Daily Post


Daily Post - 04.03.1941, Síða 2

Daily Post - 04.03.1941, Síða 2
DAILY POST Berat heavily raided. London, March 3rd. R.A.F. bombers raided Berat yest- erday. They attacked the aerodrome there and destroyed two planes on ground. Several more were damaged. Extensive fires were started which could be seen 50 miles away. It has now been learnt that 26 Ita- lian planes were destroyed on Friday in the Tepelini area. The Greek town of Larissa has again been raided hy Italian aircraft. Women and children who were being evacuated were machine-gunned by the Italians. Many were killed. Land operations in Albania have been restricted to engagements he- tween patrols. JAP PRESS CONTINUES ANTI- BRITISH CAMPAIGN. London, March 3rd. Mr. Matsuoka to-day reported to the Emperor on the latest political develop- ments in the situation. The Japanese press maintains that Britain and China have reached military agreement directed against Thailand. The Vichy Government has refused to give any information regarding the settle- ment of the dispute with Thailand. Dis- cussions are going on. MR. WINANT SAYS MORE HELP COMING FROM AMERICA. London, March 3rd. Mr. Winant told a press conference to- day that more help were coming from America. He said he thought the German propagandists were wrong when they pre- dicted that American help would come too late. He further said that the South Ame- rican countries approved of the attitude the U.S.A. has taken, and added that never before had America been so united as now. ADVANCE IN ITALIAN SOMALI- LAND. . London, March 3rd. The Cairo communiqué reports further progresses by the British land forces in Italian Somaliland. They have continued their advance to a town some 80 miles from Mogadishu by railway. This town is an important centre of agriculture. The Italian high command has admitt- ed the loss of a post in South Libya. In Eritrea the R.A.F. have bombed enemy positions in the Keren area and many military objectives in Abyssinia, espe- cially in Gcdjam. On other fronts thye have continued giving support to the land forces. BREST SUCCESSFULLY BOMBED. London, March 3rd. Last night the docks of Brest were suc- cessfully bombed by a strong force of British bombers. Enemy aerodromes in France and the Netherlands were also bombed. Sticks of bombs were seen burst- ing at the dock where a large German cruiser is known to be moored. Extensive fires were started. Bombers of the Coastal Command at- tacked an enemy convoy in the North Sea yesterday and one supply ship was hit amidship by a torpedo. The ship sank. Other bombers of the Coastal Command attacked an enemy seaplane base. News in brief. \ London, March 3rd. Admiral Darlan is to make another visit to Paris previous to the rearrange- ment of the Vichy Cabinet. The funeral of the ex-King of Spain took place to-day in Rome.


Daily Post

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