Daily Post


Daily Post - 13.01.1943, Blaðsíða 3

Daily Post - 13.01.1943, Blaðsíða 3
DAIL'íf POST ■gHMnmaBi 3 From All Quarters aThe Man Who Knew Too Much” ADOLF:_ “If you’re all thirking what I think you’re thinking, you’re all under ar-.est.*'' The Vichy police of Angou- leme have arrested members of a gang, who specialised in pillaging trains on the Paris- Bordeaux line, according to Paris Radio. BEER BÝ PLANE A Heinkel 111 is being used in the Middle East as a flyirig “brewer’s dray.” It was captur- ed intact and has heen used to fly thousands of pints of beer to troops in the desert. * * * CIVIL SERVANTS OF 14 Boys and girls of 14 and 15 from elementary and central schools throughout Britain are to be given clerical jobs in Government offices to release older meii and women for the Forces or war work. This will be the first time for people under 16 to be given such posts in the Civil Service. * ❖ # PRAISE FROM MAISKY Mr. Maisky, the Russian Am- bassador, has sent a message of congratulation upon a high- speed feat of publication to Messers. Hutchinson and Co. the publishers of the English translation of “The Fall of Par- is,” for which Ilya Ehrenburg, the Russian author, has recei- ved a Stalin Prize of 100,000 é roubles. The book contains 215,000 words and was translated in seven weeks. The last batch of copy reached the printers on December 5 and advance bound pioofs were with the publishers six days later. j Reykjavik i Letter SKIING IN FULL SWING Lat week between 500 and ■600 Reykjavík people were out skiing around Kolviðarhóll. 5 150 yards long “escalator” for carrying skiiers up to their star- ting point which was built in 1939, was in use for the first time. * * SCHOOLS CLOSED Án epidemic of infectious ' discases among children at ÍSa- fjörður has led to the clcsing of schools and a ban on public gatherings. “Richelieu” To Be Refiíted Dakar, Jan. llth. The 35,000 ton French battle- ship Richilieu will join the United Nations fleet within a few months, United States Navy Admiral Glassford repor- ted today after inspecting the units of the French fleet of Dakar. Ne decision has yet been reached in regard to the equal- ly large battleship, the Jean Bart, but American technical experts already hav-e arrived to supervise work on the Richilieu at Dakar and possibly the Jean Bart at Casablanca. Other French ships that were at Dakar already are fighting with the British Navy along the African Coast, Admiral Glass • ford said. Essen Raid London, Jan. llth. R.A.F. home based bombers attacked the Ruhr on Saturday night for the third night runn- ing. The main target was the great . industrial . céntre . of Essen, cradle of the gigantic Krupp Works. This was the 50th raid on the town. Visibility was good and a number of our 4,000 pounders were dropped with good re- sults. The Berlin Radio admits C£:sualties and damage. Extensive’ mine laying was carried out in enemy waters. Seven of our bombers failed to return. Round the Press In Reykjavík Today ... CINEMAS NÝJA BÍÓ: “The Grapes of Wrath” after the novel by John Steinbeck, with Henry Fonda, Jane Darwell and John Carradine. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Ball of Fire” with Cary Cooper and Bar- bara Stanwyck. TJARNARBÍÓ: “They died with their boots on” with Errol Flynn and Olive de Havilland. POLAR BEAR THEATRE - Sonja Heine in “My Lucky Star” 8—15. Ý.M.C.A. — Victor Mc Laglen, Doug Fairbanks, junr, Cary Grant in “Gunga Din”. 1.15 p.m. RADIO REYKJAVÍK BBC — 5—0 News followed by the Band of H. M. Welsh Guards; also the Midweek News Summ- ary. PRIVATE POLICE Absenteeism and negligence is increasing in German fac- tories both amongst foreign and German workers, reports the Belgian News Agency. Acccrding to a Belgian work- er who recently escaped from Germany and returned to Be!a nrivat.e police force is being employed by the Junk- ers V/úí'ks, whose sole task is to track dcwn defaulting work- ers. A patriotic lady who sent out the following invitation to an officer at a nearby army post: “Mrs. and Mrs. Browne request the pleasure of Captain Green’s company at dinner,” was dis- j mayed at the reply she received. “With the exception of five men on leave and three on sick list,” the reply read, “Captain Green’s company accept with pleasure your irrvitation to dinner.” — University of Washington Columns.


Daily Post

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