Tíminn - 20.09.1991, Blaðsíða 6

Tíminn - 20.09.1991, Blaðsíða 6
6 Til sölu sem nýtt 140L. fiskabúr með ýmsum fýlgihlutum, verð 8 þús. Uppl. í síma 44998. Til sölu, rósella páfagaukur rúmlega árs gamall m/búri hæð ca. 25 cm.UppI. í sfma 611914. Hamstur og búr til sölu. Uppl. í síma 651672. 6 hamstrar fást gefins, einnig til sölu 2 hamstrabúr. Uppl. í sfma 667752. Til sölu fuglabúr. Uppl. í síma 656024. Átt þú gamlan og góðan hest? 10 ára fatlaður drengur óskar eftir að fá að skreppa á hestbak 1 sinni f viku. Uppl. f sfma 15973. Gullfallegir hreinræktaðir Sfamskett- lingar til sölu. Uppl. f sfma 623329. Óska eftir litlu hamstrabúri. Uppl. f síma 677683. Fimm vetra alhliða hestar til sölu. Uppl. í síma 19503 og 35263. Hestafólk! Er hryssan fylfull? Bláa FYLPRÓFIÐ gefur svar á einfald- an hátL Auðvelt í framkvæmd og nið- urstöður liggja fyrir eftir 2 klst. ísteka hf., Grensársvegi 8, 108-Rvk. Sími 91-814138. ÝMISLEGT Til sölu gamalt leirtau og skrautmunir, ódýrt. Uppl. í síma 38237. Til sölu Hefilbekkur sem nýr, minni gerðin og Baldwins skemmtari ásamt fl. munum. Uppl. í síma 27887. Til sölu, nýjir 12” krómhringir 4 stk. UppLísíma 32763. Óska eftir að kaupa ritvél og gyllingatr- tæki. Uppl. í síma 21581. Til sölu uppstoppaður Hreindýrshaus, upplagt í sumarbústaðinn, verð 30 þús. Uppl. í síma 814142. Óska eftir uppstoppuðum fuglum. Uppl. ísfma 814142. Nuddfræðingur óskar eftir aðstöðu á sólbaðsstofu eða í heilsurækt. Uppl. í síma 650315. Til sölu 15 stk. videospólur með góðum kvikmyndum seljast allar á kr. 3,000. Uppl.ísíma 676619. Bændur ath. stór fjölsk. óskar eftir að kaupa lambakjöt í heilum skrokkum. Uppl.ísíma 652148. ERLENDAR AUGLÝSINGAR Holiday vacations free of charge. In 15 different countries all over the world. Our family-change-system makes it possible. Ergunalp, Mainaustr. 44, W-8000 Muenchen 60, Germany Sammle Muenzen von der ganzen Welt. Tausche dafuer Muenzen und Briefmarken. Peter Weimann, Philippsburger Str. 26, W-6725 Roemerberg 2, Germany Tengo 43 anos, por este medio desearia corresponderme con dama bue este interesada por la cultura y en el inicio de una nueva amistad. GLB, Pf. 102004, W- 6800 Mannheim 1, Germany %BYou have a lot of knowledge - is it enough for your life? Or do you want become wise? Free informations from Universal Life, PO Box 5643, Abt. 6\122-1, W-8700 Wuerzburg, Germany Colector of empty cigarette packs, want to exchange (40 x 40, 50 x 50,.,.) Write to: Mr. Aldo Alegria, Casilla 55-12, Santiago 12, Chile Boy 29 student, want friendship any age sex interest photograp, long letters, postcards, etc. Write me soon will be friends Mauricio Amigo AP 3820 Santiago Chile Very attr., atlet. boy, 25, sks also etletic gay boy. I’m handsome, sincere and very honesL Hope to hear from you with great photo: Michael Wickert, Postfach 1104, 5208 Eitorf-Sieg, Germany. Hi, I’m 25, secretary, looking for penfriends all over the world. Pls. write to: Angelika Riesner, Ankerstr. 15, D-5205 SL Augustin 1, Germany. Boy, 24, 1.74, slim, from Germany, is looking for beautiful girl, 18-35 to write and visit. Write in English or German with photo to: Uwe Niederschuh, Tuemicher Str. 3,5000 Koeln 51, Germany. Germ.doctor,33,sks contact to a young+beautiful girl f.later marriage.Inter.: sports,travel,liL,theatre + music. Plse with photo: Dr. Juergen Schaale, Herzogsfreudenweg 20, 5300 Bonn 1, Germany. Cermany calling: I would like to have penfriends from all over the world. I’m 26 and like music, movies, books: Jens Beckmann, Postfach 1520, 5010 Bergheim, Germany. IMPORTEXPORT CORPORATION offers Brazilian and Argentine products and services we can also look for specific articles. P.O.Box 62519, Cep-22257, Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil. Fax: 55 21 511- 2794. I collect postcards every nation. Please send me one from your