Daily Post


Daily Post - 02.10.1941, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 02.10.1941, Blaðsíða 4
4 DAItY POST Arehangel In Use For Supply Convoys .—■■■ . Russlans9 Spirited Leningrad Sortle Nazis Lose 100,000 Men in the Sector ■»........- NE of the quickest and biggest jobs of the war has been carríed out by the Technical Advisory Committees of the Moscow Conference. They finished their discussinos last night, 48 hours ahead nf scheduíe, and reported today to the plenary meeting of the Conference. Mr. Lawrence Cadbury, one of the members of the British delegation, today stated that it was impossible to exaggerate the importance of giving aid to Russia, but the difficulties of getting supplies there must not be overlooked. Every pos- sible entrance to Russia was being tested and one convoy had already arrived at Arch- angel and returned with a cargo for Britain. INFORMATION Mr. Cadbury said the Rus- sians had given valuable in- formation to Britain about the state of Germany’s production. This information had come from Russian inspectors who had visited factories before the war against Russia had started. The German people are now being told that the struggle will go on through the winter. Goebbels’ own paper stated that the winter would afford no respite to the German armies RUSSIAN SORTIE Meanwhile the Germans are no nearer to capturing Lenin- grad. The Germans claim nothing but the bombing of some industries of that city, and admit that the Russians have made spirited attempts to land in their rear from Lake Ladoga. The Russians claim to have captured a suburban town after a fierce sortie from Len- ingrad. They broke through with an.armoured division and , their advance was only held up by a German minefield. The Finns in an unconfirmed report claim to have nearly surrounded Murmansk, while in the Ukraine the Germans are resisting strong Russian count- er-attacks. GERMAN CASUALTIES A correspondent writing in the Red Star, the organ of the Russian Army, stated that ene- my casualties in the assault on Leningrad must have been 100,000 men, 846 planes, 400 tanks and 700 machineguns. He states that the German at- tack had failed miserably, but terrific battles must still be ex- pected. The Russians claim that the 9th Panzer division has been destroyed on the Ukraine battlefront. On the Crimean front the Germans are stated to have reached a town 7 miles south of Perekov. Armanns Lottery. A draw was made in the Armann’s Lottery yesterday lst of October at the Magi- strate’s. The winning numbers are as follows: 1. A Collection of Books 9935 2. Foodstuffs 15642 3. Cloth for Gentleman’s suit 14801 4. A Painting 10067 5. Cloth for a greatcoat 13663 '6. Large, coloured photo_ graphy 8233 7. A chair 11248 8. A Pair of Skis 17564 9. A Blanket 5109 10. A Collection of children’s Books 11707 The above prizes will be de- livered to winners at the Bas- ketmakers, Bankastræti 10. Atlantic Convoys Win Throiigb This photo shows Acting Commander J. G. W. Deneys, D.S.O., R.N., the commanding officer of H.M.S. “Vanoc”, a British destroyer on convoy escort duty, decorated for U-boat exploits. Políce Chief on Traffic Problemi “Ðaily Post” Iatcrview Discussing traffic problems today with a “Daily Post” re- porter, the chief ^of the Ice- landic Police Force, Mr. A. Ko- foed-Hansen, stated that by Ice- landic law drivers arte obliged to indicate their proposed dir- ection by putting out their arms to sliow which way they intend to turn. He agreed, however, that many Icelandic drivers fail to give any indication of their movements, and added, that while for the most part they keep within the sþeed limit, they do drive recklessly. “We have never been used to a traffic problem in Iceland,” he said. “Only 20 years ago traffic was for the greater part horse traffic, and our roads and streets were not planned for the heavy traffic today.” “You must remember, too, that before the’ occupation there Was comparatively little motor traffic, and our drivers have still to learn traffic ‘cul- ture’, which comes naturally to you.” “We are very much alive to this problem, and are con- stantly warning and fining reckless drivers, but it will take a year or two hefore they all learn traffic sense.” “We are learning from you gradually.” Mr. Kofoed-Hansen said acci- Fascists Attempt Prison Break It was stated in London on Tuesday. that the three British Fascists, who recently escaped from a prison camp on the Isl® of Man, had dug an under- ground tunnel which came out some distance away from the camp. They escaped through this tunnel and seized a boat. The engine was broken, so they rowed it out to sea. But they did not get far. Planes were sent out to look for them and they were dis- covered halfway between the Isle of Man and Ireland. The Fascists in the camp took great pains to keep the tunnel hidden, the earth from it being distributed all over the camp. It is believed that more Fascists intended to escape the same way. Silk Polarbears H. M. of England and U.S.A- forces’ emblem in Iceland are on sale at 1 króna and 50 aura pr. pair at 34 Lauga- vegur. The shop is open till 11 o’clock p.m. This embiem can also be obtained at the tailor’s shop 29, Strandgata, Hafnarfjörður. dents had increased. but not out of proportion to the iu- crease in traffic flow.


Daily Post

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