Voröld - 18.03.1919, Blaðsíða 6

Voröld - 18.03.1919, Blaðsíða 6
Bls. 6 VORÖLD. Winnipeg, 18. marz, 1919 Bréf til V oraldar Herra ritstjóri: Nú þegar blaðið Yoröld er að byrja sitt annað ár, finst mér sem kaupanda og lesanda hennar, verði að þakka þér innilega fyrir lesturinn. f>að er nú eina blaðið á voru hjartkæra móður máli, sem heldur í endann á móti þeim heið- urshjónunum! Gulltönn og Hnefa. Og mættu bæði þér og blaðinu auðnast langir lífdagar, til bless- unar landi og lýð. það er víst ekki nema sann- gjamt að minnast ofurlítið á hin blöoin. Fátt um Kringlu; það þekkja allir þá gömlu afturhalds skottu, þar sem hún læðist um bygðirnar, að lítil líkindi eru tdl að hún vinni mikið mein, enda er nú víst mikið farið að draga úr henni nú á dögum, og segja það fróðir menn, að hún sé nú lítið - orðið annað enn skuggi, hjá því sem áður var, þar sem hún hafi gengið “ljósum iogum” á hverju heimili, eins og kirkjublöðin, og hafi mönnum á stundum veitt all- erfitt að verjast ásóknum hennar, eða reka hana af höndum sér. Nú eru margir lausir við þá leiðu fylgju. Margur þykist eiga Lögbergi grátt að gjalda fyrir svikin um og eftir síðustu sambandskosningár og allri hinni óskiljanlegu og ó- drengilegu hegðun blaðsins frá þeim degi að það gaf sig þeim vonda—mástað á vald. Ritstjóri þess er á skónálabeinum yfir því að eitthvert los er að komast á nú- verandi mannfélags byggmgu, þetta völundarsmíði veraldarinnar sem frá ómuna tíð og fram á vora daga, hefir leitt af sér mestu eymdina og bölið, sem gengið hef- ir yfir mannkynið. Ritstjórinn sýnist æfinlega á báðum áttum, í hvaða máli sem er—á yfirborði. Hann virðist á stundum halda fram stefnum í blaðinu sem hon- um eru ógeðfeldar, en sem hann hyggur að lesendum falli í geð, ef hann heldur að þær séu ófram- kvæmilegar. Á meðan hann hélt að allar réttar kröfur þjakaðra þjóða yrðu brotnar á bak aftur, með hervaldi og harðúð, bar hann sig mjög mannlega og lést vera málsvari hinna starfandi meðlima þjóðfélagsins. En nú þegar al- þýða landanna er að sameina sig gegn hinum óhreinu öflum myrkr- anna, svo hryktir í stoð hverri undan afli fyrstu áhlaupa, ber hann sig all aumlega og vill ekki “sjá höggna í sundur hverja stoð sem himnana ber, ’ ’ þessa líka dýr- legu himna.! Herra Bíld. telur sig líklegast ekki óbjörtustu stjörnuna þar, og skyldi það nú einhverntíma koma fyrir að hann hrapaði ofan úr þeim háa himni, sem hánn tollir í, tel eg, fyrir mitt leyti, ein mýrar ljósinu færra í þeirri forarvilpu, iem reynt er að véla sálir og sann- færingu iranna í. Sínum augum lítur hver á silf- rið, og svo fer þeim, skáldinu og hugsjónamanninum þorsteini Er- lingssyni og fasteignasalanum og ritstjóra Lögbergs, Jóni Bíld. þorsteinn sér og sýnir fyrirkomu lagið eins og það er, fult svívirð- inga og lasta, í hans augum eru þessir himnar ekki fegri en svo, að undan þeim beri'að fella stoðirnar svo þeir hyynji. Bildfell virðist aftur á móti finna náð hjá gullkálfinum, aðal átrúnaðargoði þessara alda, og vill ekki fyrir neinn mun missa undan honum lappirnar. Maðurinn get- ur ekki til þess hugsað að breyting verði á núverandi mannfélagsskip- ulagi, sem merkir ekkert annað en að hann er enginn umbóta maður, en í meira lagi hræddur við ár- roða nálægrar framtíðar. Eg hygg að engar óvenilegar breytingar séu í nánd, heldur svo víðtækar og þróttmiklar, að gull- kálfurinn verði brotinn í mél og molunum dreift víðsvegar út un arinn, sem notaður hefir verið ti) j löndin, eins og vera ber,—og ham ] að lumbra á þjökuðum lýð, þega | hann heimtar réttlæti, verði þrif ' inn af valdhafanum, og hann lát ] inn fara eitthvað þá leiðina, ser ] Bildfell hefir verið að reyna að j koma Voröld, en sem hann er nf I sjálfur að hafna sig með Lögbergi j Svo kvað þorsteinn: “þar glitrar vor marggylta mann félags höll, sem mæðir á kúgarans armi, sem rifin og fúin og rammskekt er öll og rambar í helvítis barmi. þar stendur bráðum ekki steinn yfir steini—í þeirri byggingu. Nú eru dregnar svo ákveðnar og skýrar merkjalínur, að bezt mun vera að standa heill og óskiftur öðruhvoru meginn. Að ætla sér að vera með aðra löppina, uppí á goðastalli miljóna-mæringanna, en með hma niðri í svellistíu alþýð- unnar, getur ekki farið vel. Bil- ið þar á milli er það breitt, að það rífur, að minsta kosti hvern með- alskussann úr augnakollunum. Lengi lifi Yoröld. Veðramóti, . marz, 1919. Valur. VEÐRIÐ í WINNIPEG 1. marz—Norðan kaldi; hálfþykt loft; dálítið fro.J. Örlítið föl féll um morguninn; heiðskírt um kveldið. 2. marz—Nálcga heiðskírt veður; vestan kaldi og kuldi, en ekki frosthart. 3. marz—Mikil fannkoma; norðan andvari; þykt loft; fremur vægt frost; birti til um kveldið og herti frostið talsvert. 4. marz—Norðan gola; heiðskírt loft; frosthart. 5. marz—Heiðskírt loft; norðvest- an andvari; grimdar frost og kuldabakki alt í kring; hlínaði um hádegi og slaknaði talsvert. 6. márz—-Dálítil gola á vestan, norðaustan og öllum áttum, vindstaða breyttist svo að segja á hverri klukkustund; frost lít- ið; þykt loft og dálítil snjókoma 7. marz—Heiður himinn; sunnan gola; frostlítið; þiðnaði um miðjan daginn/ 88. marz—Heiðskírt veður; norð- an andvari; fremur frostvægt; óvenjulega bjart. 9. marz—Ileiðskírt veður; austan gola; lítið frost; slaknaði um miðjan daginn; kaldara um kveldið. 11. marz—Heiðskírt loft; dálítið frost; sunnan andvari; þíða um miðjan daginn; kólnaði um kveldið. 12. marz—Hálfþykt loft; norðan stormur; kuldi; talsvert frost; hörku veður yfir höfuð. 13. marz—Austan kaldi og kuldi; bjartviðri, en lítið frost; þykt loft síðari hluta dags. 14. marz—þykt loft; austan kaldi; lítið frost en hráslagaveður; frostlaust um kveldið og þrum- ur og eldingar með slyddu kaf- aldi og helliskúr á eftir. 15. marz—þykt loft; slyddukafald frostlaust; stórviðri á sunnan. 16. marz—Norðan blær; þykt loft; Örlítið snjófall; birti um kveld- ið; kveldroði og undra fagurt sólarlag. GOÐAR BUJARÐIR Vér getum selt yður bújarðir smáar jg Btórar eftir þvl sem yður hentar, avar sem er í Vestur Canda. pér getið fengið hvort sem þér viljið ræktað land eða óræktað. Vér höf- um margar bújarðir með allri áhöfn, tiestum, vélum, fóðri og útsæði. pai 1 ekkert annað en að flytja þangað pægileg borgunarskilyrði. Segið oss hvers þér parfnist og skulum vér bæta úr þörfum yðar. DOMINION FARM EXCHANGE. 