Daily Post


Daily Post - 04.03.1941, Side 1

Daily Post - 04.03.1941, Side 1
DAILV POST II — 53 Tuesday, March 4th, 1941 Price: 15 aurar Mr. Eden in Athens. London, March 3rd. Mr. Anthony Eden and Sir John Dill arrived in Athens yesterday. To- day they attended a luncheon given by the Greek Prime Minister and then started discussion with the Prime Minister and the Foreign Minister and the Chief of the Greek General Staff. Athens was decorated and bands played in the streets. Mr. Eden was given a tremendous reception by the crowd. This morning all the Greek newspapers express their conviction of final victory for the Allies. There is nct much new to report from Bulgaria. It seems that many troop trains have léft for the Greek frontier but very few have left for the Turkish frontier. It is not known what passed between King Boris and the British Minister to Bulgaria yesterday, but in London it is generally agreed that the moment has come to break off diplomatic relations with Bulgaria. Turkey has mined all the Dardanellas, leaving only a narrow channel for ships to pass through. All vessels which wish to pass through, must obtain a special license. AIR ATTACKS ON A SMALL SCALE. London, March 3rd. Last night enemy attacks on England were on a small scale and little damage was done. In the early hours of the morn- ing there was small activity over East and South England- A few bombs were dropped but no casualties have been re- ported. Yesterday a Dornier was shot down off the east coast. This bomber was brought dcwn by a Hurricane pilot who had al- ready 20 confirmed victories to his cre- dit. He spotted the enemy plane, when on patrol off the coast, and engaged it at cnce. About 75 miles from the coast he silenced the German’s rearguns and short- ly afterwards saw the plane crash into the sea. Thre of its crew baled out. MR. MENZIES ON THE FAR EAST SITUATION. London, March 3rd. Mr. Menzies spoke on the Far East situation to-day. He said that there were many people in Australia who disap- proved of the steps the Japanese are tak- ing and that no doubt, there would be many people in Japan who disapproved of what he was doing. But why should the two nations go on pretending, Why not say that they don’t see eye to eye in certain matters. And is it an insult to anyone if a man locks up his door at night? Australia has taken care to be ready for any situation that might arise. But the Pacific Ocean could be made in fact really pacific by goodwill of all peoples concerned. Another batch of soldiers has arrived in Britain from New Zealand.


Daily Post

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