Tíminn - 09.01.1991, Page 20
Sammle Schokoladenetiketten
und alles ueber Schokoladen aus
der ganzen Welt. Suche Tausch
und Freundschaft, Deutsch oder
Englisch,. Jaroslava Mikl, Gagar-
inova 1434, CS-41501 Teplice,
Seeking contact with frozen fis-
himporters- exportcompanies.
PO Box 128, 1440 AC Purmer-
end, The Netherlands. Call:
0031-2990-70228, or fax: 38273.
Seeking photos of Icelandic wo-
men. Will pay. Send to: Paúl, Box
7313, Riverside, CA 92513, USA.
Semi-serious 27-year-old male
would like to correspond with
semi-serious in your country
about a variety of topics. Write
to: Mike G Rubio, 9225 Rose St,
Rosemead, CA 91770, USA.
Send 100 stamps, used, from yo-
ur country and I return 100
stamps from Austria or Ger-
many. Marinovic, Hofstr. 10,7, A-
2361 Laxenburg, Austria.
Single man, dark, tall, white,
honest, loving, own business,
flat in London, seeks girl, 18-25
for marriage, write with photo
to: N Scanlon, 9 Quadrant Rd,
Croydon CR4 7DB, UK
So you want to exchange stamps
with me? I am a Danish collector
and I want Icelandic stamps. I
can offer you Danish stamps.
Please write to me: Bjarne Jens-
en, Kingosvej 98,4500 Nykobing
Sj, Denmark.
Solitude is like death. I seek a
blond, high also divorcied or
widow, friendship and to spend
holidays in Italy. I’m 42 y.o. al-
one. Dr.Dino Desimone V.V.Ro-
ad, 83030 Passo Eclano, AV, Italy.
Solteira, brasileira, morena,
l,60-29a, carinhosa, conhecer
homem serio, carinhoso, situ-
acao economica, 33-40a, agencia
matrimonio ou nao, foto. Elaine;
C.Postal 16123, Centro, Cep-
22222, RJ-Brazil.
SOS- girl, 18, wants to corres-
pond with you. I want to learn all
about Iceland and about your
horses, Write soon with photo.
Irina Kamp, Max Greve STr. 16,
W-4630 Bochum 1, TVskaland-
W. Germany.
Spanish boy (16) seeks penpals.
Hobbies: sport, music, etc. Write
in English. Sergio Calleja R., Le-
brillo 4; Urb. Ros Lux; 28023-
Notað & nýtl/TÍMINN
Auglýsingar sem
eiga að birtast
erlendis verða að
berast okkur á
eyðublaðinu sem
prentað er hér í
Aravaca. Madrid. Spain.
Spanish boy (20) want to corres-
pond with girls in English. Hob-
bies: cycling, music, architect-
ure, letters and friends. Igor B.,
Apdo: 1344, 20014-Donosti,
Guipuzcoa. Spain.
Spanish girl (19) sincere, easy
going, interested in everything,
seeks penpals any sex, any
background. Your letter gets
mine, sure. Lorena Verdes,
Gernikako Arbola 10, 1-A,
48902-Barakaldo, Bilkaia, Spain.
Spanish male seeking friendship
with Icelandic girls. Antonio G.,
Apdo: 26, 16400-Tcirancon, Spa-
Spanish musicien (36), 1.76 m,
would like to correspond with
women between 25-36 for fri-
endship or more; if possible, ple-
ase, picture. I’ll answer. Ignacio
Borrego, Lagasca 32, 3-i, 28001-
Madrid, Spain.
Spanish young (24) looking
girls for penpal. Write in Engl-
ish, French or Spanish. Ernesto
Hernandez B., Blasco de Garay
62, 5 drcha., 28015-Madrid. Spa-
Fit-healthy, happy, goodlooking,
multitalented, erudite male se-
eks spiritual, nurturing, holistic
girl for family. Value GAIA Whole
foods, dance arts, honesty. Box
91275, Vancouver, BC Canada
Sportieve vrouw, 44, creatief en
sociaalvoelend, ex onderwijzeres
zoekt mannen en vrouwen met
wie ze kan corresponderen. T
van Daalen, uiterwaardenstraat
161 I, Amsterdam, The Nether-
Stamp collector seeks another
for exchange used stamps. Luis
Canadas, Francisco Silvela 77,2-
D, 28028-Madrid. Spain.
Stamp exchange. I exchange
100 different Danish stamps for
100 different Islandic stamps.
N.H.Fredeloekke, Praestevangen
7, DK-4230 Skaelskoer.