country. I will send you one from Italy. Loretta Granetto, via Roma 227,39012 Merano (BZ), Italy. BAZAR, italian free ads paper, ali around the world. If you wish to receive it, please send 5 USD for issue: Curcu & Genovese S.r.L, via Ghiaie 14, 38100 Trento, Italy, Europe. Football Ticket Collector seeks tickets from EC, UEFA, FIFA, Intem. matches and all other match-tickets from football: M. Boogaard, Noordwijkstraat 19, 2586 VE The Hague The Netherlands. Gay boy, 26 years old, from Amsterdam is looking for gay boys from Iceland: write to Jan Moornum, Gravestein 934, 1103 BH Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Spanish man, 36 y.o., 1,80-70, seeks girl for sincere friendship. Fidel Pablo-Torres Milan, 20. Apto. 101. E1 Arenal. Mallorca. Baleares. Espana. Write in englis, french or spanish. Hi Islandl 26 y.o. boy seeks pen-pals all over Island. I like swimming, languages, travelling, etc... Answer all. Please write to: Felix G. Sureda. Concha Espina 41. Bajos izda. 07011. Palma de Mallorca. Islas Baleares. Espana. London, UK, accommodation, clean and friendly, TV, kitchen, showers, linen, washing machine, drier, central heating, phone, UKL 38 per week. Tel Keith Allen 9044-81-8063982 or write to 124 Osbaldeston Rd, London N16. Record label owner, producer, writer, muso. Busy? U know it! Seeks beautiful blonde, blue-eyed lady 21-30. Life is happnin' and I want 2 share it with U! A Hill, 7 Handen Rd, London SE12 8NP, England. I am bored, so write and cheer me up, I am 25, male, brown hair, slim, 5ft 8in, men or women please write to Frank, 36a Greyfriars Road, Woodhouse Park, Manchester, M22 6UT, UK. English male, 23, seeks female penpals for frank exchanges, I like travel, books, movies, life, love and fun, write with photo to Simon Wintringham, 50 TYoutbeck Road, Gatley, Cheshire, SK8 4RR, UK. Used world stamps to exchange from your country, write to PO Box 129, Blackpool, Lancashire, Fll ÍAA, UK. Separated male, 35, tall, honest and caring, seeks woman aged 28 to 38, single parent ok, pretty, english speaker, non smoker, for permanent relationship, write to J Black, PO Box 24, Levenshulme, Manchester, M19 2FN, UK. A very romantic Italian man, 27, wishes to meet an honest girl to be romantically involved with, photo appreciated, Femando, Flat 3, 365 Wilmslow Road, Fallowfield, Manchester, M14 6AH, UK. Hi, I am 22, sincere and smart, looking for romantic funny female, please write in English, German, Russian, or even Lithuanian, to Julius Vidas, 268 Old Chester Road, Liverpool, L42 3TF, UK. English lady, 46, blonde, slim, seeks to write to nice, genuine, honest and caring gentleman, for friendship maybe more. Photo ensures reply. M. Conway, 58 Church Street, Failsworth, Manchester. M35 9JW. UK. Student, 23, in prime of youth, female or male penpals craved (18-27), liberate me from writer’s boredom! Write with photo NOTAÐ & n\'tt to Peter Grigg, 87 Weir Gardens, Rayleigh, Essex, England. POPCORN AND CANDY floss machlnes, huge proflt potential. MR. POPCORN A1 EQUIPMENT LTD, 3 Sunny Cardens Parade, Off Great North Way, Hendon, London, England NW4 ÍJA. Tel 081-202 3928 Fax 081-202 4305. BRAND NEW VHS videos - 15,000! Bankrupt stock indudes Lethal Weapon, Highlander, etc. Min 100, UKL 4.65 each (RRP UKL10.20 plus P&P). THE GREAT AMERICAN VIDEO STORE, 75 Shenley Rd, Borehamwood, Herts, U.K. Norwegian boy, normal looking (32-182- 72) dark-blond, blue eyes seeks a nice honest and normal girl. I’m interested in sport, animals and movies. Please write. Photo. Kyrre Johansen, N-8423 Maumes. Norwegian boy (22M8CN68) Seeks girl for friendship and possible realtionship. I have brown eyes, blond hear. Hobbyes: Sport, movies, music. Write with photo. Alf Froan. N-8423 Maumes. 20.000 beatutiful girls from 37 countries seeks men for friendship, love, marriage. Send ten (10 dollar) cash for updated lisL Seriousll. Write to: L.Rostad, Haugeby 8. 