Daily Post


Daily Post - 24.11.1941, Blaðsíða 3

Daily Post - 24.11.1941, Blaðsíða 3
DAILY POST « DP THE GáRDEN IPATH By George A sensational scheme has been evolved by George in col- laboration with the E----r when rather merry. If he re- ^ains merry, you may get what ls promised: if he spoils things by turning coldly sane, George WlH probably be sacked. The a/m benefits are u/m herewith. Lack of space due to the paper shortage prevents further de- iails -but watch this column carefully. * * j;< Army Education. A very bad speller Can swing a propeller. Cr a duffer at maths Write Garden Paths. * * • In order to get to know his ^•C.Os better, my friend Col. ®rass-Hattery will throw open tbe mess and have a special §uest night for lance-cor- P°rals. To overcome the inev- lt;able feeling of strangeness, bullyjbeef will be served. * * * ^he latest Icelandic dance hit l°oks like being “A seagull Sang in Bankastræti.” ❖ ❖ * Today is the anniversary of - death of a highly placed ritish officer who passed away suddenly but without ^tich pain on being saluted by a Canadian private. * * * ■^lease, fans, don’t pester George with mail. Keep that ^°r Spike. It’s all very well if ihe paper is scented and full of c°y phrases but when admirers ^rite, “Dear George, is it true you Wrote captions for comie strips before getting a job on "i'he Red Star?” -------- well. George asks you. Hadio news e news will be relayed from T>ondon at 1700 hours daily. “Three months and you have not caught up with I>oktor Goebbels.” Bogos Radio Oontinued from Page 2 everything /would be better under Hitler; therefore the British should get rid of Churchill and negotiate a peace. The other three bogus stations are allocated to de- finitely sectional interests, to what the Nazis appear to imag- ine are possible centres of op- position to the Government. One of these stations is directed to the English unskilled work- er. This, incidentally, shows the somewhat odd notion the Nazis have of the English un- skilled worker, for there is no attempt at reasoned argument in the talks, and the language used is almost incredibly foul- mouthed — certainly un- quotably foul-mouthed. The methodical Nazis have also another bogus station, specially for the Scottish un- skilled worker. From what I have heard of them, the in- tellectual level of the talks aimed at Scotland is consider- ably higher, but the language (I regret to say, speaking as a Scot) is considerably fouler. The fourth of these bogus stations calls itself “The Christian Peace Movement”. In Great Britain the Pacifist is allowed to have his way; there- fore the methodical Nazis try to create as many pacifists as possible in Britain. So they set up a bogus station calling itself “The Christian Peace Move- ment“. Like the others, it claims to be located in Britam. Its programmes consist mostly of prayers to God for peace, and repeated homilies on the so-called Christian virtue of non-resistance, especially the virtue of non-resistance to Hitler. This combination of fraud and blasphemy is beyond any comment I can think of. Brains Test Standard Quiz Answers on Page 4 1. Who produced and acted “Citizen Kane”, and for what sensational radio broadcast was he responsible? 2. How many stripes on the cuff of (a) an Admiral, (b) an Air Marshal? 3. Finish these quotations: (a) Chewing the----of sweet and bitter fancy; (b) Make assur- ance ---- sure. 4. Who dis- covered X rays? 5. Name three materials, other than wood, of which tobacco pipes are made. (Key on page 4.) (Continued from page 1). was also hit and probably sunk. The other ships in the convoy were also straddled with bombs and machine-gun fire. SUBMARINES GET ANOTHER The Admiralty also announc- es that our submarines were busy in the Mediterranean yesterday, when they encount- ered an enemy convoy, escorted by 3 cruisers and 3 destroyers. One of the cruisers was tor- pedoed and possibly sunk, as a large area of sea was after- wards observed to be covered with oil. Three of the supply :-nips were also torpedoed and sunk. R.N. STOP SUPPLIES The Royal Navy is splendidly co-operating with our land forces. Every night it flings tons of 6-in. salvos into enemy positions on the coast, and day and night H.M. ships are keep- ing their weather eye on enemy supply and transport ships, seeing that no reinforcements get through. The enemy is too busy ashore to pay any attention to our fleet, and the Italian navy has so far kept in the background. Large Stoch Of Christmas-cards at Bókaverzlun ísafoldar (Next to Morgunblaðið.)


Daily Post

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