Stamps change. Send me 100
stamps from your country, I’ll
send you bayck 100 from W-Ger-
many if you want, also letters.
Hans-Detlef Haase, Vahrenwald-
er Str. 171, 3000 Hannover W-
Stamps exchange: give Austria
mint, used. Look for Iceland
mint, used. Write to Schellauf
Erich, Liebachstr. 4, A-8143
Dobl, Austria.
Stamps, exchange cancelled
stamps from your country for
new or cancelled stamps from
mine. I always answer to all lett-
ers. Manuel Garcia, Clara del Rey
55, 8-D, 28002-Madrid, Spain.
Stamps, I exchange cancelled
stamps from your country for
new or cancelled stamps from
mine. I always answer to all lett-
ers. Manuel Garcia, Clara del Rey
55, 8-D, 28002-Madrid, Spain.
Stamps, if you send me 100 used
stamps large size from your co-
untry, I’ll send you the same
from Spain or West European
countries. Angel Calles, Camino
de Garate 4, 3-A, 48004-Bilbao,
Stamps. I exchange 100 large
denmark for 100 Iceland. N. H.
Fredeloekke, Praestevangen 7,
DK-4230 Skaelskoer, Denmark.
Student, 23-180, blond hair,
blue eyes wants to meet an attr-
active woman, 18-30. Please
send me photo. J. Gizmunt, ul.
Szwolezerow 1-2, Szczecin, Po-
Suche Brieffreundin in Island,
I’m looking for female penpaí
from Iceland. Man, Fai-Haired,
33, Write in Engl., German, PA
Svenska eller norska till: Uwe
Schneider, Hauptstrasse 69,
6749 Dierbach, Germany
Suche internationale Korres-
pondenz in deutscher Sprache.
Bin 33 Jahre, interessiere mich
fuer Reisen und Pflanzen. Dirk
Reitemeier, Weissdornstr. 12, D
(O) - 8045 Dresden.
Suche junges Maedchen oder
junge Frau von 21-25 Jahre,
huebsch und freundlich. Horst
Maertens, DDF-Platz 9, 0-5400
Sondershausen, Germany.
Suche zuverl. Partner zur Betr-
euung von Mietwohnmobilien
im Sommer, kein Eigenkapital
norwenig. Bitte nur ernstge-
meinte Zuschriften an: Klaus
Koenig, Bussenstrasse 56\1 7000
Stuttgart 1, Germany
Sweat-Shirts and polos, superi-
or quality, noble embroiderd.
Dumping price of DM 16,95,- +
freight each.
Swedish guy 35y.o. seeks sensu-
al, sincere and warm girl in any
age. I like travelling, art, ballet,
theatre, movies, skiing, tennis &
sailing. Lars Eriksson, Brevia
Box 229, S-11421 Stockholm,
Swedish man, 35, 173-70 and
dark, live alone with 8 y.o son in
a house. God job and many int-
erests. One is motorcyclerace.
Do you want to know me? And-
ers Blom, Ekvaegen 14, S-66500
Kil, Sweden.
Thai girl, 16, seeks penpals,
write in English to Pensri Ma-
ungsan, 140-44 Baan Thip, Mll
Sukhumvit Rd, Pattaya, Thai-
land 20260.
The Flying Dutchman feels lost
on top of his mountain. Make me
feel part of the world, girls, &
write to the lonesome 25 y.o.
hang-glider, Lars Grootjooitink,
Park Sonnenberg, 5501 Leiwen,
W. Germany.
This is no lonely hearts ad. I’m
just looking for a penpal, male or
female. I’m 21 y.o. + have many
interests. Write to: Anne Kuehn,
Laerholzstr. 80A 509, W-4630
Bochum, Germany.
Tierliebendes Maedchen, hueb-
sch, gross und kraeftig als
Dompteuse auf Bauernhof fuer
Pferde und Raubtiere, Naehe Wi-
en, gesucht. Bei Eignung
langjaehrige Dauerstelle. Ganz-
bildzuschriften an E. Till, A-3452
Moosbierbaum, Austria
To all stamp collectors: I want to
change stamps from Island. I of-
fer stamps from Germany, Austr-
ia and Switzerland. Eduard Kro-
iss, Ottobrunner Str. 6, W-8011
Faistenhaar, Germany.
Vantr vinna fra 1. mai 91, hot-
elstjorn hja gesturmottaka eda
serhver starfsemi i hotelin tala
ensku, islenzku, fransku, tysku.
Nicole Nebel, Oskar Hoffmann
Str. 53, W-4630 Bochum,
Vesttyskaland. I april er eg a Is-