Daily Post


Daily Post - 15.12.1941, Blaðsíða 4

Daily Post - 15.12.1941, Blaðsíða 4
4 DAiLY I*OST Air-Force Snccesses in libya Enemy Bases, Aerodromes and Columns Bombed Rommel Asks for Air Reinforcement ♦ London, Dec. 14th. From Libya, as from Russia, there is only good news to-day, both on land and in the air, although the Germans are strengthening the aircraft support of Rommel’s forces. Caúro Headquarters to-day an- nounoe gnea'íiy rnioreased air atcti- vity in Liibya. On Thursday and Friday 18 Messerslohmidts tvere shot dofwti and many iwþre damaged. General Riommel hais been ask- ing for and is gettitng airbraft re- inforoements from across the Mediterranean, iwheie, 'hovitever, our bombers keep ap their at- talcks on supply bases aud aerj- dnomes. Hx'oellent nvork is being done by the Austrailian and South Afri'dan Air Forices, a'j-rperating with our R.A.F. Derna. Wias heav- ily raided last night, aind i'airge fines iwere observed. One enemy airplane w'ais destnoyed on the gnound. TARGETS IN GREECE Many targets in Greaoe were bombed, inCIuding enemy shi'pp- ing in the harbour of Navairino (Pyios) and other places From all these operations 16 of our pilanes are missing. ADVANCE ON GAZALA Our land foroes in Libya are prognessing in spite of deter- mined O'ppusition, and are öloisiing in on Gazala from all sides, hav- ing ailsio made ai neav advantoe south-iwfest of Derna. Yesterday our troops, advanc- ing in the Gaizala sectior, öaiptured 18 guns, some Itailian tante, and 500 prisoners, Italian and Ger- man, no-rth-;west of Bir el Hakim. Behind the battle iine priisioners are stil.1 being rounded up. AUGLÝSIÐ í DAILY POST! First Lord on Naval Losses London, Deto. 14th- The First Lord of the Admir- alty, Mr. A. V. Alexander, said to-day that the sinking of the “Prince of Wailes" and the “Re- pulse“ has only hardened our re- soiye to give bloiw fior bIlo(W' with redoubled interest. The Home Secnetary, Mr. Mor- Tison, declared to-day that Japan had acted as if she was pos- sesised. The gneat East iwöuld bieathe easier than ever batfore when this wer was over. The Japanese had gone berserk at the start; but, be the end distant or near, they fwould reap the whirl- wind w'here they had sown the storm. There was only one thing pos- sible for peatoeful people to do, when deajing with sutoh madmen, Mr. Morri&on -saiid, “and that is to 'Wipe them out.“ Roosevelt’s Message to Chiang Kai Shek London, Dec. 14th. In the message which Presi- dent Roosevelt sent to the Chinese Generalissimo Chiang Kai Shek, the President said that he took pride in the U,S,A, assisting the great Chinese na- tion led by the Generalissimo, and that he felt convinced that the combination of the two great democracies would lead to the complete annihilation of the brute forces threatening the freedom of the world. In his reply the General, re- ferring to the common cause, declared: “We will stand with you until the Pacific and the whole world are rid of the ag- gressors.” Silk Polarbears The emblem of the British Iceland Force are on sale at 1 króna and 50 aura pr. pair at 34 Lauga- vegur. The shop is open till 11 o’clock p.m. This emblem can also be obtained at the coffee shop near the Bíó in Hafnarfjörður. Stop Press News Far East (Continued from page l-1 and destroying communications behind the enemy's back. DUTCH SINK JAP SHIPS Batavia officially announces the sinking yesterday, off the east coast of Malaya, of tw° Japanese . supply ships, an oil tanker and a freighter. by Dutch East Indies submarines, operating under the comniand of the British C.-in-C. in the Far East. Mobilization continu- es all over the Dutch East Indies. PHILIPPINES A communiqué issued to-da)! by General McArthur C.-in-C- in the Philippines, states that the situation is well in hand both on land and in the air. There have been 14 air,' raids on the Philippines, aQ^ Japanese losses have been heavy. Considerable damaoe was done to U.S. Navy Yards at Capita Island, 11 miles from Manila, in the air-raid laS^ Wednesday. At Vigan. Aparri, and LegasP1’ where the Japanese effected landings, only local actionS have taken place. JAPAN WANTED IT Tokio offitolailly announices thaf the Japanese Government has '4V' proved the expenditure of 165 million pounds for war lJ1,T' poses- The speaker of the JaP' anése House of Representati\,ieS deblared yesterday, Kv'ith rega^d to tlie a'ttack on Britain and th« U-S-A-, tliat the iwhole JapanÐse r.ation had been impatientlv wa>' ing fior this daiy. Russia (Continued from page D- TAGANROGSURROUNDED In the south the Russia11^ now claim to be consolidati11^ their gains and to have coh1 pletely surrounded* Tagani-0®' Moscow announced t o-^ that the German losses.in ^ Donetz area amounted to 60, killed.


Daily Post

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