Daily Post


Daily Post - 06.03.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 06.03.1941, Blaðsíða 1
DAILY POST II — 55 Thursday, March 6th, 1941 Price: 15 aurar British inister leaves Sofia. London, March 5th. It was announced in London this mornihg that diplomatic relations with Bulgaria had been hroken off. The British Minister to Sofia will leave as soon as he has made the ne- cessary preparations. He will probab- ly go to Istanbul. According to an American report the American Lega- tion at Sofia will guard British in- terests. It is pointed out in London that the severance of diplomatic relations does not mean that Britain is at war with Bul- garia. There is nothing known of the contents of Herr Hitler’s personal message to the Turkish President. Whatever it has con- táined will make little difference to An- glo-Turkish relations. The value of Hit- ler’s promises are too well known to all neutral countries. Arabian leaders in Palestine have de- clared that if Turkey is attacked the Mos- lem world will come to her aid, as she is regarded the main bulwark of Islam. Reports from Jugoslavia state that so far only 5 German divisions have entered Bulgaria. The Germans have already tak- en over control of the railways. Many left wing peple have been arrested in Sofia and other Bulgarian cities. The Bulgarian Foreign Minister is said to have either resigned or be going to do so. The attitude of the Soviet Government is thought to strengthen Jugoslavian re- sistancr General Antonescu went to Vienna to- day where he is to meet Goering himself. They will discuss military matters. 1700 ITALIAN TROOPS JOIN PA- TRIOT ARMY. London, March 5th. Reports from Cairo speak of an out* standing success of the patriot army in Abyssinia. Yesterday the patriots captured an important Italian post in the province of Godjam not 40 miles from the Addis Abeba road. Fifteen hundred irregular troops and 200 co- lonial troops deserted the Italians and joined the patriot army, bringing with them their weapons. Elsewhere in Africa the R.A.F- have ably supported the land forces. NINE ITALIAN AIRCRAFT BROUGHT DOWN. London, March 5th. Reports from R.A.F. headquarters in Greece state that yesterday British bomb- ers attacked an Italian warship in the Adriatic. Hurricanes and Gladiators which escorted the bombers met a large enemy formation of fighter aircraft and shot down 9 of them. Several others were damaged. The British planes suffered no losses. Another Italian warship was attacked off Valona. Athens reports successful operations in the central sector of the Albanian front. Prisoners and war material Were cap- tured.


Daily Post

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