The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 21.11.1942, Qupperneq 6

The White Falcon - 21.11.1942, Qupperneq 6
6 Barney Google and Snuffy Smith by Billy DeBeck ftftCttV ft *ftWaft*00.*W? c,\}REVVlTtU. abbeero mnse RY-UANWACEE EOR oryca^RvaTH ■7 RU.NGB RUMEyRYCRB'i: MRRO B\RB EWAVR, TAR OEEYCYRl. RRYAGARO0-TRRVtAER, PWE OWTSVDE VN\TR ^Vi\_\_ E.Q\W9N\RNiV V. VNR'RR GOVtA’ OU A (A RU.-BRH vwvoe ''KRtAGRRCO- TRW^R';. ttNVPft \\ HbU MEAtA QOYBBRYCRER NUMBER OtAE ft\ .SftRGR - Bo SB WAAB VV WE. RtA’ CAOGRE TROthRS AVOtAG HAVE HE TERDRH* YTYA.BRBRRTEBV- AoRRSCMR HAVE RAA-TA’ MRRWAtATs GCAAR ORE VA' \_\ME-\-0f\G ORH SEE ,SNA“\ A - x beueme hour VmGRROO tsAES EROMRHAUBABVR RE A tAEAtAE OE BVEBRTCRYtAG. MREERGES SO SEE PROW UtARB PROW tACNA OtA - VNR’YL CO(AS\BRR. CAOSRE RE BEYtAG. OEEYCYAUN YtA ARNyM SERMYCE AtAB HOB VNUA.BE AU.OYNRB SO COCATlfAUE Jimmy Green’s generosity can prove embarrassing to that her- culean mite at times. For in- stance: Jimmy was really shoot- ing a line to the waitress, arid doing a good snow' job too! When Jimmy rose to go he placed some change under the sugar bowl with a great flourish. The wait- ress came along to change the table cloth and swept the total — 3 cents! to the floor! Ed Eldridge, alias Hejjry Aid- rich, has been vacationing in the hospital for some time, Take it easy, Henry; that N.C. chicken likes you “as is.” Squire Holton is busy chop- ping wood, sharpening butcher knives, making gamboling sticks and a scaffold pole for a hog killing. I guess he thinks he is in. Georgia. We are very sorry, as a mat- ter of fact heartbroken, to re- port that our fellow laborer and maligner, T/5G. Peter Scrip, Is confined to his bed in the dis- pensary with a mild nervous fereakdowp caused fey trying to imitate Sgt. Jordan’s 3-minute speed. Our inspiration, that man who gives his all to his work, is none other than that Baltimore oyster shucker, Ramrod Gilbert. It hurts us to think of his being a jitter- bug when he would make such a grand preacher! That was not a statue stand- ing back by the gate all this week. It was just Tony Kolinski on guardl Just because “Egg” Gorman at- tended school with Janet Blair, does that give him license to write so familiarly, especially with his Edith pining her heart away back home? - 10-E-C. How’ many of us know that: seats will soon be reserved for the news.? 1st Sgt. House has two children, both girls? Pvt. Nigro needs a press agent? Bill Hulme is now a 2nd Lt. con- nected with an Aviation Erigr. unit? Sgt. Taylor and Pvt Ull- m&n are owners of large cor- porations? Von Duditch ordered a Santa Claus suit to distribute the Xmas mall? Pvtg. Kohler, Stien. and Parteko are the most consist ant Falcon buyers? T/5G. z1fiP22l'ppln8? Pfc' Sh,rey is sK^MkP Checker player? T/5G. Juba enjoys wearing shoes? Our new day room, so long a dream, will soon be the real thing? Sgt. Trimble would be an excellent model for a Zoot Suit? Sgt. Joe Weiss. Special Service The Special Service dance band is coming along by leaps and bounds and soon will be avail- able for engagement. Profession- al musicians interested in join- ing can contact Pvt. Doug Ham- ilton of the SS Unit. Reports from the hospital indi- cate that Pvts. Farrah and Ed- wards will soon be back in our midst. Hurry it up, boys! Congratulations to T/5G. Jack Brandt and Tony Walaitis on their recent appointments. What little man wrowred the lads and lassies at the weekly Red Cross shindig? Could it have been Sgt. “Chick” Borelli and his banjo? Sgt. George Boudreau and Pfc. Antons Souza are doing yeoman service w ith their mobile motion picture units. Pumor has it that our hwo Rom- eos’ T/5G. Walaitis and “Dutch” Sell, have made connections iy the local pulchritude market. What about it, fellows? Anyone interested in tall tales get in touch w’ith our Sgt. Jimmie Zuchero and ask about “Dynamite Pete.” In case Sgt. Silver, our Athletic Techn. on DS, washes to know' what became of the bag of apples sent him by one of his West Virg- inia lovelies; we w'ish to inform him that they were enjoyed by all — that is those (the apples) that were edible. Ordnance Gullible Gertie says: T/5G. Mi- laschewsky recently purchased a pair of civilian shoes from Sgt. “DC” Sod. Sod claims to have found the shoes in a trash can and noticed that there were no soles on ’em, and it is evident that MilascheW'sky noticed only the shining sides. Challenge: Pfc. Rchie Wenger claims the , title of “The best barker of Coney Island,” and dares anyone to fake that title from him. There’s nothing wrong wjjsn a doggie receives packages from his gal back home, but when another unknowm lass from a earby town sends him packages too. then there’s a story Involved. What’s the story, Sgt. Barrett? Orchids to 1st Sgt. Mtobelli for the many hours he has spent in fixing up our day-room. Also to Pvt. Micucci, who is now our day-room orderly. QUOTE: “If you can write something good about me, O.K.; otherwise I am not seeking pu- blicity,” T/4G. Terr}'. * Richard H. Oliver. Navy Our officers and men were entertained one night at our Re- creation Hall by the RAF all- male troupe of artists from Eng- land. The enthusiastic players put on a splendid performance which was enjoy^l by the large crowd. Highlights of the show were the ventriloquist act- and the accordianist. Lt. Comdr. H. B. ’Hodgkins, Camp Chaplain and Welfare Of- ficer, announces that a new .sche- dule for us at the swimming pool has been inaugurated. Naval per- sonnel may enjoy the pool free, Nov. 22 from 1800 to 1000 and on Dec. 6. Arrangements for use of the pool were made by the American Red Cross. Beginning Sunday, Nov. 29 at 1800 hours our band will inaug- urate a series of weekly concerts. The concert w’ill be held in the hospital recreational hall. K. L. Peterson YJc. /


The White Falcon

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