Daily Post

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Daily Post - 27.01.1943, Qupperneq 3

Daily Post - 27.01.1943, Qupperneq 3
DAiLV l'OSl' & British Aid Soviet Doctors Cooperate Founded a year ago to work in association with the Soviet Union, the Anglo-Soviet Medi- cal Council has held its first an- nual meeting at the Royal So- ciet yof Medicine. Objects of the Council are twofold. First, to transmit to Russia the most re- cent clinical and scientific in- formation available, advise on questions of medical supplies sent frcm this country; second- ly, to make Soviet medical work available to the medical and dental professions in Bri- tain. The Executive Committee, chairmaned by Professor J. A. Ryle, has despatched to Russia complete sets of the Lancet and British Medical Journal since September, 1939, also the Bul- letin of War Medicine, the Bul- letin of Hygiene, and many other journals, special reports and books. The Executive Committee has decided, at the suggestion of Hon. Treasurer. Sir Philip Manson-Bahr, to prepare a book to be called Reviews of British War Medicine, to con- sists of articles specially writt- en and printed in Russian. — This is considered to be not only a gesture of friendship but of immediate practical help to the Soviet. Three thousand co- pies of the first volume have been printed and were pres- ented to Madame Maisky on November 23. The book covers a vast list of subjects from public health in Britain, gen- eral war surgery and treat- ment, down to íropical diseas- es ‘and laboratory work. The next volume is in hand. An urgent appeal was made for medical instruments for dis patch to the U.S.S.R., with un- expectedly good results. No less’than £3,000-worth of in- struments had been sent. Through the Editor of Sovi- et War News, 11 cables were received from Russia, 5 mostly from the Soviet Scientists’ An- ti-Fascist Committee. Some of these have already appeared in the medical Press. Others will follow. Most interesting reee- ipt of all was an article by Academician Lena Stern on the treatment of shock. This aroused much attention in Britain. Macbee EXPLANATORY NOTE We have heen reading in these columns about the Grem- lins. So far their story has heen told inadequately. Very few ap- preciate their power; still fewer are aware of the service they are rendering the United Na- tions at the present time. Occa- sionally, the Gremlins get in touch with me. They usually visit me at midnight. They have given me permission to tell you what they tell me. Naturally, I shall not abuse this privilege. * * * First of all, the Gremlins wish it to be known that their sole purpose in life is not to dis- comfit airmen and other service people. An influential Gremlin who visited me the o.ther even- ing when I was in that world that is neither sleep nor con- sciousness gave me an insight into their outlook. “Fundamentally,” he said, “we were conchies. But human nature is so wayward and we have so absorbed the charac- í teristics of humanity, it is im- possible for us to fight against the war any longer. After care- ful consideration, the Free Gremlins * have decided to de- clare war on the Axis. Good honest devilry has been one of the cardinal points of our philo- sophy but the Axis have gone too far. They are plaguing the life out of too many innocent people for our liking. We have Todaj’s B. B C. Proðraœme HOME SERVICE (Icelandic Time). 1600 News, 1645 Pantomime “Babes in the Wood”, 1715 Symphony Concert, 1805 “Men- on’s Lament for Diotime”. read by Alan Wheatley, 1900 News, 1925 An American in England, 1955 Fodens Motor Works Band, 2030 North of the Tweed, 2045 Scottish Dance Music. FORCES' PROG.RAMME (Icelandic Time). 1500 Swing Showcase, re- cords, 1530 “I Don’t Like Rhythm”, 1600 News, 1630 Forces’ Choice of records, 1700 American Sports Bulletin, 1705 “The World Goes By”, 1730 ENSA Half-Hour, 1800 B.B.C. Dancing Club, 1900 News, 1940 Canadian Sports Talk, 1950 Fables of the Forties on records, 2015 “The Enchanted Bucket” read by L.A.G. Strong, 2030 Harry Fryer and his Orchestra. played a few tricks on the Jews ourselves, but this inhuman lust for their blood is too much.” The Gremlin stamped down his web foot upon my sleeping bag to emphasise his point. * The Free Gremlins hold sess- ions of their Parliament in the bombed out portion of the House of Commons. (To be continued.) In Reykjavík j Today ... j CINEMAS NÝJA BÍÓ: “Arizona” with Jean Arthur, William Holden and Warren William. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Gone wiíh the Wind” with Vivien Leigh,. Clark Gable, Leslie Howard and Olivia de Havilland. T JARNARBÍ Ó: “Meet John Doe” with Gary Cooper and Barbara stanwyck. REYKJABÍÓ: “Grapes of Wrath”, after Steinbeck’s novel, with Iienry Fonda, Jane Darwell and John Carradine. POLAR BEAR THEATRE: “Icecapades” witb Dorothy Lewis and James Ellison. Y.M.C.A. THURSDAY 7.30 p.m. Gramo- phone Recital in the Reeding Room. RED CROSS 3.30— 4.30 Coffee Hour. 6.00— 8.00 Movie “Ball of' Fire”. 8.00—10.00 Movie “Johnny Eager”. 10.00 Coffee Hour. Navy Delívers The Goods Picture shows: British transports which brought suplies and troops for the Allied Armies in North Africa, lying alongside the jetties at Arzeu, near Oran, Algiers.


Daily Post

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