815 Somerset block, - Winnipeg BÚJÖRÐ TIL SÖLU EÐA LEIGU > Landið liggur iy2 mílu vestan frá Winnipeg Beach, liggur aS ,góðum vegi; á því er íveruhús og I fjós. Um frekari upplýsingar geta listhafendur snúið sér til eigand- ans. Ásdýsar Jóhannesson WINNIPEG BEACH,,MaN. ALVIN SALES CO’S. Annua! Cí>n«enscid PRIGE LIST of FINEST FL.OWER, 5ARDEN &VEGETAELE All prlces postpaid to any Edöress In the wo:-!d. I dapansse Nast Egg- GcurJ ** Vcry curíous. Producesfrult Calabash or Pipe Ssurds A luxuiiant snd rapid ^Hfekv Btowiað. c'.-.mher ; fm ____ t^n-.enony- Bœ /f í) whcre. Irodi'.ccs iiiC.ff". 6ia crnv J&rnentn! , rr o u r d s ! f r o m v/hlchthe í'amoiiB Al'rican ealabaah plpes are m«de. Grow thia in- torestiner vine and makc y our own. Seeán, with.inatructiong, 13c pkt.f 3 1ur 4Cc. DEVIL’S CLAW AnoDiprnental Slnnt, bcarlu*? eautiful tlow- ors whlrh r.re succeedei by íargo geedpod* that, wh on youug, Rreíine for p i e klir.g. They sre de- liciona in goups, Btewa, eto., an<l make tine pickiea. Ptb töc, 3 fw 2:c Johnton Smith & Co.( Chlca«£« Shoo Fly f»Iant A very tem arkabl e ftBotaáícal curiosity í you ohould have. Though quíte odor- les«, flies wi!l not re- m ain in a roora where it is grown, Boars rery pretty blogiomi; blooms summer and wi nter. Grows rapidly from eeed. •EXDS I6e pseket, 3 for 40e. poatpald. jTREE OF KEAVEM This aplendidorna- mental tree la a native of C h i n a , and ia calied the free of Hcaven, on aecountof ita cri rat beanty. Very hardy, thnvei in any soil, no matter how poor. n n d srrowa from tí to 10 feet hi#rh from Cseed the firat jum- mer. Tbe> I-avca »n from í to 6 feet In any iength, srivinc It • srrand appearance. Nothinr cutpide the tropiea can rival it for lawn decora- tion. Large panlclea of bloom, folluwed in leuon by sreat cluatera of colored •eed pods, make the tree a conr.inual thixur of beaoty. Petkel, ISc, 3 packeta fpy 40«, PMtpaid. Jehneon, Smllh & Co. BRine b i 7. e . ohnpe and co'.or of n e a t csp’s.Maturcd fruit does not crack. Will aerveforyeara p.a a ncst ess, Biockinsdnrn- m. ornamen- tní purpoaes. Ceeda «6« pxt., 3 pkts, fct 40e. SfUítcrfíy's Owii Qtssh thcyffi?****'■* Thi* p)*-»’-1 ia a vsr'table refuiTO ' L-ut- or Iiíivcn tcrrt>fl. a n o i 6 r-.ttrtiCtn all tbe ,nost bcautui.I t''pea oí buttcr- íiies to the neigh- borhood. Becn, too, ar e vcr y ford of It. It in a pi etty plant befJÍr.K per.cctly do’iLle Sowers, ranRÍng from white to rich crimeon, decp re-i and pink. lilac «r;d other öe’icaT** bhades. Packet 10 cents, 3 far 23 cents postpaid. CROWN OF THORMS A very curíous and remnrkablo windov/plant.can be ti-nined over anydfcðired form. Brlsnt ncarlnt ílowers. An ob- jcct of raro and etrikinsr beauty, eaaily jcrown. It crowa wild In Jude«, and it Is said that it waa — ------ ifrom tbi» p I a n t ths*. t.h* brcwtj t>{ thorno w; s ir.ude which waa v.orn Ly our Saviour. PacketlO c*nU,3 piel«ts lorZS cerii PORTULACA The Tremfclísg Visic A benuiiful an- r.tml climbor v/itb lovcly fcatnery f o11- acre, tbat trcra- b bl«a in t b e oreo/.e, chow- ing irinsscs of pretty, star- shaped flowers of scarlet, pir.k ond white. Thc effect ia r»ost charming, 11. o tobular fiowers contrustinK eöcct- ívely ."•<«.nst the bright. dclicate. fv’ n- IiLe leavea. í or traininfr upon n ligbt treilía tbe Trernhlinfr Vine cannot bo •:;cell"d. For wlndow dccoration. or ornamcntal work of cvcry dcscription it ia very pretty indocd. Pflcket, 15e, 3 pkU for 40e, poetpaid. The Fountain Piant (An;araníhus SaSIcifoIIus) Finest of nll Deco- rative Fluntr. It is fjuitc a curioaity cither for Iswn or bome dccoratii n on accourt of it.j rapid nnd very v i gror ona Rrowth. Hearslonfr, wavy racemeH of curious drooping branchcs, a h a d e d v/ith orunge, bronze — and crimson. GrovrJ very r e a cí il y. Succeeda oriywhero. Greatly admúrcd for tablo or window dccoration. 13 sents per package. An Effective cnd Efficlent Substitute for FJy Paper __________ .. Flowers are a beautiful white, red or Íi pink tbat makes thera very desirable aa bouco plants, or may ö ue culcivatod in open gardcn. The siirfaco of tne bla<f der un- > derr.eatb the flower is covesed with a liKiry, atrcky mafcrial. Thía Is where it gets its name, Catehfly, and small lnsects and ants that climb up bccome entanulca and lose their hves in ’fÆBBÍBSfÍSMSt* their effort to sret at thc sweets. ÍJy picl<in« the flowern, that 1 bioom very profusol7, and placinj? them In a vaso iri a room, Ll you have a fly catcher that ia more effective and pleasar.ter ’ ban fly paper. The flles are attractcd to the plant, and tJiua !t ■ \ is a atmple matter, by havinR flowcrs i» each room, to kecp -V * the house rld of the pest?. 'j be .plant eeems to be endowca wlth remarkable IntelHírence, for It does not liarm wirjfed insects nuch as butter- JHes, because It la neceasary to bave the pollen ©i fi;» nower currled íro.m one flower to another In order to erosa-fertilize, as ihhs croas-fertiMaatlon .s what ‘ i flywtr “aatito s«*d.^ 6EED9, 15« packet. 3 pkt* fer 4Vc, L r., Very popular j íor edgiiiKa, rockwork.Ac. Flowers a r e laree and double. colore very brilliant fed, orange, »‘ w h i t e, ina- roon, yellow. and varioua other ■hades. A bed ot Portulacas makes a truly magnif.ceat sight. Blooms very profusely. » Packat ÍO centi, 3 for 25 c*nts CATCHFLY PLANT p,-silfl^-íssily Crs*n Frjm Sied The Ground Alruond hos u fluvor that is MCt'JT EXOELLENT, resembling the cocoanut. Tho meat is snow white. covercd vritii a fchelltor ?kiu of brown color. It growa close to tbe snríace and anything from í!00 to 5J00 Aliuoud? mfy bo expectcd from n sinsle nut. T,’rre .3 r.o trcuble w.jiitoycrr In frrowing anywhero nnd in any kind o. rcii. May bo pbi •. any dme, ana in ciyht or ten wroka f: rn tmv oí :.lr i f.f it youwUi have rn ENORMOllS CKOP of toe MO'dl' I ’ CIOUS ALMOND5 YOU EVER TASTED. S jeds .Cc FLt. i!Jme Piaití B 1 oom s onljr at ? night.KÍvIn* íorth Lhe irtost dcli^bt- ful scented frn- gríince for quito a distance. Causes much comment. For house or irarden. Als'» vaiuable because of rare perfume tnadc frorn it. 8EEOS, lOo pkt., 3 for 23c. SENSSTIV2 & PLAKT Man«l ««tl» PIíillp- pines. L-eaves curl, fronds droop when touched. Apparently resents interference. A handsome shrub for hotise or garden; very curious ard fnterest- ing. Seeds, lSc pkt., 3 for 40c. ,..h, ,, ^jr WaiSflws % The Wonder oí fhe World i?