3408 TYanby, Norway. Get big dollars in your mailbox every day. This 4 page report will tell you how. Send US Dollar 3 To: Gills, box 208, N-450 Mandal. Norway. Swedish man 45 with a univ. education, want ladys in any age with good education for change of letters and ev. more. Enclose photo pls. Jan Jonsson, Baeckgaardsv. 18, S-14300 Vaarby, Sweden. Swedish man seeks BS woman for marr. You are slender, ser., honest. I am separated, have firm & house, iiving alone. Answ. in Engl. I’m collector of biermats, banknotes and playingcards. Tijskens Waiter, Bosstraat 51, B-3930 Hamont-Achel, Belgium. Male university student, 22 y.o., lots of interests is looking for female penpal. Write to: Danny M., Rode Kruisplein 4, B-2620 Hemlksem, Belgium. Instituteur TUnisien, 32 ans, cherche correspondant(es) du monde entier parlant le francais ou l’arabe. Ali Taieb. Boite postale 151.4170 Zarzis. Tunisie. Yg french man srch job middlemanNpartner all businesses purchaseNsales between FranceNEurope. Every country. Apply in confidence. JANNONCE APA0172 37, Av Versailles 75016 PARIS FRANCE. Englishman, 32, slim, dark, handsome, 5ft 6in, seeks short, slim, Northem Beauty, 25-35, send photo & phone no. please to: Des Crow, 2 Pilgrims Close, Northolt UB5 4QB, England Danish girl, 21 y.o., is looking for penfriends all over the world. Int.: travel, sports and loads more. Hope to hear from you soon Anne-Mette R. Knudsne, Drewsensvej 36, DK-8600 Silkeborg, Denmark. Forfatter oenskes. Har du besluttet at blive forfatter-skribent, oenskes udveksling af ideer, oplevelser og venskab. Mulig hjaelp. S. Hestnes, Vaegtens Kvt. 324, DK-5220 Odense Soe. Denmark. %BKlip Koebenhavn ud. TYiristvaerlser DKR 220,-. TYiristlejlighed DKR 500,-. Koekken, bad, boemevenligt. Frederiksberg, bus nr. 1 til ZOO. Skriv. PetermAskjaer Friis, Jyllandsvej 28, DK- 2000 Frederiksberg. Danmark. Tel. +45 31 87 07 12. Hi, I’m a 21 years old girl and I’m looking for new penpals. Please write to me. I'm waiting, answer all. Maren Kruse, Eckermannstr. 60, W-2120 Lueneburg. W- Germany I’m Comelia, 14 y.o. and my hobbies are skiing, reading & collecting postcards. My adress: Cornelia Schiller, A-3521 Untermeisling 10, Austria, EU Boy from Austria, 26, would like to have a female penfriend. Hobbies: skiing, squash.... Please write in English or German to Karl Sallinger, Kl.-Erlaa 11, A- 4300 St. Valentin, Austria, EU German Mom, 36, 2 children, is looking for penpals. Write in English or German to: Karin Gomy, Heideweg 9a, W-4010 Hilden. W. Germany. Hej You! Yes, You! I’m 16, German female. If you’re between 15-25 write your crazy letter to: Sandra Weber, Johanniterstr. 41, W-4100 Duisburg 1. W. Germany. Male musician-writer seeks penfriends. I’m attractive, single, live in Ilollywood, work at Paramount Studio. I love music, fdm, theatre, women: Geoíf Woodhall, Box 34651, Los Angeles, CA 90232, USA. Boy, 21, tall, slim, good-looking, blond, seeks beautiful, kind girl. Interests: Surfing, skiing, nature. Write with photo: Randy Segler, POB 2501, Huntington Beach, CA 92647, USA. Spanish-American male, 52 years old, seeks female friend, any age okay: Ramon Munoz, 113 E 7th St, Los Angeles, Calif, USA Los Angeles man, very romantic, 25, Indian descent, engineer, seeks girl for friendship and more. Hobbies: TYavel, reading, movies, music and fitness. Guaranteed reply: S Iqbal, POB 741097, Los Angeles, CA 90004, USA. Hello, attractive successful Califomia male, 23, wants to write to girl to exchange thoughts and visits. Write with photo: Jim Brenner, POB 882551, San Diego, CA 92168, USA. Single white male, 46, very dominant, seeks slim, submissive, single, diminutive, young lady. Please send appropriate photo and statistics to: L Steese, 4905 