Daily Post


Daily Post - 23.04.1941, Síða 1

Daily Post - 23.04.1941, Síða 1
DAIL¥ POST n- 94 Wednesday, April 23fd, 1941 ■i-1 1 Price: 15 aip*ar Naval attaek on Tripoli. London, April 22nd. The Adminalty issued ta-day a m»re de- tiailled communiqué ooncerning the naval bomhandement of Tripoli yestenday. The altíack, in which light and heavy units of the Mediteroanean fleet tiook part, begtan at dawn yesterday. R. A. F. bombers and Fleet Air Arm miachines also naided the town while it was being shelled. At least six ships in the harbour including one destrayer were siunk. Terrible damage wlas caiused on land. Some opposition was encoiuntered by ooastad batteries, but the Britisli ships suffered no damage. R. A. F. bombers have been very active in Cyrenaica. Four GeTman troop oarrying planes were interoepted and shot down. The aerodromes at Benghazi and Derna have been bombed and enemy planes de- stroyed on the ground. At Deraa a big fire broke out on the landing ground. At Fort Capiuzzoo there was a heavy explosion among vehicles. In Abyssinia British forces have occupied an important position near Dessye. Damage to roads has again delayed the advance of the British troops. Further seveateen offio- ers and some 500 other ranks have been taken prisoner. FIVE GERMAN PLANES DESTROY- ED OVER AND AROUND BRITAIN London, April 22nd. Last night and this momiing fíour enemy bombers and one fighter were destroyed in the neighhourhood of the British and French coasts. Twip hombers vviere shot jdown last Three enemy ships sunh London, April 22nd. Further successes in addition to the atíiack on Tripoli have been an- inclunced by the Admirialty tionight. Three enemy supply ships, carrying supplies ío the enemy In the Balkans have been torpedoed and stunk by niaval alrcraft. A tanker of 10,000 tons anid a 6,000 ton sfupply ship were toitptedoed and stunk. A 7,000 ton ammainition ship was torpedioed and blown up In la terrific explosion. night when PlymoUth had a shiort hut sharp raid. Several fires wiere started but they had all been put out by dawin. There has been very little ©nemy activity. over Britain to-day. A few, hombs vvere drcpped in East Anglia. Last night British bombers raided the docks at Le Havre and Cherbourg. NEWS IN BRIEF. Reports from Switserland state that the great majority of the Frendh people ane against any oollaboration Wúth Germany. A U.S- A. military observer has been -ki'lled in Egypt. Mr. sWinant, the Amerioan Ambassador to Londion, spoke in Landon today. He said that the Ameilcans wiere not tíoncemed vvith woidSj they wanted aotiion.


Daily Post

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