The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 20.11.1965, Side 10

The White Falcon - 20.11.1965, Side 10
10 WHITE FALCON Saturday, November 20, 1965 SIGN RIGHT THERE—Senior Chief Aerographer’s Mate Charles S. Weir signs his Certificate of Advancement to his present rate, Nov. 16, as Fleet Weather Facility’s Officer in Charge, Cdr Charles R. Hall, looks on. (Photo by Lang, PH3) The Radio Log by Wayne Long, SN Here they come!!! The Net- work Nitwits.......55 fun-filled minutes of fantasy with those three nuts from AFRS... .Long, O’Malley and Scott. Network Nitwits is a brand new show that that will start this Saturday night at five min- utes past midnight. The show is a combination of wit (we hope), wisdom (we doubt) and wise- cracks (we’re sure). “Network Nitwits” The Nitwits will feature such notables as Matt Dilbert, the chicken marshal of Dart City, Kansas......Red Haircutter with Sports, that great panel game “What’s My Name” and others too numerous to mention. During the course of the show other little bits and pieces of non- sense will wend their way into script. Music will be an added attraction of the show and the laughing boys will feature their “Comball Record of the Week." Jazz-Past And Present Another newcomer of AFRS will be a Sunday night gig called “That Traveling Two Beat” host- ed by Bill Brenneman, a band- leader is his own right. Dixie- land Jazz, past and present, will be the theme when you hear artists like Al, Matty, Pete, Red and the Dukes on “That Traveling Two Beat” from 10:45 p.m. to 11 p.m. Sundays. Bargains On Base “The Saturday Shopper” will start on AFRS Saturday at 11:05 a.m. This show, hosted by Guy Miller of the AFRTS Newsroom, is a resume of some of the better bargains around the base. These shows are among the changes that have taken place on the “Big 84.” Listen close and you can spot the subtle change in our programming schedules. If that’s too much trouble drop into build- ing T-44 and pick up a copy of the program schedule.... if you can wrest it away from the AFRTS “Good Guy” on duty. Icelandic Concert On TV, Nov. 22. To make this Thanksgiving “something special” and add an International touch, the Icelandic National Band will join us for a concert on Armed Force Television this Monday night, Nov. 22. Under the direction of Pall Pampichler Palsson, the 30 men of the band will present some “old standbys” such as “American Patrol” and the “National Em- blem,” plus a special rendition of the Overture to “Kiss Me Kate” by Cole Porter. Not for- getting the International theme, Pall will present the band in a medley of delightful Icelandic Folk Dance melodies. This promises to be an especi- ally delightful evening of tele- vision viewing. Please remember to watch the Icelandic National Band on Armed Forces Television this Monday night, right after the Miss America Pageant, as they join us for an International Thanksgiving Week. DOMINO—Lovely Claudine Auger will be seen as “Domino” in the new James Bond thriller “Thunder- ball.” Sure do hope that isn’t the last that’s seen of this lass. Welcome Aboard Navy Arlensky, N. I„ .............. Guess, I. J., Jr., ........... Webb, C. C.,.................. Marsh, T. E., ................ Vaughn, R. H., ............... Stewart, A.M., ............... Quinn, W. R., ................ Landers, W. E., .............. Davenport, G. M., ............ Lucas O. G., Jr., ............ Schoeberlein, W. E., ......... Clemens, A. G. Jr., .......... Kehoe, E. P................... Snyder, B. A., ............... Pulvermacher, J. F.,.......... Wise, T. P.................... Thrasher, D. R................ Cramer, D. H., ............... Porter, D. E., ............... CT3 .... Kingston, N. Y. DK2 .... Washington D.C. SN .... Kansas City, Mo. CMACP . . Smethport, Pa. CYNSA . . Albertville, Ala. ACAN .... Gates Mills, Ohio SN .... Haverhill, Mass. SN .... Lowell, Mass. RMS A .. Grand Prairie, Tex. SKSN .... Louisville, Ky. CYNSA .... Orlando, Fla. SKSN .... Royerford, Pa. RM1 .... Fall River, Mass. RMS A .... San Jose, Calif. RMS A .... Lone Rock, Wis. RMSN .... New Orleans, La. SA .... Junction, Ill. PHI .... Dousman, Wis. RM2 .... Jacksonville, Fla. Air Force A2C. Griffin, H. E .................... Houston, Tex. A1C. Smithers, G. G...................... Anita, Iowa SSgt. Peterson, C. E................. Nicetown, Fla. A2C. Williams, L. T............ Corpus Christi, Tex. A2C. Rachuig, E. L......... ..............Waco, Tex. A2C. Norris, R. H.................. Fort Worth, Tex. A1C. Wooley, D. L...............Williams ABF, Ariz. TSgt. Dacy, R. T.......... ............ Pawnee, Okla. TSgt. Hatcher, C. W......................Aragon, Ga. MSgt. Hammond, D. A................. Rogersville, Mo. SSgt. Redd, E. M................... Woodward, Okla. A2C. Riester, E. P....................Bradenton, Fla. A1C, Trippe, L. E...................... Fristoes, Mo. A2C Carter, G. L.......................... Alma, Ga. SSgt. Erickson, R. S................ Milwaukee, Wis. A1C. Krueser H. W..................... Caldwell, N. J. SSgt. Pittsley H. F., Jr.........Huntington, W. Va. SSgt. Morgan, J. E.................West Plains, Mo. SSgt. Thornhill, B. E. T............... Olanta, S. C. A1C. Mulkay, R. J.................. Dorchester, Mass. A2C. Griffith, L. M................ Martinsdale, Ind. SSgt. Wills, M. J.................Alamogordo, N. M. TSgt. Rhodes, D. M.................... Sherman, Tex A2C. Young, S. F.................. Blue Springs, Mo. A1C. Higgins. J. D ...................Lansing, Mich. A2C. Nelson, W. F...................... Duluth, Minn. Hootenanny TV Show (Continued, from page 9.) one of the few all-American folk instruments, the banjo, with his Bluegrass version of “Two-Dollar Bill.” M. C., Bill Jenkins, px-oved him- self an able balladeer when he turned his strumning and singing talents on an all-time folk fa- vorite, “Rock Island Line.” A little philosophy was injected via the German language when Mike Greenman played and sang a German folk song called “Thoughts Are Free.” Rounding out the 60-minute mu- sical menu for Hootemany “65” was the entire cast in a sing along finale of “I’ve Gotta Travel On.” Hootenanny “65” will be pre- sented tonight at the CPO Club. by Tom Cross, SA On Saturday, Nov. 27. at 12:30 p. m. an AFTV special will be shown. “I Leonardo daVinci” is a program describing daVinci’s life from his inauspicious begin- nings in Vinci, Italy to his death- bed in Amboise, France. It relates the genius of this man known as a failure in his own time. Leonardo daVinci Leonardo daVinci has been cal- led a“ Twentieth-century man,” but students who have studied this man pale at the very thought of it. “The true greatness of the man evolves when he is placed in his own time,” states Carlo Pedretti, one of the world’s foremost authori- ties on daVinci. Mr. Pedretti further states that “....without Leonardo, three centuries would have been empty of art, culture and civilization.” This program should be of interest to almost everyone. On Saturday at 5 p.m. another special will be aired. This will be an informational show concerning the United States Missile Pro- gram. “Ten Years To Remember” takes us from 1954 when the U. S. was lagging in the knowledge of missiles to 1964 when we feel a comfortable lead. Thanskgiving Specials On Monday at 7:30 p.m., don’t miss the “Miss America Pageant,” when the beautiful contestants from all 50 states compete for the title of Miss America. Finally a word about the spe- cial programs on Thursday, the 25 of Nov., which is, of course, Thanksgiving. This day will be set aside strictly for AFTV’S Thanks- giving agenda. Featured will be he Thanksgiving Parade, The Bob Cummings Show, The Jimmy Dean Show, Home For the Holidays and others. For those of us who are not going “home for the holi- days” it will be a interesting day of entertainment. TV schedules can be picked up anytime in the lobby of Bldg. T-44 HAPPY THANKSGIVING! DON’T DRINK TOO MUCH TURKEY!!! IDF Teamwork Does The Job TECHNICALLY PERFECT—Staff Sergeant Harold P. Stoffle is an Automatic Flight Control technici- an. Lives depends on the precise and professional manner in which he performs his jobs. It’s up to him to keep those birds flying. Stoffle is a veteran of 15 years military service. He spent six years with the Navy before entering the Air Force. Sergeant Stoffle plans to stay for 20 years and then retire tends to try the “bar business” after the service. ALERT FOR SECURITY—Lance Corporal Dieter Snider is on duty, here, as Corporal of the Guard. He also stands posts as a gate sentry. The security of this instal- lation depends on alert person- nel like him. Snider has been in the service two years, two months and in Iceland for seven months. Sni- der, who is nineteen years of age, says his plans after the service are to return to his home in Ger- many. SETTING THE RECORDS STRAIGHT—Richard J. Baldacci, YNSN, administrative yeoman for the Staff of Commander Iceland Defense Force iputs the finishing touches on one of the service rec- ords he is responsible for. Baldacci has been in the Navy since April of this year and arrived in Iceland on the first of June. When his enlist- ment expires Baldacci plans to return to his hometown of Chic- ago, Ill., take up his civilian occu- pation of barbering.


The White Falcon

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