The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 14.10.1944, Page 6

The White Falcon - 14.10.1944, Page 6
Male Call by Milton Caniff, creator of "Terry and the Pirates" Dry Run — But All Under-water Shots > y'$£E, mi LACE-OUE GIRLS AT HOME HAVE SOKTA GIVEN US A FAST BRUSH AN' WE THOUGHT IP WE COULD SEND 'EM SOME SNAPSHOTS OF US KISSIN' YOU THEY'D BE JEALOUS ENOUGH TO PUT US BACK IN THE NUMBER ONE SPOT.1 THEY LIVE IN DIF TOWNS- AND THEY WON'T KNOV f Organization News Pfc. Haugen and Cpl. Bublick were among the first to oonsider , the applications that oarry with them 90 days of woe and worry. Sgt. fttsyef took a ohanoe.l too. FLASH - Cpl, Micheal hes just announced his right to be honored on Fathers Day with the arrival of a bouncing baby girl named Mary Sue. Keep up the good work, Cpl. Cpl. Falsone complet- ely missed the mark lm Reykjavik this past week. The over-anxious Cpl. had the target in sight but jumped the gun. "Haste makes waste," is the careful adYioe of Falsone1a colleague, Cpl. Spears. Cpl. H. Goodinsky. ming up business and seeing that everyone stayed happy - Waiters Lee Berkman and "Pappy* Stearns making points with the MPs. Pvt. Ben Rosenthal. Bill Baumker’s read- ing "Fundamental Japan- ese" - must be a secret ....Charley Hovak's the big time pinochle play- er in his hut....SLEW AT THE LAST PARTY: Jim Iriok vrith the BODY - Tom Moffett with the FACE - Terry Packard with the BEER - 0. T. Medlin with a SMILE - Dean Garrett sharping his first looal debut- ante - Jerry Hoder getting the usual brush off - Phil Gerson drun- qUHRTERmflSTER From the looks of "Eyes" Stevrart and "Teeth" Griffith, Hut 6 must have thrown a wild party - they couldn't even enjoy Sunday chow. ..."Battling" Joe Pow- ers eame off KP look- ing seoond best from his feud with Shelton's boys - says he did the same pan 16 times....We non-ooms want to thank the Capt. for the usei of the Officers Ues& - for our party. At last Charlie Kirkman got some good out of his two stripes - and his fill of 3.2 beer, Soratoho. Whatever else may be said about our basket- ball* team, their games certainly arta*t dull. They do other things equally as well. For instanoei "Antelope Al" La Prade is considered the best debater in the league - “Blimp" Nufrio is the loudest. When "Blimp" took off his sweat-shirt, someone insisted that he also take off the fur coat underneath. Big Curley Derr lost his jeep and doesn't know where to find it.. ..Vince Stenoe walks off and lets Herb Homan learn all about the warehouse all by him- self. He hasn’t been to work for so long that he needs a guide to show him the way. Tec 5 Bill Donnelly. "Chief" Halt on advantage of the the other morning read a few smoke nals Coming from camp inoinerator. Chief SEiid the signals dis- closed that "Red man soon oross water." Just about the time he was going to get a little inside information on when "white man will oross water," an Ice- landic gust came along and censored the whole, thing. Cpl. Peeler says those new-fangled money orders will never go over big, they are too complicated. 1st Sgt. C. R. Birkel. ORDNANCE FERSOHOVELTIES: Who said there were no doorknobs in Iceland? Did anyone hear M/Sgt. Furns or Pvt. Wright- say so? Looks like they sure put their heads together to find the answer. Is it true that s/ Sgt. "Pop" Bowen likes fresh air? His cot was found outside his hut one night - the Sgt. in it. Pfo. (Panting for ohow) Ed Aron is push- ing the sale of War Bonds. The reason is obvious when you watoh the chow line. Tec 7 A. Nonny Muss. CAMP KLEPTOMANIACS* Cpl. Win. C. Weaver is the individual who sur- Send THE WHITE FALCO, pireieol ^ta-bCy;^9H T^9-sjq.suog g *titoS9Tn3tg Tin^s n ■m •*»!0 'OMr&ome . - U3)SBUiJ?Wrt| 0/3 . tSMj reptiously pilfers ord- erly room, supply and dispensary paper clips. ...When you proudly display your current heartbeat's snapshot to an admiring group, b« sure that one Sgt. Ben- der isn't in the vicin- ity - because Looie happens to exhibit def- inite traits of photo thievery if negatives or their prints are ex- posed to view. BRIEFS: Cpl. Franeis S. Smith voting a stra- ight Prohibition WAT Ballot....Local Liters-, ry Circles are thumbing through an appropriate "You Can't Go Home," by Thomas Wolfe. Sgt. C. A. Postler. Have you noticed S/Sgt. Charles Mo Ken na's sudden interest is pop-corn machines? Won' der if cute female op- erators have anything to do with it? Things have been tou- gh thus far but our basketball team is rea- lly shaping up. Tihat with such promi material as Sgt. “eras Pigott, Teo 5 Lyle P> ter, Teo 6 Norman Hied ringhauss, Pvts. Art Fauth end Paul Moore, we're destined for bet- ter days. M/Sgt. R. B. Simmons has a niok name for all his fellow workers S/Sgt. John Masterson has been tagged "Old Dog." Perhaps, John attraction for oats has something to do vrith it. | S/Sgt. Wm. MoClearjT'-


The White Falcon

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