Daily Post


Daily Post - 02.10.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 02.10.1941, Blaðsíða 1
Httt num iee Page S DAILy' POST The only ðaily new»- paper in Engllsh printed in Iceland DAH.Y PO?T. On sale from 8 a.m. every dajr. Price 25 aurar. n — 231 Thursday, October 2, 1941 Price: 25 aurar. “D. S. and Britaio Should Join Forces For the next 100 Years ” Col. Knox • ' ■*■■■ ......... “We Are Sweeping the Pirates from the Atlantic” ■.. ♦ Preedom of the Seas Essential ♦ New York, October lst. HE Secretary of the U.S. Navy, Col. Frank Knox. today declared that America should join forces with Britain for at least 100 years to produce a peaceful system of internatiónal iaw aft!er the war. He was addressing the Bar Association at ludianopolis. “Sometime, somewhere in- ternational order may be es- tablished, which will not rely °h force,” he said, but mean- ^hile to save the world from destruction the beneficent íorces must intervene. Í'REEDOM of the seas The freedom of the sea must maintaiued by Britain and Amterica, and the two nations join forces to prevent new aSgressions at their beginning. were regching this attitude hy sheer force of logic. If War was coming to Ame- *fca it was far better to fight lf at a distance than at home. I'he defeat of totalitarian fkiWers was now part of Ame- rica’s policy. The U.S. would ^eiP to bring defeat to all the ^■xis powers. “We are sweep- the pirates from the At- ^utic, and eventually we shall lock Germany up in an iron nug 0f sea-power in which she WiH nerish.” aRmy of four million The 1922 class was called up military service in the United States today, along with some other classes whose call- ing-up had been deferred. America aims at creating a fully equipped and trained army of four million men, and it is hoped that by the end of next year she will have 2,800,000 men under arms. ICELAND FORCE It was announced in London that more troops had landed in Iceland under the command of General Bonesteel, whose ad- dress to correspondents upon landing was repeated. Turks Refuse Nazis Chrome The Turkish Government is refusing German attempts to bring pressure to bear on Turkey to export chrome to Germany. Large shipments of chrome, which is a vital mineral in war production, have been made to America. He Pays Out £ 13,000,000^ Per day Chancellor of the Exchequer. BRITAIN IS NOW SPEND- ING SOME THIRTEEN MILLION POUNDS A DAY ON THE WAR This was revealed in Parlia- ment today by the Chancellor of the Exchequer, Sir Kings- ley Wood, who added that in small war savings. small war savings. PUBLIC CONFIDENT Sir Kingsley spoke of the dangers of inflation and said the Government was taking every precaution to prevent it. More saving and less spending were still the keynotes of its financial campaign. There was no ground for optimism or pessimism, and the public was as confident in the financial situation as it was in the mili- tary future of- the war. N.E. Town ! Ralded And R.I.F. Plaster Hambnrg and Stettin The R.A.F. havte bombed Stettin and Hamburg for a second night in succession. Many fires were started in both towns. Dock works and ship- ping at Cherbourg, St. Lazare. Lorant and Nantes have been bombed. * A convoy off the Dutch coast was attacked by Coastal Com- mand aircraft, and two supply ships were hit, one of which was sunk and the other left burning. N.E. TOWN RAIDED Enemy activity over Britain was slight last night, but there was a sharp attack on a town in the North East. One enemy plane was destroyed. Sir Archibald Sinclair, the Air Minister, said that German attacks, though not so pro- longed, might be expected to become sharper during the coming winter. Japs Leave Changsha i 1 V. L A London, Oct. 1. The Japanese now state that they have withdrawn from Changsha, saying that their object of the present campaign has been completed. The Chinese say that 50,000 Japanese troops have been sur- rounded in the neighbourhood of Changsha.


Daily Post

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