Daily Post


Daily Post - 08.12.1941, Page 4

Daily Post - 08.12.1941, Page 4
Oft&Y MMff Rgssiais coaiter attack 01 Noscov froat And allies continue to pnsh Nads back along Azov eoast road ■....—..... Tula feared eneflreled ♦ —.. London, Dec. 7th. THE Russian communique of to-day indicates better news froan the Moscow front, where the Germans are bteing met with terrific counter-attacks. DAILY POST CBOSSWORDt NO. 2. (Sit bj an R.& F. Officer) CLUES. At Moshaisk, although the highway is still in grave danger, the Russians have, temporarily at least, success- fully driven back the big Grer- man thrust. leaving tens of thousands of the enemy killed and wounded. In the north-west, Russian troops have forced their way into the suburbs of Klin and Kalinin and at Tikvin they have almost encircied the Ger- mans in the town. Further south, at Stalinogorsk, the Ger- mans are being held, if not actually thrust back. CRITICAL SJTUATION At Tula, however the situat- ion remains extremely critical, the great manufacturing town being in danger of complete en- circlement by the enemy whose forces are now astride the main road leading to Moscow. DEEP SNOW Deep snow and severe winter conditions have now come to the aid of our Allies in the Mos- cow area. But in spite of that there is no sign of any let-up in the German onslaught al- though the tempo may have slowed down a little. RETREAT CONTINUES In Southem Russia the Ger- mans continue their retreat. In the Taganrog sector Russian cavalry is harassing the rear and flanks of the enemy, and the road westwards to Mariu- pol is jammed with retreating German troops, who are incess- antly being divebombed by the stormovik planes of our Allies. In the last twelve days 82 Ger- man planes, 147 tanks and thousands of enemy troops have been wiped out. The Kuibyshev Radio to-day warned the Russians that the Germans would douhtless try at any cost to recapture Ros- tov under the personal direct- ions of von Brauchitsch, the C- in-C. of the German army. This would be considered necessary for them not only in order to restore their prestige but also because of their sore need of Caucasian oil. Jap. Aircralt Carrier Sunk (Gontinued from page 1). Australian Hudson flying boats had this moming verified an earlier report, that twc» large Japanese convoys, heavily es- corted, had been discovered . rounding Camibodja Point, the southemmost point of Indo- China. steaming north-west, up the Gulf of Siam. | THAILAND ATTACK PREPARED? The Japanese Were to-day re- ported to have already 85,000 troops in southern Indo-China, near ' the Thailand border, 25,000 in north Indo-China, close to the Chinese bordler and 18,000 troops aboard ships. Thailand’s Prime Minister stated this moming: “We will fight with all our might to the end.” CHINA READY The Chinese Government has already stated that their troops will start an immediate offen- sive against Japan in case of war flaring up in the Far East. AUSTRALIA AND NEW ZEALAND CONFER The War Cabinets of Austra- lia and New Zealand have been Across. 1. Harm. 4. Angelic creature. 8. Fuss. 10. Naturally she’s fair, — or artificially. 11. Turn out. 12. Acid. 14. Wait. 15. Learnt by heart. 17. They’re played by Spanish dancers. 20. Ðucket. 21. This command puts a stop to military progress. 22. Source. 24. A Vichy boss. 25. Bacon or boloney. 26. Haphazard. 27. Base of a column. in constant consultation during the last 24 hours. In Hong- Kong general mobilisation was ordered to-day. PRECAUTIONARY MEASURES Washington *reports that the U.S.A. has taken full pre- caution measures in case of any sudden, treacherous blow that might be expected from Hitler’s ally. It is understood that the U.S. Government has already sent reinforcements of troops and ships to different places in the Pacific. Down. 1. .Lower. 2. Usually the driest place i11 any town. 3. Storm. 5. Yorkshire town. 6. Rank. 7. His work is a pleasure most of us. 9. Getting money by force °r threat. 10. Start. 13. Kingly. 14. A bed afloat. 16. Long-legged creature. 17. The answer’s a lemon, almost. 18. Fish that often gets canned- 19. Highly offensive smell. 22. Gambling card-game. Stop Press JAPAN HAS OFFICI' ALLY DECLARED ON AMERICA 4ND GREAT BRITAIN. A Japanese airplane caff ier has been sunk off Pa0a ma. 23. High. (Solution tomorroW.)


Daily Post

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