The White Falcon

The White Falcon - 18.11.1944, Qupperneq 2

The White Falcon - 18.11.1944, Qupperneq 2
THE WHITE FALCON OUR FORCES — ALWAYS ALERT Published by and for the American Forces in Iceland, undef the supervision of Special Service Section, Iceland Base Com- mand. All photographs are by the U.S. Army Signal Corps'un- less otherwise credited. THE WHITE FALCON receives material supplied by Camp Newspaper Service, War Dept. This paper has been passed by the censor and may be mailed home for one-and-one-half cents. —SINKING OF GODAFOSS BY NAZI SUBMARINE THE WHITE FALCON is written and edited by enlisted-man personnel. IBG Special Service Officer ..Lt. Col. Lee F. Gilstrap. Supervising Officer ..........Lt. David Zinkoff. Managing Editor ..............Sgt. John Moran Associate Editor .............Sgt. J. Gordon Farrell Troop News Editor.............Cpl. Robert Hfll Staff Reporter ...............Pvt. E. G*. Gray Multllith Operator ...........S/Sgt. N. H. Heppel -ABROAD IN ICELAND- (Continued from Page 1) BORG SQUARE What GIs popularly call "Borg Square" is actually called Aust' urvollur (meaning East Square) in Icelandic. The misnomer, derived from the Hotel Borg, a prominent building fa cing the square, is a convenient one due to the difficult pronun- ciation of Austur- vollur and is probably used for that reason. The square was orig- inally part of one of the first farms in Ice land, being owned by one of the first Nor- wegian settlers here in 876 A. D. It was thus named Austurvol- lur, meaning the east- ern part of the lawn or farm. For many recent years it has been used as a "village green" but in 1936 flower beds and paths were laid out and the sta- tue of Jon Sigurdsson was erected there. Jon Sigurdsson who lived from 1811 to 18- 78, is considered to be the "father" of Iceland—the undispu- ted leader of the na- tion. A prominent sc- holar and statesman, he was also the first modem parliamentarian in the nation and de- voted his life to the development of the country. Flanking one side of the Austurvollur is the Reykjavikur Apotek (the Reykjavik Drug- store Building) which is the oldest merchant enterprise in Iceland. Founded in 1760, the Apotek is also the fi- rst and oldest chemist or drugstore, in the country. The nearby Hotel Borg was built in 1929. Olafur Thors, met the vessel bringing surviv- ors. Rescue vessels sent to the scene made careful patrols of the area to be sure that none of the survivors might be overlooked. Accounts of surviving crew members vary some- what, but it is evident that the torpedo struck jthe Godafoss port side, aft. LIFE RAFTS SUCKED DOWN IN UNDERTOW Hairsbreadth escapes aboard during the few. minutes the vessel re- mained afloat have been described by surviv- ors - some of the es- capes followed by death in the cold water al- ongside, as swimmers a- pproaching life rafts were sucked down by the sinking vessel’s under- tow. Three crew members ^were in the crew's din- ing room on deck when the torpedo struck. Sp- lintering timbers bloc- ked the door, but they climbed through a rift in the wall. ONLY ONE WOMAN SURVIVES DISASTER Aslaug Sigurdardottir - the only woman to es- cape alive, jumped from a lifeboat hanging on the starboard davits below, just as the raft slid into the water. She was not even damp- ened until the long wait on the heavily ra- ft began, where she and half-a-dozen com- panions sat waist deep in water during the two hours that elapsed be- fore rescue vessels came. The 20-year-old girl, returning home a- fter two years' study at Columbia Univer- sity's Teachers' Coll- ege in New York, calm after the ordeal her- self, said that all had conducted themselves like heroes - that th- ere had been no shouts and no confusion. The only other of the 12 passengers to survive was Agnar Kristjansson, Reykjavik youth, who was also returning from studies in the United States. OOT NOTES By ’ P«T. t. J(uk (rVA.y Not too many GIs- know that at Red Cross Headquarters here there are three girls kept busy all day just running the office....They are: Miss Edith Holgrate, Collinswood, N. J.: Miss Elsie Strand, Los Angeles, Calif: Miss Dorothy Fitzpatrick, Jeffersonville, Mo....So for those who wonder why they do not ever see these girls at the Centers, or if they do, why they aren't around more often, remember that they have already put in their day at headquar- ters and do not have too much time for extra- curricular activities. * * * Billboard's current rating of popular songs: "I'll Walk Alone"..."How Many V Hearts Have You Broken?"..."Dance With Dolly"..."Toge- ther "..."Swinging on a Star"..."Is You Is or Is You Ain't"...Now that all the major radio pro- grams have returned to the air for the winter, Hooper lists them in this popularity standing: Bob Hope...Edger Bergen...Walter Winchell.... Jack Benny...Joan Davis - Jack Haley. ....Screen Guild Players...Radio Theatre...Kay Kyser. * * * Back home people are talking about: The new twist on Gin Rummy, called Oklahoma Gin... it takes two ppcks, has two-3pots wild, the Queen of Spades counting fifty...Television's new programs now being broadcast, which have a certain resemblance to early movies like "The, Great Train Robbery"...That the top shows on Broadway are still the old ones..."Oklahoma!" "One Touch of Venus"..."The Voice of the Tur- tle"... "Carmen Jones"...Although some of ther openings this season like "Bloomer Girl" "Song' of Norway" "Anna Lucasta" and others, are close runner-ups. * * * Records of a special two-hour Christmas Show for servicemen overseas has been made by the Armed Forces Radio Service for distribution to outposts all over the world...The show fea- tures Bob Hope, Jack Benny, Dinah Shore, Fred Allen, Ginny Simms and many other top-notch en- tertainers . —CHILL WILLS SHOW (Continue!? from Page 1) ing" as Hitler would sing it, Singer Lynne Arlen wowed the GIs with her charming stage presence and her shapely gowns. It remained for Tay- lor and Mi Okie Trout to bring down the house with their juggling for they epitomized all the glamour associated with old-time vaudeville. Wills, a past-master at comedy, popped up all over the theater heckling the audience and performers, alike with his sharp humor. As usual, S/Sgt. Bar- ney Morel and his Air Corps Band did a bang- up job in the pit. ARC Marks Turkey Day With Football Movie And Formal Thanksgiving Day will be observed with a full program of activities at ARC Club 14. At 1500 hours, the Icelandic premiere will be held of the techni- color movie of the 1944 Ga. Tech - Tulsa Sugar Bowl game. Army, Marine and Navy personnel join in the presentation of the Co- lors at 2015 hours. Sgt, John Moran, Editor of the White Falcon, will give a short talk on Thanksgiving, The Air Corps. Band takes over at 2030 to swing out for the dan- cers at the Thanksgiv- ing Formal.


The White Falcon

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