Daily Post


Daily Post - 15.12.1941, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 15.12.1941, Blaðsíða 1
Sparks At Sea See Page 2 The only daily newa- paper in English printed in Iceland DAILY POST. On sale from 8 a.m. every day. Price 25 aurar. II — 288 Monday, Dec. 15, 1941 Price: 25 anrar. Stubborn Flgbting ín Malaya Imperial Troops 400 Russian Towns and Villages Retaken Holcfi tfiieir Ground Nazis Admit Fall-Back London, Dec. 14th. In Russia the G'ermans are How <m the defensive and make ho bones about having lost thte initiative. The Russian communiqué of to-day reports fighting all night °n all fronts. The Russians, in- spired by victory, are follcwing UP the German retreat with ferocious determination, and the Germans are now getting ^hat they set out for—“a war of extermination.” yeletz success In the Yeletz area the Russi- ans have recaptured two im- Portant railway junctions: Tefremov, 45 miles north of Teletz on the Moscow-Yeletz railway; and Livny, 40 miles s°uth-tWest of Yeletz, on the Orel-Voronezh railway. Here they captured large quantities tanks and guns, and they cta.’m to be advancing further West from Livny. In the Yeletz ar0a the Russians have during ^he last fortnight driven the Nazis out of 400 villages. T'ENINGRAD too Our Allies claim to-day con- tinued progress, not only on the oscow front, but also in the Leningrad area, and to be giv- lug the enemy no rest night or day. Pield-marshal von List has n°w taken over in the central area from Field-imarshal von aok, who was made the scape- goat for Hitler’s blunders in he Moscow offensive. (Contmued on page 4.) Philippines Situation Weli in Hand London, Dec. 14th. In the Far East the heaviest fighting is novv taking place in Kedah. The Japanese have penetrated a little way into Burma, and the situation at Hong Kong is described as serious. In the Philippines the Americans seem to have the situation well in hand. I The King’s Birthday H. M. S. King George to-day celebrated quietly his 46th birthday, togeth- er with the Queen and the two Princesses. Among the thousands of tele- grams received by His Majesty were greetings from President Roosevelt, Mr. Churchill, and the Governors-General of the Dominions. Supply Ship Blows Up London, Dec. 14th. It was officially announced here tc-day that a German supply ship had been attacked off the Norwegian coast this morning by a Hudson of Coastal Command, piloted by an N.C,0, of the Royal Dutch Navy, with the result tha4 the ship blew up and disappeared. John L. Lewis Snpports War London, Dec. 14th. A report from Washington to-day says that John L. Lewis, the famous Labour leader and anti-Rcoseveltian, has officially declared that he, together with all good American citizens, would wholeheartedly support the U.S. Government in this war. Singapore reports to-day that in north-western Malaya fighting goes on with unabated fury, and a major battle seems now to have been joined in Kedah, where the Japanese main thrust is along the railway line and the main road, in the comparatively flat country on the west coast. Our forces resis- ting here are mainly English, Scotch, and Indian. The Japanese have shown themselves to be formidable antagonists, not cnly on the roads but also because of their skill in hacking their way thrcugh the almost impene- trable jungle and in negotiat- ing the crocoddle-infested swamps and rivers. Fighting is also going on in southern Thailand, across the border from the states of Kedah and Kelantan. The latest news states that the hardest fight- ing is now taking place just north of the capital of Kedah, Alor Star (pop. 26.000) 8 miles inland on the Kedah River and 60 miles north of Penang. AERIAL CO-OPERATION The R.A.F. and the Australi- an Air Foree, which first were mainly occupied in preventing the landing of the Japanese troops, are now, together with the Dutch East-Indies Air Force giving valuable assistance to the land troops, bombing en- emy tanks, motorized troops, and supply transports on the roads. In the jungle it is im- possible to spot any targets from the air. JAPS ENTER BURMA In Burma there has been some slight penetration by Japanese forces from Thailand, near Victoria Point, the south- ernmost tip of Tenasserim. The Japanese claim that Thailand trcops are fighting with them. Rangoon had yesterday its first air-raíd warning, a^ 37 Jap- anese bcmbers were driven off by our fighters. Yesterday Tenasserim towTn was homlbed slightly by the enemy, and Penang was also raided. Tokio reports to-day that British forces have invaded northern Thailand, in the dis- trict of Chang Rai, and that fighting is going on some 25 miles from the border. This has not been confirmed. CHINA At Hong Kong heavy fighting is reported to be still going on. No details are available from our side, but Chungking reports that crack Chinese troops are attacking Canton’s Japanese garrison and the rear of the Japanese troops in the Kowloon peninsula, blowing up bridges (Continued on page 4.)


Daily Post

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