Long Beach B119, Long Beach, CA 90805-6735, USA. Lady, 31 years, blond, blue-eyed, loves people, outdoor and indoor sports, camp, fish, I also love music, movies, having fun with friends. I dance, party at the beacha: Marje Huiet, 1294 Belfast Av, Costa Mesa, CA 92626, USA. Female, attractive 25-year-old, slim, pretty face, looking for penpal. I am caring, humorous, good girl. Write in English only, photo please: Linda Kay, 4655 E 58th St B, Maywood, CA 90270, USA. Attractive, inteliigent, second generation, Portuguese-American man, 185cm, 91kg, open-minded, likes reading, history, Country + Westem music, seeks female penpals. Photo optional: Paul Pinheiro, 297 S Huntington SL Pomona, CA 91766, USA. Phone cards, I’ll mail you 100 nice stamps for 10 used phonecards. Bruno Rivoia via B. Verro 78,20141 Milano, Italy. Italian boy 25 y.o. would like to correspond with penfriends. I like music, reading, travelling and sports. Please write in English. Renato Boccaccio via De Pretis 66-24, 20142 Milano, Italy. I collect postacrds from all over the world. Send me some of your country (dean) and ITI send you some from Italy. Manuela Federella P.zza S. Giuseppe 10, 20162 Milano, Italy. Italian boy 20 y.o., student of philosophy would like to correspond in English or French. I am interested in your country and in your way of living. Francesco Vitti via P<iscarella 20,20157 Milano, Italy. Hil I’m Sibylle and seeking for a penpal. I’m 17 y.o. and want to know more about your country. This is my address: Sibylle von Tiedemann, Forstenrieder Allee 200, W-8000 Muenchen 71, Germany Athletic, 25 y.o. guy seeks to correspond with other guys to become good friends. AIl letters with photo will be answered. Stefan Ulmer, Luetzelstr. 57, W-6737 Boehl-Iggelheim 1, Germany I’m curious (perhaps about you), 20 y.o. German girl apd want to write to people living in foreign countries. So write to Daniela Engert, Lerchenweg 3\1, W-7332 Eislingen, Germany I woi;k in an advertising agency as texterVonsultant. Do you have a similar job? What if we exchange our opinious and alt else. Write to Manfred Kratschmann, Goethestr. 37, W-6907 Nussloch, Germany You have a lot of knowledge - is it enough for your life? Or do you want to become wise? Free information from Universal Life, PO Box 5613, Abt. 6U22-1, W- 8700 Wuerzburg, Germany STINA OMARSDOTTIR - skriv til mig - jeg kan ikke huske, hvilken adresse der var den sidste; maaske har jeg sendt breve til et forkert sted. Haaber du har det godt; savner dine filosofiske breve og kommentarer! Mange kaerlige hilsener fra din gamle ven og selskabsloeve fra spansk, Margith Nielsen, Emdrup Huse 23-l.th, DK-2100 Koebenhavn O, Danmark. Deutscher, 24, sucht Briefwechsel mit anderen, die an der Welt und allem Drumherum, interessiert sind. Zuschriften bitte in Deutsch an: Thomas Richter, Heinrich-Rau-Str 42, 0-1140 Berlin, Germany German from Berlin, 38, wishes to become acquainted with a gay. Write in German and a little English. Frank Schuster, Vamhagenstr. 38, 0-1070 Berlin, Germany. Cap, uniform and other things of Polish police. Andy Krawczyk, Porajow 4-43, 03- 188 Warszawa, Poland. We can export everything You want from Poland. D. Baba, ul. Napierskiego 52-8, 70-783 Szczecin, Poland. Would you like to correspond with 25 yo girl from Poland? I like music, art, travels. Agnieszka Chowaniec, ul. Rapackiego 20D-2, 59-400 Jawor, Poland. Polish girl, 16, likes travels, reading, pop music, would like to correspond with new friends. Write in English, German. Marta föstudagur 20. sept.1991 Ciesielska, ul. Bobrowa 5-57, Gdansk Oliwa, Poland. The exchange of poscards. K. Slominski, Okoniny Nadjeziome 34, 89-530 Siiwice, Poland. The exchange of postcards, 4 for 4. B. Mlekodaj, ul. Podhalanska 18, 34-410 Rabka, Poland. Polish man, attractive and very handsome, 