<| Japanese Rose Bushes bloorn all the ‘year raund. Just thinkof it. Six weeks after planting the seed, the plants will be in fiifl bloom. It may not scein possib’.e, but we posi- - tively euarantee ft to be so. Ihey will bloom every ten woskSi Summer or Winter, and whcn three years old the bush wiil be a masts of roees, bcaring from five hundred to a thousand roses on each bush. The flcwers are in three shades —white, pink, and crimson. The plants will do well botli in and out doors. We guarantee at least three bushes to grow from each packct oí seed. Prlce, lOc packet, 3 pkts. for 25c postpaid. ChiiiES3 Frsgrant Tre« Fsrn Weafher IPíar Just introðuceðt notpdfor Its rapid srowth. An ex- cnptionaijy pretty ornn- mentalplonL. Foiiaffflis r>ch dark sr■ cen. Forrno grand lyramidal bur.hea about .. feet high. Branche* vrry deoirable for rlccorative purpofloa, wrcnths, e*'-. SeedslSc pkt., 3 foi*40c. J* WATBRE’fl *VEATWEIt VV.C?l £T pVVÍI By rnyaterloufl clmrgres th.it tsúce piaco.thia rcrnar!:able,p!-j-.t;.ccu- rately íorecasta tb.e weather rr->ny fcottrs in cJvanec. Will ytg’y srow anywhrro ail l’ o year around. An interesti/ur b©ure p:ant. Bears larrre. íraKT.-.nt, S&JT r!nk, butterfly shape flowcrv. Saciís, 15c racket, 3 íar 40c, poc.pnld TomTh'imb Calliepsis FOX6LOVE Yery showy, low- growing, compact buah, covered vrith golden yeliowflow- er6 with deepcrim- son centors grow- ing to a height of fcir inchen. Sccds, 13 cents pht, 3 pkts for 25 centsf postpaid. Earíy Bísomiiif? fcjHjg. Mammotfi Uarnafions A wonderfal strair,,pro- ducingr flowers in twelve wccka from seed.atleast 80 per ccnt of the flowera hcing double. All of the beautlful shnðea of Cnr- nations wiIJ be f<«. in this assortrckiit. 10c pkt, 3 pfcts for 25c, poslpflid. B »SF.LS SPROUTS Míniature cabboges formed on the stalk of the plant. Delicious oatinfc when cookcd. Boiled 11 k e cabbnRe or coolted In cream snmo ns cnulifiower. The plants nre srrown in rows two foet apart and 15 inches In tho row. Packet, 10 cents, thrco pnckcts fcr 25 contc, ponlpaid. BALLOOMjVINE • x “Love in a Puff.** Orna- montal, ranid growing, climbing producing pretty whlfc9 flowers. fol- lowed by rctrarkahle seed ’ or intlated mem- branous capsules that 1 o o k 1ik e smali bftlloons. Packet, lO ceitffi, three í«:r 25 cts. Giant CHmbing Nasturtiums Produces lom? spil.cs ot ricnly colored ílowcra, ex- cellont íor cuttlnjr. Far- t’.cularly ahowy ar.d desir- ablo for use amonK thrub- bc-ry and in partly EÍisded spots. Howevcr, it will OW Just aa wcll in tha opan. Ensvtocultivutc.rc- auires little attention, þro- ucea masnof flowcrnthru- cut tlio acason. 10c pkt. Eiecfiic Light Plant Eernarkable curi- osity, grows to the height of four feet, covered with large spikes oi flowers six toeighfcincheslong, in lovoly ohades, |'/5L pure wliito at bane '4Í^ and rofle to brighfc rod at top of flower. iOc pkt. CAMÁRY B3RD V!NE II if.:h ly omamental crecnc :• with bcautiful cut leavcs and pretty, delicate flowers oi’ u canary yellow, bca/inir tnslrÍKÍfuf resvmblanco to a canary blrd with wiura hslt expanded. Makes a derlrnble win- dow decoration. Growa BRILLIAHT PCPPY SCAKLET FLAX Showy annual for flowerbeds and masses, b r i 11 i a n t A-f-X-v. crimson scarlet fiowers, great pro- íu3;.on. Blooms very quickly, Pr.cket, lyO cesíts, 3 p-sckets for 25c p.pd. fohnso.i SmitD &. Co. GiANT ZiNNEA ®:§M> annua!]" Ftowera i\tnntythft w e e k s, and a profukiou will be produced until frost. As double and ns brilliant ------- R8 Dahlias. Psekct. lOc. 3 phU. for 25c, oostpald. CEGAR PLANT .4- Averiií •TE plantn, i^SXTURE $3* For co’veríng trcllIscB, fences, arbora, p'azzas, ana | other places to bo hidden. Vcry strong and vigorous, w;*h larKc, dark frrcen foli- w/M nR-e, produclnsr srcat cjuan- V*'" titles of RÍant flowcrs of ell x colors. Packet, 10 cerí'*. threo paekats for 25 conts, postpsid. Japanest Umbrolia Palm ConMnifiiory Eaolly Grown From Sood Winter or Summcr The Jupanose Umbrclla Palm Is a soml-aouatlc piant. It is easiiy srrown irom seecl eithcr in a bowl of water or in very darnp soil. Probably the mont uaual, as wcll ns the most inUiromting method, Is to cuitivato the plunt ín a bov/l or jardiniere filled wich water, with two or threo inches of sood garden eoil at t!>o bottom. The seeds soon commence to arcrminate, and the plant shoota up stcms two to three fcet hi*h and rapidly assumes a moet prctty palm-like appearance, an shown in the enjjravinir. The tops of the stems ors surrnounted by a wlior! of um- brella-ahaped leaven, of r. waxy appearanco. We wlll send a packagr of thls sced, with full instructlons for culture, for snly 15c cr thres i>acKsts 1or 40« postpsld. Coilcctlon la mndc up of all vorictles that will tdvc n constanfc liiocm from earlyun- til late in thc season. O n e o f tho casler.t flowera to grow, and for a variety of colora noLblm? can corapare with the dclicate form snd color of these blooms. Pssket, 10 ctc, three packets for 25 cosits, postpald. ORANOE KING MARIG9LD Flne type of Ma- rlgrold, bearlnar dcnsa doublc flow- cra oPg rich, deep firolden-oranere col- or. Very dcf.ir&bio for c u t flowera. Grow anywhcrc, bloominfr profusely and contlnuously. Pkí, 10c, thrc« Pki* lor 25c, postpaid. A Graceful Huuse or Plaut rfanteð reaulre ’m PSIÐE PHLOX anuual. Colora are ^jgg vcry rich, bioom of very lonflr duration, fia renöerinir them a most desirable ac- t quiei tion. Very | bcautiful for bou- ?u«ta. Colora vary rom pure whlte to deep crimson. Once > further attention for for cevcral years. Packet, 10 centa, thrso packsts for 25 oento, postpsid. Whíte Gem Feverfew A fine, oid-frishioned bed- dmar or border plant, al- ways !n flower. Blooms v quickly. Grown outdoois in summer and Indoors ’ in winter. A fine pot plant. Grows a foot | and a half higb. Stema ’ aro literally covered l with very d o u b I e , pure, ar.ow-white and golden-ysllow flowers. All thr. yaar round Packet, lOo, 3 pkts. for 25o, postpald. SCARLET SAGE A bcd or bordcr of Scariet Sajre always — cornpela attention. Nothfns can equil the gorgreous effect s of a bed of Scarlet Sajre wben in f u 11 bloom. The largre. waving nanee of •carlet bloom asrainstflrrcen surroundlnars t>f lovely foliaire is matehless. Grown lu aimost any position; flower bed. along the wa!k or m bordcrs. Also add to tbe attractJvenees of a ahrubbery if plmnted 1n clumps in the vacant spaces: the varied shades of sxecn and the dazzling scarlet have a most pleasing effect. Firie pot piants. Pkt., lOc, 3 pkto. for 25c, p.pd. a’lachsSor’s Button Rverlasting flówpf. Ílobe ehaped, usefui or dried winter bo- r quets. Retaia their color the whoie win- ; ter. Also good for j fresh cut flowers. En- durea drought well; succeeds in any soil. Pkt.f IOc, 3 pkts.f for 25c pp.d. WiM Gucumber Vine trts.Rapld cllmbinflr vine reaches height of 80 í-i-A feet In a season. Olusters of white scented flowers fol- lowed by an abundance ot ornamental. prlckly seed l*oc>3 that are most Interest- Ing to children who like to sce them burst. Lefton the vine the secds bnrst of their - own accord. and fallinsr to tho grour.d come up the followinar scason. Idcal for treliises or places where a dense ehade is desirsd. Pkt. 10c, 3 pkis. 25c. p.pd. Gorgeous Giant a Pansies hes* lovely flowers re -avorites, not ..nly for their bril- iiancy and variety, but for the du*-aliility of their hloom and ---- the wonderíul ramfe r>f colcr ar.d niarkinsr. A great diversity of all th® very best giant and srorjfeous varfetles. Colors ranee throufrh ail the shades known ln Pansies. Wonderful combír,ations; many of them are rare and new. Packef, 15c, 3 pkts. 40c, posípaid. Fire on ifíe Mountain count of áeep .fiery appearance of leaves. The plar.t presents a da/.z!!njr ray of green and scarlet leaves; effect is very etarMincr. Very showy in the srar- den. ormlxed with cut-flowers for bou- queÍ3. Packet, lOc, 3 pkts. for 2Gc, postpaid. Japaness Clim&inpCucumber CJ n n s u a I ly strong and vig- oroua growimt vi ne . Áttains twice the eize of ordlnary va- rieties. Grows rea d II y o n fences, pcles. trellises. etc . One hiíl will j family supplie ------------ — * aU s u m mo r v q- Sscda 10c» 3 pkts. for 25c. A LOVE IN A JVi'ST Surrouniiffl with beautiful weblike, feat.h- ery foliage. Theflowere nre very curioua looklng, hav- insr pods in the ecnter.The charrn- intf combincd ef- feet, no doubt, ac- counts for name. Pkt., 10o, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpí-ld. „Chinese Wistaria For trellis, porcl.es, a r h o r 3 , treea or buildinirs. 1« niaar- n i f i c e n t when Tn bloom, bearintr long ciusters of purple flowers. Laxunanfc and rapld er r o w t h . Flowersearly in lomr, droopiner ricemea, resembfingr a bunch ---- of srrapes. Patkst, lOc, 3 pkts. fct 25c, postpsld LANTAMA S h o w y and shrubby bed- ding and bas- ket plantwith Verbena- lilce flowers in ■■l* 8 h a d e b of vrhite, red and yollow. Very agreeable aromatio perfume. Rapid-growing,con§tantrbloom- ing, excellent for growing in pots or for garden decoration. Pasket, 10c, 3 packelt for 25e, pottpald. Black Eyed Susan Beautiful t r ail- ing r> 1 a n t for hanging baaketa, lawn vanea, 1 o w fences, verandas, rustic work or trreen-house decora- ,, tion. Klower* e'o oraago, whlte, buff, otc..’ Hcight, 6 ít. Packst, lOc, 3 pkts. for 25o, postpaid Jap Yirgln’s Bower Most beanti- ful o f a 11 f 1 o wering vines. Flow- ers 1 a r g e. measuring 4 to 6 Inehes acrosa, are b o r ne iit great wreaths and clusters. The colors aro rích'royal purple, wlne color and pearly-whlte. Packst, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25e,poatpr.[J Asparagus Sprengeri The bcstplant for hangi ng ba3kets. Mas- sea of r i c h, gleaming foli- age droop i« a very gracoful manner. The fo- — ____liage when cut for decorative purposes will Jast for wecks in water. The seed i*ods are very pretty red berriea adding to its beauty. Packst, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, postpsid Snow Mountsin Beautiful plant for borders or beds. Bears cu- rious I e a v e s. veined and margined with white: pretty white flowers and has nppearmce of snow from a short distance. pkf., 10c, 3 pkts. 25c, poitpald Osirieh Plume Coskscomb '?Lse Unique variety of Cockscomb. De- velops great, feath- ery plumes early in the season; grrows like a pyramid, about 2r/z ft. high. Can be cultivated in pots. Will bloom practically through the winter. fackef, 10c, 3 packeti fof 25c, poslpaid. TfcsSrestWondsrberry A luscfoua berry thatmav be erown and ripened from secd ln any soil or climate in 3 months. The flavor la f i n e and un- „— ----- eurpaasedfor satínfr raw, cooked, canned or preserved In nny form. The frult »s blue-black ln color, snd tastes like a luscious, rlch blueberry. One bush wíll produce an enormous nmount ot fruit, ylelding great masaes of rich fruít all Summer and Fall. Psckst, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25o, poatpald. SUNBEAM GLADIOLUS Makes a m&gnlficent show In the íiower ga/'den or on the lawn. Bears 20 to 80 grund /lowers to each slalk. Flowo/ s beaatiful beyond de- scrlption; the colors are gor- geoua and markings marvel- ous. Lend themselvea to ar- tiotic decoratlon; fromadec- orative standpoint are simply cxqnisite. Bioom early and profusely. Fkt., lOc, throo pkta. for 25 conU, postpsld. CACTUS FRQM SEED Very eurlous, odd looklng, atrunge spe- cies of plants; wiil thrive anywhere with littleornocare. Flow- ers are of exquisite beauty and delight- fully fragrant. Yon will bo astor.ished at the odd looks of the Cacti just sproutírg. Packst, 10 conts, throo paokots for 25 conU, postpald. PANSY-VIOLETS Produces beantíful Pansy-iike blossoms of the m o s t deiightful colors, including blr.e, black, roso, purple, lavcnder, maroon, sll- vcry-g r a y, crimson, orange, white, lemon, etc., while some are fltriped, edgcd