Daily Post


Daily Post - 23.04.1941, Page 4

Daily Post - 23.04.1941, Page 4
4 DAILY POST BOMBS ARE PROPAGANDA' iTHE first prindple of any policy for dealing wiith Germany is' to remember that the Germans are not British. Several of our Ministers have still to leam this ele- mentary truth. They appear to thmk that becatise vve stand up to indisCriminate Ger- man bombing and admire the restraint im- jiosed lupon our airmen to bonib only mili- tary objectíves in Germany, the Germans (wiould stand tip to the devastatioh of their cities as we do, and already admire ;us fbr the striotly military character of our aerial bombardment. This is vcry bad psychoiogy. Among thc reasons that enable us to stand up to Ger- man bombing is our, almost uno>nscious, reoognition of the fact that wte have no altemative to victoryn The Gefmans think otherwiise. They glory in suooessful war but have never relished unsuooessful wiar. One way to oonwince Germany that Hitler cannot triumph would be to crush >one Ger- inen region after another, and to give notiqe beforehand' that the civiíian population iof sucli regions must be evacuated by a certain date. To give this notiœ would be propa- ganda. The German people would begin to see that Hitler oouid not save them. They wioUld turn from him and think of their future. WICKHAM STEED, Rotary Servioe. GULLFOSS Steak and fried eggs. Egg and eips. Pish and ehips Bacon and eggs. Chops. Coffee. tea, minerals and coeomalt. Prompt service Music all day Auglýsið í Daily Post. Published by Blaðahringurinn. Editor: S. Benediktsson. Editorial and Advertisement offices 12, Austurstræti. Teleph. 3715. Prin- ted by Alþýðuprentsmiðjan Ltd. Teleph. 4905.


Daily Post

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