Lögberg-Heimskringla - 26.08.2005, Side 14
14 • Lögberg-Heimskringla • Friday 26 August 2005
ICA holds first
annual tournament
Recently the Icelandic As-
sociation of Chicago (ICA)
held its first-ever golf touma-
ment, The Greater Chicago Ice-
landic Open.
Winners were Tom Fox and
Ásgeir Ólafsson, second place,
Miguel Solis and Frank Burk.
Einar Steinsson, the president
and his wife Lena Hallgríms-
dóttir, took third place. Tom
won the longest drive and Ken
Hynes won closest to the pin.
This was a fun event and will
be held annually from now on.
Please send Donations to:
Betel Home Foundation
Box ÍO
96 l st Avenue
First place winners: Tom Fox and Ásgeir
Ólafsson. Ásgeir’s son ÓIi, in the middle,
was their caddy.
Second place winners: Frank Burk and
Miguel Solis.
Third place winners: ICA President
Einar Steinsson and his wife Lena Hall-
Larry and Joni Shaw won golf lessons.
NO. 7
by Helga Hílmisdóttir
Department of icelandic, University of Manitoba
Icelandic for beginners
Adjectives (lýsingarorð)
Adjectives are words that describe nouns, e.g. in svartur hundur ‘a black
dog’ and raud taska ‘a red bag’.
The gender of an adjective is determined by the gender of the noun
it describes. l’he declension of adjectives may seem very irregular to begin
with, but most of the “irregularities” actually follow a set of phonological
rules. The following are common adjective endings for each gender:
fallegur dagur
skemmtilegur maður
rómantískur veitingastaður
falleg nótt
skemmtileg kona
rómantísk bíómynd
fallegt kvöld
skemmtilegt barn
If the masculine adjective has an a in the penultimate syllable, the a
shifts to an ö in the feminine form.
svartur diskur svört húfa svart þak
svangur maður svöng kona svangt barn
hamingjusamur strákur hamingjusöm stelpa hamingjusamt fólk
When you look up an adjective in the dictionary, you will find it in mas-
culine. If you want to find the feminine form you have to remember to drop
the -ur ending, and add the -t if you want to find the neuter.
A ' l&St•; ti ' í 4 Æ
Cönguferð um miðbæinn - A walk downtown
Helga, Xavier og Bettina eru að ganga Helga, Xavier and Bettina are walking
um miðbæinn. Helga er að sýnapeim around downtown. Helga is showing
miðbæinn. thern around.
Helga: Jæja, nú förum við niður í bæ og borðum ís. Helga: Well, let’s go downtown and have an ice cream.
Bettina: Flér er stór stytta. Hver er þetta? Bettina: Here we have a huge statue. Who is this?
Helga: Maðurinn heitir Jón Sig- urðsson. Helga: The man is called Jón Sig- urðsson.
Xavier: Er þetta gömul stytta? Xavier: Is this an old statue?
Helga: Já, hún er gömul. Helga: Yes, it is old.
Bettina: Er Jón Sígurðsson frægur Bettina: Is Jón Sigurðsson famous?
maður? Helga: Yes, a very famous politi-
Helga: Já, mjög frægur stjórn- málamaður. Hann var frelsishetja. Þarna er falleg, gömul kirkja. cian. He was a hero that fought for independence. There is a beautiful, old church.
Bettina: Hvað heitir hún? Bettina: What is it called?
Helga: Þetta er Dómkirkjan í Reykjavík. Helga: This is the Reykjavik Ca- thedral.
Helga: Og þarna er lítið, grátt hús. Helga: And there is a small, grey
Xavier: Hvaða hús er þetta? building.
Helga: Þetta er Alþingishúsið. Xavier: Helga: What building is that? This is the Althing.
1. Put the adjectives in right form. You can choose any adjec-
tive you like:
svartur ‘black’, sorglegur ‘sad’, pungur ‘heavy’, léttur ‘light,’ leiðin- legur ‘boring’, áhugaverður ‘interesting’, hamingjusatnur ‘happy’, fljótur ‘fast’, hægur ‘slow’, grannur ‘slim’, kátur ‘glad, happy’. bíll
Unyvx/s xnUivshlSm
-tunq ‘ypq S?juiqí3/
‘l/iq un/oC/fýxoq jSuný
Uuqvui unuuvuS ‘xuo/q
jx?a,vSnc/p Un/s?q unjuvas
The content of this artide Is based on icelandic on-line (www.icelandic.hi.is). lcelandic on-line is a free web-based course in modern lcelandic, developed by the
University of lceland. The material Is used with permission from the director of the project, Dr. Birna Arnbjörnsdóttlr, associate professor. The on-line course Is
used as teaching materíai for first year students in icelandíc at the University of Manltoba.
Visit us on the web at http://www.lh-inc.ca