Daily Post


Daily Post - 24.11.1941, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 24.11.1941, Blaðsíða 4
« DAXLY POST Fighting In Streets Of Rostov New Moves to j Eneirele Moscow n -11 0 ■ iniiii __ Nazis Still Held in Tula Seetor ♦ London, Nov. 23rd. Despite the furious onslaughts of the enemy at Moscow and Rostov, our AlLies sliow no signs of weakening and, besides de- fending themselves heroically, giving the Germans no rest. M. Lozovsky said to-day in a broadcast from Kuibyshev that the Germans would ibe shaken out of their stupid idea that the Russians would give them a chance to recuperate during the winter months. The resources of the Soviet Union and its Allies were in- exhaustible, and therefore all German attacks and victories would be in vain. AROUND MOSCOW In the Moscow area the fight is still hardest in the Kalinin and the Tula sectors. In the Kalinin sector a new furious battle-Jground has been created by the enemy at Klin, 40 miles north-west of the capital. The Russians claim to ibe con- tinually counter-attacking and maintain that the general situa- tion is unchanged both here and im the Tula sector, where the Nazis have been unable to advance further, despite their savage attacks, which are daily causing them enormous losses. ROSTOV In to-day’s communique the Russians admit that the Ger- mans have entered Rostov, but they claim that the Germans are not in possession yet, bitter fight still raging in the streets. Auglýsið í DAILY POST! contiuue their counter-attacking, TANK BATTLES Gontinued from Page 1 first baptism of fire and came through splendidly. Our forces attacked the ene- my, despite the difference in the size of the tanks, and put him to IMght after having in- flicted serious losses on him. ROMMEL OUTWITTED On the third day General Rommel decided to cut off the left wing of our tank forces sweeping north-westwards. His idea was doubtless to encircle the detachment cut off to the west and destroy it gradually, as their petrol supply gave out. In this he was frustrated by an attack cf 100 British tanks, although these, with their 37- mm. guns, ought to have been no match for the 55-mm. guns of his ‘Mark 3‘ and ‘Mark 4’ tanks. After ia furious battle, in which Rommel had 60 of his tanks completeily destroyed, the Germans turned tail and fled. W'hile this was going on, the westernmost arm of our tank forces pushed on towards To- bruk, and relief of our forces there was now in sight. But our tanks preferred to turn south to catch Rommel’s main force of some 160 tanks, which was now trying to get away in the direction of E1 Adem. This manoeuvre of ours stopped Fop Fighting in Snow Russian soldier fitted out for fighting in the sub-arctic conditi°llS against the Finns. Romrael’s tanks on three sides. TOMAHAWKS TAKE PART To assist our tanks in the ensuing battle, 50 Hurricanes and American Tomahawks ar- rived on the scene, spraying the enemy with maohine-gun fire and anti-personnel bontbs. Rommel’s tanks hiit back, and Luftwaffe fighters now also entered t'he melée. The result of this terrific clash is not yet fully known, but the latest news indicates that our forces certainly had the best of the enccunter. To-day the R.A.F. Head- quarters in Cairo announced that yesterday’s co-operation with our land forces had con- tinued on a considerable scale. In cne seotor of the battle- fields our aircraft had de9troy- ed over 100 lorries and þetro tankers, and shot down f°uF enemy fighters. Over the whole battle area in Libya the R.A.F. continues to attack tanks and armoure vehicles, supply transport, a communioations. KEY TO STANDARD QVíZ (See page 3-) 1. Orson Welles; American broadcast of an “invasion from Mars which many listen ers tcok to be true. 2. (a) brcad and three narrower, one broad and two narroWei-- 3. (a) Food; (ib) Double. 4. Wil' helm Rontgen. 5. Clay, meer schaum, stone. AUGLÝSIÐ í DAILY POST! Christmas Presents


Daily Post

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