and spotted. Meny are vory fragrant. It la hardior than tho pansy and blooms for a ionger period. Planted in masses they form perfeet mats covered with mynads of flowers. Packot, 10 cta, 3 for 25 cU. J. S. A CO. Ailegheny Vine or Mountain Fringe Yery graceful and hardy climbing vine. Feathery foli- age ia like tlie M a i d enhair Fern. Benrs . e t ty rose-pink and white tubular- shaped f 1 owers. ííothíng better for covering fencee, trees, tree stumpg, etc. Pkt.f 10cf 3 pkts. for 25cf p.pd. Enormcus Prize-Meclal Cabbage Enormoun “Prize Mcdai’’ Cabbago exceln in size nnd auaitty any other variety on thc market. Grown for us by aspecialiotin c/.b- baires. Ilasbeen known to reach tlu enormous wt. off'O to fJO poacds per head, with a diameter equaltothatof D bushct haaket, whíle 30lbs. perheadís by no means rare. If you wiah to haya the finesfc tasting as well as the largcBt tn thewhole nnighborhood, try a package, and you will not be disappointod. 8EEDS, ICc packst, 3 packsts for 25e- Bistierfiy FSower Sometímsa oalled Z'it'fS PíX'r Man’s Or- •■V chard. F o r m s compnct p I a n t s liteialiy covercd with eountiees Laautiful orchid- iike flowern, all dclicataly fringed and curionnly markod wlth fxímson, Iflac, pnrple and yellow, resem- •ling bitterflles in thcír Lcwildcrir.g range a/ color. 8EEÐ5, 10 csr.tn, thrsa »-.ck«U (or 25 csnts, posips*d. B.ush Musk Melon A vinolens Murk M « I o n . rrowsia Ítushefl, and thuscao >• cultivsted In t’.e scnallestgarden. Tha fruit la of the popu- lar “Jenny Lfnd" type, but larger, avcraging 6 Inches In diameter. The flesb Is very deep, edibie almoBt to the rlnd and is colored Hght grcen, flushcd with s a I m o n toward the The quality ís superb, lus- ard juicy. P»ck«t o* MiGIIOKETTE Mignonet.te is French for "Littlo Darling,” thafc typic- hlly describes tbis dainty iittle flower. Very sweet geented; fragrance makea lt indispcnsable for bouquctHandcutting. Pkt.. 10 cU, 3 pkU. for 25 cts, postpoíd. APPLE BALSAKt Ornamental, qulck growing c 1 i m b e r; im grown mostly for the cffect of the frult., which is yellow; loofas not unfike an appie, hence íte name. Whcn ripe itopans andshows tho seeds and biood- .. , „ red interior. Pk«.,10c« thrss packsts for 25 CMti, postpaWf. A very íine genus of ‘ mtn, remarwable ’ their beauly, V Jp-JS * f r e e I y biossonjing und ornamental ap- ASrgÆV pearance. b e a r s ‘ V I a r g e. numbcrs ot *í clgar-shaped flow- r suom* crs of a t»-iirht ecar- let color with white and purp’e ends. Alwava In bloom, cul- tivatcd indoors or outdoors. Good for bedding and hanging baakots; very do- slrable pot plants. Paeket, 10 cents 3 pkts. for 25c p.pd. Johnson Smdh & Co. N2COTIANA Beautlful annual wlth Hweet ecented. 1 ar g e , ’ star-shaped flowers. Biooms v ery profuaely tliroughoufc the summer, offoramg a cont.inuous display of brilliant flow- ers. fc'lowers aro nearly as large as a Petunia, and many are delight- fully scented. Picktfc lOc, 3 packsto for 25c, postpald Giant Empress Cockscomb Very handsome elther for pls PYRENTHRI/IYI I,arge, very brlght and showy, very mucn Iiko daisics Rnd astcrs. Colors range from white, i’.ght pink, to deep red, with Lrijfht yellow c e n t e r s . Fiowers aro 3 or 4 inches across. One of the bcst planta for cdgings. or for cut flowers, on account of itB beautlful yellow foliace. Packet, lOc, 3 for 25c. Jchnsoiiimith&Co. SCE PLANT Very fine, effectíve basket plant. Foll- age ís very orna- Xr/rS mental. being cov- 'rjV ered with i c e-1 i k e globules, prized for trn-nÍBhlng. Valu- ab!e Plaat for dry, sunny situationa on A'Jr rA'ÍL banks, rockwork, old w walls and ruins.etc., ulso for sunny bor- ders. Pecullarl7 brilliant in aunahine. Pncket, íOc, 3 pkta. for 25c, pcstpsld. Torch LiSy or FEame FSower' Hae quite a variefcy of names, the moat com- mon of them being ‘ ‘Torch Lily,” “Red Hot Poker,’* ‘ Flame FI o w e r, ’ ’ etc. Flowers are borne In com- Íact form on stout 3 and 4- oot stems, having tho ap- pearance at a distance of orange and red colorod heads. Pfct. 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c, p.pd. MIXED GERAUIUMS Have no rivals; wlien a show of colors ie de- i sired none can sur- gKfmSftZV&ib.pasn them. Grow rradiIy froin seed and their foliage makea uhimui thcm the most desir- ablo plants for houso t>lo planta for riouso r pleasure ground. lothing better'for píants or specimens in Deds, where they exclte the curlosity of visitora more than aimost any planfc that can be grown. f Very desira- «ble for growlng fndoors: grow in pots practically all w i n t e r. Colors, brilíiant •carlet, erlmson, rose, orange, bnght yellow and lemon. Psokets, lO oenfe, «hrs» pscksts for 25 cents, posfpald. PAMPAS GRASS St,h Comes from South Amer- jJtlA ff ^ca; very Drctty ornamental 4/ grass, producing the most 'JP beautiful s i 1 v e r y plumes. ÍL* Very toll and stately, and ' can be cultivated in this country; a vcry pretty table decoratíori, and can be cultl- vated in pots. Paekot, tOc, thrss paeksts 1or 25 c«nts, postpald. THE — FIREFLY PlMl AVin84haí beskets, bouqueta, vases, etc. Colors include various shadcs of crimson, acarlet, pink, roac, salmon, blush, white, etc. Pkt.,15c, 3pkt#.40e p.pd. RAIHBOW C8RH A charming grass thafc forms an oh- jectof greatbeauty beds and ^ borders,orinolated ■vísvwa/> jn groUpS on 1 awns. Leavcs are striped yellow, green, pink and rose. Not un- likc maize or corn In growth. Packet, 10c, three for 25c. Celosia Spicata Very pretty and uniaue va- ricty of Cockscoinb family, Introducod l’roin lndin; bcars co'jntles3 bloom3 of_ sflver white.with rich carmine tip. Kasily cultivated; grown in or outdoors. Blooina prac- tically Iho entire winter if properly cared for. Packct, T.O ccnts, threc psckets for 25 cts, postpald. J.S.