDI information, 1-800
Economic Impact
Manitoba is a province of communities. One of the key goals of
Manitoba Lotteries is to strengthen our connection to those
communities, and to support their vibrant growth. We also want to
profile some fellow Manitobans who should make us all proud.
Many are volunteers, working for the betterment of their communities.
Some of them are entrepreneurs whose drive and spirit have brought
new businesses and employment to Manitoba, and in so doing have
made our economy more vibrant. Others are developing programs in
northern, urban and rural areas that help people cope with the stresses
of modern life and lead richer,.more enjoyable lives.
As an organization that believes strongly in building communities, we
are proud of them and of what they're doing for their neighbours, and
we'll tell you about just a few of them in future publications.
Net income from Manitoba Lotteries Corporation's operations - $235.4
million last fiscal year - flows to our communities through several
streams. For example, 10 per cent of the revenues from video lottery
terminal operations is paid as unconditional grants to support
Manitoba municipalities. That was $12.7 million last fiscal year.
Another 25 per cent of VLT revenue is dedicated to community
economic deyelopment projects through the Rural Economic
Development Initiative and the Urban Development Initiative.
That amount was $35.6 million.
The remainder of our net income is given to the Government
of Manitoba which allocates it to priority provincial
goyernment programs that provide health care, education,
community and social services and economic development
for Manitobans.
We also help non-profit groups through our Volunteer Bingo
Program, which provides funds in return for their efforts at bingos
held in our Winnipeg casinos. This program spw $3.9 million
shared among 400 community groups last year. Bingos are awarded
through the following umbrella groups: Manitoba Community Services
Council, Sport Manitoba, Manitoba Arts Council, Multicultural Grants
Advisory Council, Heritage Grants Advisory Council and Manitoba
Community Education Association.
In addition, corporóte sponsorships amounted to $1.3 million last year,
helping to bring new services and special events to people throughout
the province.
The MLC is responsible for the management and operation of Club Regent and McPhillips
Street Station Casinos, the Video Lottery Terminal (VLT) network, sales and distribution of
Lottery products, Bingo paper, and Breakopen tickets.
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jobssupportedby) (in direct & indire
\MLC odivities \ expenditures
MLC etonomic impací in Manitoba ^f
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