The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 22.12.1962, Blaðsíða 4

The White Falcon - 22.12.1962, Blaðsíða 4
4 WHITE FALCON Saturday, December 22, 1962 ** Keflavik Feature of the Week ** COMEDY CUT-UPS—Denis and Brendon Kerns along with Tom Moore were a complete success when they brought “down the house” with their mimicking. DANCE TEAM—Vicky Busbice (Front) and Mrs. Carolyn Shank do a dance routine to a song by Mrs. Perry (Not shown). FAMILY GETOGETHER—The “Dirty Dozen” come on strong with their version of “Melancholy Baby.” High School Minstrel Show Scores Huge Success By Laurie Fitch Something has taken Mahan by storm! Shades of the ‘ole South drift from Mrs. Settles’ room. Yes, I’m referring to that musical smash, “Minstrel Memories,” put on by the high school Glee Club on December 12th. From the moment the first song was sung, you could almost taste those hominy grits and feel that southern sun warming your face. The numbers ranged from “Melan- choly Baby,” sung by the “Dirty Dozen,” to “Accentuate the Posi- tive” by our own “Mr. Bones.” . The “Olio that comes between the halves” was a delight for all. Who would have believed Mrs. Perry could sing like that or Vicky Busbice and Mrs. Shank could dance like that? Dennis and Brendon Kerns along with Tom Moore brought down the house with their mimicking. The second half was even better than the first. “Lucky Old Sun” actually brought tears to many eyes. And didn’t you feel like get- ting up and giving three cheers for the U.S.A. when the “Patriots” sang “My Own America”? I wish there were space to men- tion the whole cast but, “Kids, it was wonderful” will have to do. Mrs. Settles, you too can relax now and pat yourself on the back for a marvelous production. All there is left to say is, “Thank you all.” Chit Chat: Class rings have fin- ally been ordered by the juniors and seniors after much debate. Seeing Pat and Pam Schmitz and Ricky Vogel off at the airport turned out to be quite an experi- ence. Have you noticed a certain couple’s matching shirts? I can safely state that the get together at the terminal after the show was as much fun as “Minstrel Memories” itself. SO SAD—“Mr. Bones” gives out with his own rendition of “Accentuate the Positive.”


The White Falcon

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