&Co, REMARXABLE l BloomsaSNIsliI FIII» the Atinðsiihéið with Fragrant Aroma Oneof the most rapiú growing .vlnes known. Under fayor- able conditions this vine has beeu known to grow OVER 25 FEET IN A SINGLE WEKK. In n vcry short spaco of tio:o indecd thc Vinc has clirnbod to a great height, andis coverod with IMMENSE FLOWKRS. from Bt. 7 inchca In dinmeter. It Ib. Indeed, u great novelty. for, urifikc other planls, ihe flowera OPEN IN THE EVENINö. and remaln open until about noon the followíng doy. In dull weather thcy wul re- main open all day. It Is n most INTERESTING ÖIGIIT to watch tbo openlng and clcslng of t.he flowers as th« clouds appcar arid ðlsperse. As the flowera open thcy glvo forlh the most DELIGHTFUL AROMA uud tt:e tvhole atmosphere around is fnll of scented fragrance. it is aiwuys thn ob.iect } of favorabie comment. and nlueli eurlon.-y ís uiouztii by veo- .x j ple paesing at niglit ttrne u t-i the couao <-_F the Ciisrrnnvr Í’oms. freqiiently utopping in an enaeavor to aatínfy the.tr cunosity. PRICl., t CÍNTS packet, twe pasksts fer 3« CENTS, P05TPA10. _ VmE PEACH (>Boston or Japanese Ivy • Faehionable, most I hardy wall climber } of the day. Clinga | tiglitly to rock, | brick, eto.j a waJl | of living green all | flummer, turning in autumn to o flnming, gorgeous crimflon. SEEOSf 10 cents packetf three packets for 25 centst postpald. J. S. & CO. The Matchless Dwarf Giant Tomato VEQETABtE ORANGE ORj MANGO KIELON One of the beat of all vegetablee. ReBemblee orangee in color, shcpe and size; grows on vines. Pre3ents a mosfc tempting appearance when canned; makes delieioua preserves and sweefc pickleR, and flne for pies. Nothing like them; grows from seed in 80 days; enormously produo- fcive; can be used in every way as the peach, bufc not quite as sweet and not used rnw. Packet, ÍO cents, thres packats for 25 centc, postpaid.. WIND FLOWER R d ClusTer Pepper Beautiful Irính Poppy-flowered va- rieties produce in abundance largo single, fiemi-doable and double flowera in an endless variety of color8. Some ð re roottled, strij>ed, fringed,ot<v Forcut- tlng they are fine. Pscket, 10 cmIi, thrs« packats for 25 eents. postpairi. Japanese * Morning Gtory A new mammoth classof nobJeflow- ers. GrowB 20 ft. l>y midsummer. Rich. dark green leaves, marbled a siJvery white and yelJow. Giantsize flower, and continues in blocm until destroyed by frost& The colors are exceptionally rich and flowers as large as teacups. PkJ., JOc, throe packsls for 25c, poitpeif. * “’^ong-Bok” Cfclnese Oabisage Novelty from Ghina a.n d fihould b o be f'rown in every garden. 8eema to oe a cross between Oelery and CosLet- tuce. F 1 a v o r is more raild than any other cabbage. Can be aerved on tba tabifl and eaten raw or cooked like cabbage, Bpinach or lettuce or mnde into ealad. Grows very rapidly, e a s y t,o cultivatc. You can cioatc quitc a sen- saticn by cultivating thls remarkabls uoveiiy. Swds.löc packfit, 3 pkti. for40e. Ever Blooming Kollyhock fTardy aarden flower. blooma Trom seed ths first season; flowers o'ten mtisure fiva In.'he* across, with ■ Ritat variety of beau- til’ul shades and tints. ________ Th.e/ bear pyramld- Ehtpe si'Ikes of laisre flowers som®- what liks rosettca. Gontinuously cov- ered v/ith l.arxe flowers. 10 cents, thrso pacUeU »or 23' conts, pootpsid. stror.ír and produces largo elzed frult; Isrger than an y other owarf tomafco. The fruits grow In lanfe cIUBtera and weljfh from 9 to 12 ozs. each. Flesh Sa firm and solid, no core, deHelous flavor; almost seedless. Pkt.,10e, 3 packets for 25c, postpaid. Bouquet or The Pepners are a very * pretty coral r e d color, ' formed ln clusters of frora *, 12 to 80 cone shaped fruits * to each cluater. Veryhot * and punpent. Unusually ■ proiinc.thesmallbutcom- pact bush beinflr literally covered with cone shaped fmit. An enormous crop ------- produced: will keep for nse all throuqh winter. Eleeant for bor- ders or with potherbs. SEED8,10cpkt., throc packete for 26 cents, postpald. The Gianf Spider Plant ^A v e r y romarlc. | able and curious p 1 a n t. Derives n a m e f rom pe- culiar ehape, the loug, curving sto- mens suggeBting spiders, Flowers are a deep, purolian pink v/nen they first open, but fade to lierhtpink. Sfcds, lOc packet, 3 pkts. fcr 25c. Giani Crookneck Sunimer Squash Selected strain of thls delicious l vegetable pro- r duces f r u i t nsarly doulilo ‘ the sfze of the o!d standard “Crookneck.” I’latila aro bushy and compact; flísn, ____ rich, srolden yelTow; quality and flavor in unaurpaased. Grov/a readily ii almostnnysoil. . . ;-'acket, IGc, 3 packcta for 25c, postpd. New Japanese Giasit Radish The greafc Sakurijima Kadifili from ,lapan. The Jargent radish grown, often attain- íng tíie enormouB weighfc of 15 pounds, and somotimes 20 or 09 pounda. Nofc meroly a curi- ocíty, but a radisit of extraordi- n-ry quality. The flesh Issolld, firm and b: I ótle, and of most cxceHent flavor. Will f ió’V or thrive in any soil or climate. ; ’ oí, 10«. 3 pkto. for 29«, postpeid. „ __tbe _______Exceptionally who 1 e s o m e, nutritious, satisfyintr. A vcry hardy plant that can bo Ieft In Brround all winter and due as needed when ground thaws. 10 cents packot, three packets for 25 cents, postpald. Mixed Squash Seeds You will get all the differenfc ghapes, freaks. colors and eizes i m a g i nable. A dozen differ- enfc varietie* included, early and late; you wiJl derive-much pleasure from their cultivation. Mlxod 8ood, lOc, 3 packets for 25c. Whíie Welvet Qkra Moet delicious vege- table that Í3 very f ashionable and popular. Iseasily grown. The p o d b are used for soups and stewB. Noted for ita fine flavor and tendemes3. rkt.f 10cf -3 fnr 2Scf postpd. New Garden ■ Huckleberry Grows fromeeedfirHt year. A new fruifc tliat cannofc be ex- celled for Pies. Very prolific, yielding an Im- mense crop of fruit. Grows ami thrives in n!l climatea nrid on nll kinds of aoll. /Jio fruits grow larflrer Uian the corronon Huckle- borry or Blueberry. lf cooked with apples.Iemon or ar.ythiny eour, thcy make tho very fineet jelly. Pht. lOc, 3 for 25e, p.pd. APPLE PIE MELON Awonderful novcity that yon wlll find a dellght In cultlvatíng. _ Vine and fruit ere eitnilar to a watsrmelon. Haa a most deu- navor. reserr.blína’ the flavor of apples. F-aeh vine pro- otices 6 to 16 busheis or mc-lons, producimr on an average about 300 pounds of f ruit. On» melon will inake as many pies as a hulf bnshol of appm3. Flesh is white snd solid