Daily Post


Daily Post - 13.01.1943, Blaðsíða 1

Daily Post - 13.01.1943, Blaðsíða 1
■ ■ ■ V IICELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY 'ON SMjE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV Wednesday, Jan. 13, 1943 Price 50 aurar. German People Told Of Soviet Victories Ádmissions By Nazi Spokesman London, January 12th. Dietmar, the German military spokesman in Berlin, has at last given the German people an inkling of the Nazi disaster in ■ Russia in a carefully phrased review of the war on tlie Eastern front. .... He made no mention of the retreat in the Caucasus, nor did he in his broadcast mention the 22 German divisions trapped west of Stalingrad. Further- more he failed to say anything of the reverses on the Central front, but he did emphasise , that Russian successes in the Lower Don area must be taken seriously. The weight of the Russian attack is greater than last year,” he said, “the Red Ar my has made several breaches of no inconsiderable depth in our lines.” \ The Red Army’s swift advan- ce following the capture of Mi- neralnie Vody, Georgievsk, Pi- atigorsk, and other important places in the Ceritral Caucasus, goes steadily on. The Soviet spearhead has already thrust 20 miles beyond Georgievsk. OFFICERS CAUGHT - ASLEEP More details are given in to- day’s communiqué of the cap- ture on the towns announced in last night’s special communi- qué from Moscow. The speed of the Russian advance was such that the Germans had no time for demolition, and houses, pu- blic buildings, hospitals and ot- her — were captured intact. One garrison was caught so un- awares that the officers were caught asleep at the regimen- tal HQ. HOW SOVIET CAUGHT GER- MAN TRAIN! Preliminary resistance at Ge- ‘•crgievsk was hard, but when it broke, the retreat was so sud- den and so swift, that as the enemy fell back on Mineralnie Vody, our Allies caught two troop trains with the steam up, just on the point of departure. The trains, were full of Nazi troops, and great quantities of supply, were captured after most of the troops had been killed. 100 MILES ADVANCE While the recapture of the big towns was in progress, So- viet tanks, cavalry and infant- ry, always accompanied by rtillery, rounded up isolated German garrisons. The Red Caucasus Army has now advan ced 100 miles, on a hundred mile front, in nine days. The whole of the Nazi salients in this area has been wiped out. j This latest advance has smashed all German hopes of making a stand on the Kuma river, because, as they retreat their right flank is increasing- ly in danger of being cut off by the Russian Kalmuck steppe forces. STALINGRAD GAINS The Russians are now ex- tending solidfying their gains on the Lower Don. Inside Stal- ingrad itself further successes are reported. The Germans have been dislodged from six streets in the factory area. — Five more places on the Stalin- grad—Black Sea railway have retaken by our Allies. Howzat!" Dr. fioebbels! When Rommel’s advance into Egypt stopped at El Ala- mein last year there was one German who went straight on, 'capturing Cairo and the Suez and sweeping the remains of the British army into the Red Sea. He was Dr. Goebbels! IT STARTED ... So that there should be no doubt ábout it, he made a film of the advance and showed it all over Europe. He then sat back and waited. . . . Then at the end of Novem- ber things began to move. The great advance started as Dr. Goebbels had said it would, — •with an important dif- ference! ..BUT WENT WEST! The film icas hastily withdrawn but one copy was left in North Africa and this has fallen into the hands of the British authorities. It is intended to show it in London with a commentrary explaihing why the Nazi advance eastwards went West! Aír Clashes In Tripolitania London, January 12th. There is an increase in enemy air activity over the battle area in Tripolitania. In air combats which developed during yest- erday, five enemy fighters were destroyed and many others damaged. Bombing and machine gun attacks were made on Romm- el’s transports, moving along the road between Tripoli and Misurata. Sousse also had an- other raid, and enemy vehicles were shot up cn the road be- tween Sfax and Gabes. NAPLES BOMBED Allied aircraft went over in daylight to the Italian main- land yesterday and bombed Naples. One intercepting Mes- serschmitt was shot down. In all these operations we lost on- ly three aircraft. • FRENCH AND GERMANS CLASH The Frenrh North A^rican communiqué reports frequent clashes between German and French patrols in southern Tu- msia. Hardshfps — For Vicíory The President of the Board of Trade warned Britain to- day of increasing shortages and fresh hardships during the coming year. Mr. Dalton said that 1943 would be a hard and grim year and there would have to be a substantial withdrawal of la- bour from industries not enga- ged directly on wat work.


Daily Post

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