Daily Post


Daily Post - 04.02.1943, Side 1

Daily Post - 04.02.1943, Side 1
ÍCELAND’S ONLY ENGLISH DAILY ON SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY EXCEPT MONDAY DAILY POST IV — 22 Thursday, Febr. 4th, 1943 Price 50 aurar. London, February 3rd. ln Russia, the last remnants oj the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, have heen entirely liquidated, and as the German people has heen orderd into mourning, Hitler’s garrison at Ro- stov is already hearing the rumble of heavy Red Army guns. Bostov Gap Glosing Rosfov Battle Begins Hitler Orders Mourning For Stolingrad Defeat Gaucasus Trap Closing Rostov, the grain export capi tal on the Don, is already wit- hin ránge of heavy Soviet guns and dispatches from Moscow war correspondents report that its outer defences are being shelled. It is predicted that the battle for Rostov will be just as tough as was the battle for Stalingrad. FIERCE STRUGGLE AHEAD Rostov has changed hands three times since the beginning of the war and with the greatly strengthened German defences presents a most formidable ob- stacle. It is estimated that the city and its defence perimeter are garrisoned by a quarter of a million men, whose position is much stronger than was the Sixth Army’s at Stalingrad. The most immediate threat to Rostov comes from the south- east, where Soviet columns have made rapid advance since the capture of Salsk. It is not known just how near the city this force has reached, but ac- cording to the latest official re- ports it was less than 30 miles away from the railway yester- day, and was steadily narrow- ing the German escape corridor from the Caucasus, which now can at the most be only some 50 miles wide. The Russian for- ce which captured Tikhoretsk has advanced another 20 miles, and captured the town of Pav- lovskaya. It is threatening more and more the branch lin- es left to the Nazis, and its next important óbjective is Kushev- skaya, which connects with Yeisk and Akhtari, both ports on the Sea of Azov. In addition to this our Allies report the capture of yet another import- ant railway town on the line to Krasnodar. The Soviet drive west of Vor- onesh is still making good headway, and during the night, two large inhabited places, and hundreds of prisoners were taken by our Allies. Further south the threat to Kursk has increased with ‘the capture of 13 more places by the Russians who rounded up many prison- ers in the course of these op- erations. A most successful at- tack was made on the enemy aerodrome at Voroshilovgrad, where 23 German planes were destroyed on the ground. In the lower Don area, all German counter-attacks have been thrown back, and some progress is reported by our Al- lies. The Germans also admit losing some ground south of Lake Ladoga. Staliograd Battle Ends Last night Moscow announ- ced officially that the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad had finally been entirely liquidat- ed, on the 189th day of this, one of the greatest battles in all history. In the last few days, the number of prisoners taken by the Russians has increased by 45,000, and these include the commander of the German 11 armoured division, Lieut. Gen. Strecker, and a large number of troops who surrendered on hearing that Field Marshal Paulus had been taken prisoner Among those who were the last to give in, were a number of SS men, who had feared to surrender because of the atro- cities they had committed on the Russian population. Papen Recslled London, February 3rd. Messages from Ankara report to-day that von Papen Germany’s Ambassador to Turkey, has been called to Berlin, to report on his talks with Turkish officials, after Mr. Churchill’s visit to that country. Since the battle of annihila- tion began, on January the lOth, some 91,000 prisoners have been taken. Heading the list are Field Marshal Paulus, Lieut. General Strecker and 24 other generals, together with 2,500 other officers of high rank. The booty is en- ormous. It includes 750 air- craft, 1,550 tanks, 15,600 guns, mortars and machine guns, 56 locomotives, 61,000 lorries and other vehicles, and 90,000 rifl- es. There are still huge quan- tities of stores and equipment to be counted. NATIONAL MOURNING It was disclosed in the Ber- lin Radio to-day that the Ger- man nation has been ordered to go into three day’s mourning for the loss of the German Sixth Army at Stalingrad, the latest victims of the Fuehrer’s intuition. All threatres and cinemas in the Reich will also be closed for three days. — Little Goebbels is going all out to build up Field Marshal Pau- lus and his men as a band of super martyrs. RUSSIAN FORCES RELEAS- Messages from Moscow re- port that the end of the Stal- ingrad battle has released large Russian forces for action else- where. These forces are report ed to be being rushed to take part in a three-pronged drive on Kupiansk, together with the Red Army divisions driving westwards from Voronezh. Stop Press A special communiqué issued by Moscow late to-night, ? announces two new smashing Red Army successes: the cutt- í ing of the only railway line by which the German forces in ') ( the Caucasus could have escaped to Rostov, — together with the capture of Kushevskaya — and the capture of Kupiansk, ! the extremely important railway junction 60 miles east of Kharkov, connecting Kharkov, Kursk and the Donetz Basin. Two more resounding Russian successes were also an- ? nounced at the same time: the cutting of the railway line be- tween Kursk and Orel, and the capture of Krasniliman, a ; town 60 miles due cast of Stalino, the capital of the Donetz j Basin.


Daily Post

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