and of exceHent quaiity for muk- Iiur Pl*-*s, sauces. prcserres, etc. They kcep fi-esh ond solid nll winter, so can be usedwnen wanteo, an'J, owimr to their vaiue rh stock food, sny eurplus not used for h/.nie euoking cr.n bo fed ail wlnter to stock; In fect, It wfll pay to ralse thera íor tbis purpose elone. Packot, 10 cents, thrce psekcts for 25 cente, postpald. FAMOUS MEXIfcAN FIREFLY PLAHT feethi'Kri and resem- bling a closely clip- ped ornamental ev- ergreen. The globe- shsped or pyramidal bushes are clo.se and compact, and of ■ pleasingr lÍRht trreen color. May bo errown singTy or In the form of a heds/o or backgrround. In early cutumn tho whole bush becomes carmlne or blood red. hence the name of Mexlcan Fire Plant, or “ Burnlmr Buah,” as lt la sometímes called. SeleotedSeede.lOo packet, three packets for 25 cents, GrandRapídsLetfuce Eaalesfc varíety of all to g r o w tha finesfc flavored on the market. Pro- duces an abnndnnfc crop af green leaves, whlch retain their Bweetflavor even after lt haa becomo quite old. Make apractice of cultívatlnnryourown Iettuce. A singrle packet will Reep your family supplied the whole season. 10 cents pscket, 3 packets for 25 e«nt« * Salsify or Oyster Plant Ons of the moat dellcloua vefretables; geta Its name from the similarity of ita flavor to oystere’ f: quently hard to tell 1 differcnce. Exceptíont jriimofh Peasiuis Peanuts can be easily cultivafced. Their culture ía very 8imple and exceedingly interesting. Mammoth Peanuts grow.to an astonishing size. It ;b a good pro- ducer, very prolitic, nnd theglantnuts have a t-hick, heaviíy ribl>od protecting snell. Tbe plant is very nttractive, the íeaves being of odd shp.pe n4id a handeorne grcen ehade, tinttJd throUgh tho ccnlnr with white. You wi!l dcrive tnuch pleasure cultivatinff thiu interestinK spscies. Scods lUc pkt.. 3 phts. íor 40c. Monster f^ixed Fetunias No flower var- den is complete witbout a bed of Pctuniaa. Few pla/its can com- ?are with them nr b e a u t y . Very easlly errown; thrive whcre no other flower lives. Neither h e a t , rainordroutn affcct thcm. N.othlng belter for growin«r ln window boxes, on porch, and decora- tive purposes. Pkt. 15c, 3 pkls. 40c, p.pd. LARKSPUR Hcmarkable for beauty. diversity of shades and decorative q u a 1 i 11 e s . Biossoms are of im/nense flizet sinirle, double and semi-double. Tho colcr3 ranjfo frorn w h i t e and lavender througb evei'y shade of blue, some hav- c inR several shades mixed. Very effective in borders nn<i Pianted a m o n g s t s h r u b s. The trraceful spikes of bloom are much vnlued for vasea. Psckst, 10c, 3 pkts. for 25c p.pd. California Foppy The state fiower of California. A v e r y attractivc annual for beds, c d i? i n g s or masscs. Flowers profusely.foiiaire fine cut and of b I uis h color. The flowere ore very large, mets- urinar about tiiree In. acroHH. of a canary ye’Iow color wlth- a blotch of goldcn oraníífl at the baso of each petal. Valu- abie for beddinjr; from seeds sown In the Bpring thcy flower profusely nntil l»(e In the iutnmn. 10 cents packct. 3 phts. for 25c, postpald. Johnson Smlth & Co. COLEUS For Indoör decora- tion, for the adorn- ment of 1 h e grccn- houae or slttínff-room, {hese line planta are n t h e jrreateat de- mand. Will grow In- door.3 all through the winter. You can grow thcm outside, and by takinjr a few slips,. you can plant them in pots and they wnl grow wilhout the slijfhteHt trouble. Some of the combina- tions are very rich and 8rorg:cous. Pkt., 15 cto, three pkts. for 40 cís, poetpaid. One of Lhe mohfc beaufciful of all g* flower8. If eeedia eown e a r 1 y in the spring will bloom the flrefc year. Our soerf is of the fineso strain and pro- duces 1 a r g © floweiB of • t h e richest shades. Packet, iOcr 3 packets for 25ct posfpaii!, lohnson SmSth 8t Co„ Chieago SNAP DRAGGN Charmlng old fashioned flower. They have dark and flrlossy 1 e a v e s and curiously shaped fldwers. with finely marlietf throats. Bloom tha first season. S p 1 e n d i d for borders, bed dinsr, pofe culture for house decora- tion, and are iargely forced durlnjr the winter for cut flowcrs. Thélr dellcious fra- grance renders them extremely v/ell adapted for cut flowers. Packst, lOc, 3 pkta. for 25e, postpald PeriwinkSe or Old Maid Fiower Does well ín brlgbt sunshine ; the dr:er and hotfcer the aum- mer is the more tbe lorts flower. A. . a n d s o m e bushy plant with g 1 o s s y Jolinge. Bloomstbe first season. As beddiner plants for the garden they rlval the Geranhim. They make very attractlve pot plants. Whlte. pink and mixed. Pscket, lOc, 3 pkts. fer 25s pestpaid- STOKESiA, or CORNFLOWER Very handsome, re- BCmbiing Asfcers m appearance. Flow- ers are rich blue, Jike a gianfc corn- flower, while othergi' include charminK shades of lavender, vlolet, white, ana a new pirtk variety. Psckoi, lO csnts, tiires packets for 25 cents, poatpshf- Angel’s Trumpet snow, others purple, white bordercd with fnarrant; a bíoeIo sccnt up a whole law lOc. three p/ciiití Lovely jrarden p I a n t, bearing enormous lily-like blossoms five to eeven ín. acro3s and a toot in íength, like a tre- mcndous trumpot, soine whlte as , 9ome irolden, others lilac. Exceptionally plant in bloom will noraarden. Packot, for 25r, p«»tpnld. forme buehes two feet high, Foli- age ia soft and. £*** > downy, of wliitish V color; fl o w e r s. borne on'Jong stems, rifling well above foliage, large and ehowy. Flowera Jasfc for over & week when cut. Packef, 10 eaats, three p»eL«»<. for ?3 eenta. POítp»!ll. Moss Verbcns Snveads ovcr the ground, foi minff a carpefcof lovely mo»B green, a b o v * which the deii- cate clurtcrs «f or pure white blossoirB ________j arcat profuaion. Delicate fragrance. Blcoms quickly. P»cketr íOe, 3 pkt«. for 25<C. SyRPfílSE FLOWER GARDEM ©f Mbced Flower Seeda WfANY RftME AND CURIOUS NOVELTIES §,- A5aUB»d*.nco of Fiower* Aeaurod Tliroughout tha Season h •fc.V/r? A mixturo cf easily grown annuels that bloom very soon aftcr sowíb* thc* eccd; othcrs vary In their time of hlocmiPEr. Those who cannot ' giv« the crmsUmt ar.rs r.scessary for fine!y ariareed flower beds wJJI be delisfcted with the Sm-prlse Wiid Flower Garden. WiH prove * HvSyA. > * -. ccntiruial surprise*rd pleosure, ns new varletn na.ji* # jf t and the old aarden favorites liower , 4>ihq »..'irouííbeut tlio season. There are C - tgií' c.v'.Si >y/'úZ&r'JZjK Jrod varietíes of seeca. Muny of the plento m*y £. ’bo taken inside as house plantn and w»ll bloom öuring tbe wlnter. Flne fpr ehflðvea, also tcacb- mÍMíÍíí áíTíger’’ Fiower Handaome and ahowy plant. e a s i 1 y cultf- víited: flowers are la’Se» reddish brown, with troldcn y e 11 o w tlger-r.ke markinga, hei.ce i'.s name. Pro- dncos an abundance of blo'.im, in fact tbs piant is never out of bloom. Paekat, 10rf 3 packets for 2Sc. African Daisy jr-v, Remarkabl. ~ ~ rl, handsomeannua] ÍT. ove m íctíss lively i fluring t‘..w ——-------- i era for school cardens. 