23-182-78, looks for an exclusive and elegant man. Cezary Krysztofowicz, Ogrody 24-13,85-870 Bydgoszcz, Poland. I am seeking for used amateur transceiver. Write in English, Polish. Waldemar Wieczorek, ul. VVidok 13-7, 66-400 Gorzow, Poland. I’m looking for reggae music fans. Write in English, Russian, Polish. K. Witoslawska, Box 6, 47-300 Krapkowice, Poland. The exchange of stamps. For stamps from your country I give you stamps from Poland, USSR, Asia. Theme: fauna, flora, fable, transport. M. Jaskula, ul. Kolejowa 10-5,38-400 Krosno, Poland. I would like to correspond with friends. I want to exchange mint stamps. Write in English, German, Esperanto. Maksymilian Ostrowski, Box 720, 42-218 Czestochowa, Poland. The exchange of coins, 10 for 10, banknotes, 10 for 10. W. Bajorek, ul. Partyzantow 12,38-200 Jaslo, Poland. Stamps exchange, 50-50. Miroslaw Sejkowski, Box 49, 86-105 Swiecie 5, Poland. Collector searches peaked caps and rank insignias from the military (especially the navy) and police. S. Massnick, Sollmannweg 16, 1000 Berlin 47, Germany Want to buy old brass microscopes in original wooden boxes and accesories for microscopes. AIs contact with other collectors. A. Grawitter, Fritz-Wemer-Str. 37, W-1000 Berlin 42, Germany. Seeking penfriends: German student, 22 years old, male, hobbies are reading, writing, travelling and scuba diving. Please write Engiish or German. Don’t worry, be happy. Ulrich Stoellger, Markelstr. 5,1000 Berlin 41, Germany. Porto Colom, Mca., with lovely views of sea and hills and 5min. From beaches. Area of 250m2 and ganden 920m2. 140.000Í. Tel. 71-825092, Fax.71- 657068.ATT. MR.E.Halewijin. Norwegian Timberbuilt yawl, 1966 Longkeeler, 11, 80 x 2,96 x 2 m., fully equipped, lying Mallorca, 39,000f. ST. Phone: Spain 71-825092. Clasic Yacht Hillyard, 9Ton, 32 feet, center cockpit, Volvo MD2 auto. VHF log.Echo.etc. Mahogany oak, good safe cmising boat. Lying Palma-Majorca. 2.150.000 pts. Te. 34-71-270809. Peter TYeen. Spain. Spanish single man 29 y.o. is looking a giri who wants to be me penfriend please. If you write me with your photo. I’ll write back wiht one mine write to: J. Luis. P.O. Box 723. Mca. Baleares. Spana. Lonely bachelor in wheelchair seeks openminded, understanding woman to live with him. Am 31, financially insecure & need personal assistance. (English) Jerry, 2643 William St, Vancouver, Canada V5K2Y6 Handsome African man, 25, staying in Germany, looking for beautiful ladies. Send with photo. Timophy Omorotion, Weststr.85, 5120 Herzogenrath- Kohlscheid. Germany. 18 year old german girl, loving Iceland, is looking for girls, about same age to start a penfriendship. I love travelling, cycling, sleeping. I speak French, German, Dutch and Engiish. Please write to me: Michaela Mehlkamp, Nordring 50, 5132 Uebach- Palenberg, Germany. Sale and meditation of old - timers up to 1965 incl. customs formalities arranged by F. Veteran,, Olomoucka 170, 796 07 Prostejov, Czechoslovakia. Solrun Hrawnfjord Njalsdottir, do you have any info about her? Please, write to: Rua Filgueiras Lima 20-208, CEP 20950 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil. Thanks a million. Coleciono placas veiculos, desejo trocar colecionador outros paises; car, truck, moto; autonummemschildsammler; license plate collector; collectionneur plaque d'immatriculation. Jose Souza; Praia do Flamengo 12-417, CEP 22210 Rio de Janeiro-RJ Brasil Young Brazilian engineer, 27-172, brown eyed, English speaking, fond Viking history, wants to meet Icelandic girl, 18- 25, friendship, visiting, leaming, maybe more. Danilo Meira; Av Djalma Batista 712, CEP 69050 DIAM, Manaus-AM Brasil Is you Elvis Presley fan? Write me quickly for change articles and information: Luiz Carlos Tarsiano; Av Paulo de Frontin 203-



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