Tölvumál - 01.02.1977, Blaðsíða 7
-ACM Computing; Surveys, vol. 6, no. 4, des. 1974. Greinar:
Programming and Documenting Software Projects eftir P.J.
Brown. Structured Programming with go to Statements eftir
D.E. Knuth. Programming Stvle: Examples and Counter-
examples eftir B.W. Kernigham og P.J. Plauger.
11.36 Tölvunotkun (og Rafreiknar II) (3. misseri)
_A Simplified Guide to Structured Cobol Programming eftir
D. McCracken. John Wiley & Sons 1976.
1. Getting Started Programming in Cobol. 2.The Basic
Program Structure. 3. Data Division Elements and the
Arithmitic Verbs. 4. Program Design (Part I) and the IF
Statement. 5. Program Design (Part II) and more on the
Picture Clause. 6. Sequential File Processing (Part I),
the Identification Division, and Nested IF Statements,
with Program Debugging. 7. Data Representation and
Related Topics. 8. Sequential File Processing (Part II)
and Subroutines. 9. Table Handling Facilities. 10. File
Storage Devices and Programming. 11. Additional Cobol
Topic s.
Auk þess verður farið yfir;
1. Index Sequential skrár.
2. Hjálparforrit (Utilities).
11.46 Rafreiknifræði (4. misseri)
-Data Structures. Theory and Practice eftir A.T. Berztiss.
Academic Press, 197 5 2~. útgáfa.
I. Set Theory. 2. Function and Rela.tions. 3. Graph Theory.
4. Algebras and Strings. 5. Trees. 6. Paths and Cycles
in Diagraphs. 7. Diagraphs of Programs. 8. Other Applications
of Graphs. 9. Arrays. 10. Lists and List Structures.
II. Organization of Files. 12. Application Studies.
-System/360-370 Assembler Language (DOS) eftir K. McQuillen.
Mike Murach and Associates, Frenso, California, 1974.
1. Preliminary Concepts and Terminology. 2. System/'360-37 0
CPU Concepts. 3. A Subset of Assembler Language. 4. Dia-
gnostics and Debugging. 5. Expanding the Basic Subset.
6. Binary Arithmetic. 7. Table Handling. 8. Editing, Bit
Manipulation and Translation. 9. Subroutines and Subprograms.
10. Writing Macro Definitions. 11. Useful Standard Macros
and Assembler Commands. 12. Magnetic Tape Concepts. 13. BAL
for Tape Processing. 14. Direct-Access Concepts. 15. BAL for
Direct-Access Devices. 16. The Disk Operating System and its
Job-Control Language.
11.49 Gagnavinnsla (4. misseri)
-Computers and Management eftir D.H. Sanders. McGraw-Hill,
1974 .
-Filsystemer og Databaser eftir K. Bratbergsengen, K. Hofstad
og K. Wibe. Tapir, 1976.
Teknir eru hlutar ofangreindra bóka. Namsefni: Verkaskipting
í gagnavinnslu og skipulag reiknistofa. Kostnaðarmat á
vinnsluverkefnum. Kostnaðar- og afkastamat á tölvusamstæðum.
Skráavinnsla og gagnasöfn. Öryggismál í gagnavinnslu.
Endurskoðun vinnsluverkefna. Tiltekið raunhæft gagnavinnslu-
verkefni skilgreint og útfært í hópvinnu.