1 trackets for 40 « Japanese Pop Corn Nothing dc’ítrhto the children mo. When well popped it becomes nearly tvventy timen its natural size. In the long winter evenings it keepa the c h I I d r e n amused for Jioura watch- ingr the kernels burst into white balls, thatare as lÍRht os a feather. Every child will enioy ____ __ piantinR it and caring for it and watching it grow. Packet, lOc, 3 packots for 23c. LUCCULASSUMME8SP1NACH Two diBtinct vege- tablea from the same plant at the onetime. The leaf portion of the foliage ie cookod and b e r v e d in the eame manner bs spinach; the etalks are delicious when cooked andshould be served in the same manner as asparaffUB. Packetf 10c, 3 packets for 25c. Early Chantenay • Carrots Yery tender and de- licious, one of the best early Oarrots in ezistence. Grow aboufc 6 in. long, are etump-rooted, ^ery smooth, deep red fine — -- Rrained. sweet and BURavy and not apt to cracft open while Rrowinnr. Unnurpassed for table use. Packet 10cf 3 pkts. for 25c, postptf. Giant Pascal Celery Stalks are very íarge and solid, cri8pandofrich, nufcty f lavor. BJanchcfleasily and quickly. The h e a r t is golden yellow and has a very attractivo appearance. Packet. 20cf 3 packots for 23c. Jerusalem Cherry ’*JM, A miníature tree Skú, thot beore red and C.reen berriea con- &!&&&&& tmually in w i n t e r and eumraer. Foliage ■ is alwaye green. The fruit, however, Is not edible. Especially fine for ornamental purposea. Packet. lOe, 3 tor 25c pottpaid Snake Cucumber Curíous u well as useful. EIc- Rnnfc for siicing síííisífrÆ Íient up to 7 feet n length. A nov- elty well worth cultlvatinR. Packet. iOc. 3 packets for 25c. Banana Musk Meicn D8ity» I.ooks and sm e 11 % like a bana- ---iií |-g»n— nn. Peculiar v b h a p e and its dehcioue flavor mako it well worth your whiíe cultivafcing. Flesh is deep and of exquisite flavor. Very high pricea are obtoincd In cnoice oity markets, aa hÍRh as a dollar someumea beiriR de- manded for one sirigle specimen. Packetf 10cf 3 pkts. for23e. GiantAsparagus A few str.lks of tliÍBrich and delightful voRetable on toant, or served with drawn butter, will make the srreatest epicure punctuate each bite wíth ■ smack of satiflfaction. One of the Rrandest table luxuries that youi can buy. Has meltinRly tender Btalka wlth ex- quisiteiy delicious flavor. Packet, 10c, 3 pkts. for 23c, Chicago Pickling r i Cucumber Undoubtedly ths beat cucumber forpicklee. It meets the moefc exactíng require- mentfl of the most critical pickie makera, who supply fancy and hlghest priced goods to the market. The vines set frult when young ond continus bearing longer thau other Varietiea. Paeket 10c, 3 pkts. for 25e pootpaM, ChineseGlaniPepper --- Verjr prolific for so’Iarge e pepper. Flesh is unusually thickf mild flavorand _ , , makea a very flne ealad. sliced and aerved like tomatoes. Gíoesy ecaríet. Packetf lOCf 3 pkts. for 25c. Garden Lemcn An enormous yielder. cul- tivated much the same as Muek Melon. Has a most de- eirablo acid flavor, thoa dis- pensing with eliced lemon. Un- excelled íor general canning purposes. Packct, 10c. 3 packeis, 25s. Dusty fVfiISer't One of the prettiest of ornamental Ioaved plants. Tholeavea are white and ar* beautiful f©r vases, edgings, ribbons, or znixed with cnt flowers. Packetf 10cf 3 pkfs. for 25c„ A few other reiiable seed noveities you shouid cultivate. AH lOc per packet, p.pd. FLOWER SEEDS Fmperfal Sweet Sultan Forget-Me-Not Ornamental Cotton Scarlet Runner Bean Eyening Prinúrosa • Iflxéd Tall NaHturtlums Passion Flower Vine Fuchsiaa „ Little Blue Star Wall B’Iower Swcet Alyssum Grandiflora HarvoBt Moon Vlne Candytuft Ármerla Cosmos (Mlxed) Falsc Dragon Head Sunflower Cardinal Cllmber Columbino Afrlcan Marlgold Baby Goldcn CiloW DiantíiU3 Hybrida Superba Caliiop- sis Carnation Poppy Browalia Dwarf Nanturliumg Sundial Flower Canterbury Bella Batín Flower Ang«l’» Breat.h Large FJowerlng Verbcna Evcrlastlngs Joscph's Coat (Amaran- thus) EverJastír.R Sweet Pea Giont Sweet l’ea Butterfíy Pea Bouquet Stocka Lobelia Heliotrope I’rize Balsama Sweet Wiiliara Four O’clock Hibiscus (Marsh Mallow) Tobacco Plant VE6ETABLE SEEDS French BAdive’, Corn Salad Kohl Kabi Enicrald Isle Kale Tom Thumb PeppcT Moss Parsley F.normous Peas Snowball Cauliflower Kentucky Wonder Clímb- inR Kean Giant Crim8on Rhubarb Golden Bantam SwcetCorn EngHsh Vegetable Mar- row Large Red Wethersfield Ordon Emcrald Gem Musk Melon Tree Err I’lant Marrowfat Parsnlps Swias Chard Turnip Rooted Cclery Mammoth Pumpkin . Italian Lecl* fLA Brcakfasl Radlsh Long Scnrlet Kadlsb Oyster Endive Mammoth Prize Tomato Red Peach Tomato Water CreHs Curled Gardcn Crera Grape or Cluster lomato Prize Radish Mixed Table Carroto Extra Early Pea Coffeo Bcrry Eariicst V/atermelon Luscious Tnble Beet Ef'yptian Winter c “ Onion r Tres þhní £ Ft-nv/nr Fnnri ^hangefl Sll-nourished plants into Ltixurlsnt RlIIO S riani 0> reower ruuu Bssutlss. pr.idin-ing masses of blooms that wSU equsl any. Causss plants to bloom ssrty «nd ahsad of otbsrs. Fricnds marve) nt suecess. BrinRs out Hev/ Foliags and Flowsrs, and causcs a Marvslous Trana* formatlsn. Pkga. 10c, 3 for 40«. ^ P. 0. Box 56 ALVIN SALES CO., Dept, V. 7 WINNIPEG, MAN. P. 0. i>ux 06 WINNIPEG, MAN.



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