Daily Post


Daily Post - 01.05.1943, Page 3

Daily Post - 01.05.1943, Page 3
SDNDAY POS i iierlvaa Sports Shorts by uThe Ace” BASEBALL Boston’s Braves will sadly Lefty Lou Tost and the r°Wns will pine for Outfielder Glenn McQuillen, also. Both ^ese lads were stars in ’42 in J^elr lst full season of Big ball, but ^ncle An very recently gone into training for Sam’s Team. . . The my nine at West Point beat May the bln Wayette U. 3 to 1. . . Danny itwhiler’s 2nd homer of the Season gave the Phils a 3—2 Verdict. over Brooklyn despite 6 fect the fumbling Phillies 3 errors to none for Flat- Usla- . . Current brokers of Stnart money which has proved requently to have been other- ^ise are again betting odds on ^e Yanks and the Cards to cop e pennants, but the cynics in e cheajj seats state that the ^les will go to the 2 teams 6sf liked by the draft boards, as usual the bleacherites Ught. . . Scores during the P®ning week of Major League Were noticeably low, but “Dodgiss” collected 16 1?°ws in 1 game, and the A’s ^ *n another, so apparently 6 new ball can be hit hard Ce the lads get their sights .justed. . . “Jarring Jawn” '2e is popular in Navy “boot” even with Brooklyn fans, t. lch must be a novel sensa- ■j. ror an ex-Giant slugger!!! baf *allesi- pitcher in organized ve 1 illls year is Soutpaw Syl- ^ester (Stretch) Goedde of the VU]G<^° ^uclllens- This Vaughns- j C| Ohio youth is 6 feet 8 jje es in his socks, and he says a ls still growing! American u. S°ciution batters feel like jj^ J re standing in a hole when lace 111111 ancl one waS re" e j s he has to duck away on °y’ fly t0 Center field. . . ^CK Ohapel Hill, N. Carolina, ^ding champion N. Carolina ^ins the Southern Confer- ^rack Meet. Runner-up Ý.M.I. anj Clemson fin- ecl 3rd. Vas 3sh, ,cGePt. ^Pai^* <“hairmanship Eddie Rickenbacker A of Na- ^ rt'raclc ancl Field eiiilon set for June at all’s Island, N.Y. HOCKEY Big Don Deacon, former center for the Detroit Wings and the Cleveland Barons, has received Commando training in the Canadian Army His rugged frame and t he recklessness which characterized his ho.kcy career should make him one of the best in his new roie. . . Anglo-Soviet Council (Continued from page 2). tracks, there now trundle the 3- and 5-ton lorries supplied by the United Kingdom Commer- cial Corporation, or the Ford- like Soviet lorries made at Gorki. Most of the Russian lorry drivers are women, who take over from the British drivers at the border line of the Soviet garrison. They surprised the British less by their skill as drivers (which is considerable) than by the attention they pay to their hair-sets and nails. Russo-British collaboration has shown that new contacts bring new understanding. Between the British and the Russians, neighbours for the time being in Persia, there has grown up respect for each other’s effi- Sondajf Services Church of England. Holy Communion, YMCA Chap- el at 0830 hrs. Evening.Ser- vice, Lakesíde Church at 1930 hours. Preacher: — Rev. C. N. Thomas, naval Chaplain. Dómkirkjan, Reykjavík. All officers and men of the Brit- ish Forces are invited to at- tend the Service held by the American Forces at 0930 hrs. each Sunday at the Cathe- dral, Borg Square. OTHER SERVICES Roman Catholic. R. C. Cat- hedral, Reykjavík. Saturday Confession 1930 hrs. to 2030 hrs. Sunday Parade Mass 1100 hrs. Other Masses 0630 0900, and 1000 hrs. Bene- diction 1830 hrs. ciency and energy, and com- radeship in solving the prob- lems they share. Persia, once a barrier, is to- day a bridge linking the Soviet Union with the British Empire and America.Now that it is rid of Axis intrigue, the threat to Russia’s southern flank has been replaced by the friendly sight of Allied trains and lorries moving up with ever-increasing supplies of the weapons, equip- ment and food so urgently needed. (From “Picture Post”.) Daylight Mosquito Raid Britain struck another blow in the battle of the Atlantic when Mosquito aircraft of Bomber Command successfully attacked the Stork Engineering and Diesel Engine Works at Rengalo, Holland, in daylight on 20.1.43. These works produce the type of engines used by U-boats 3 In Reykjavík Today ... MOVIES POLAR BEAR THEATRE: “Talk of the Town” with Ron- ald Colman and Jean Arthur. GAMLA BÍÓ: “Dumbo” by Walt Disney. (Technicolour). TJARNARBÍÓ: “The Bride Came C.O.D.” with James Cogney and Bette Davis. NÝJA BÍÓ: “It started with Eve”, with Charles Laughton, Deanna Durbin and Robert Cummings. Y.M.C.A. 6.30 Films “Having a Wonder- ful Time” with Ginger Rogers and “Hots Spots” with Betty Gravel. SUNDAY: 2.30 Film. 8.45 Dis- cussion Group, “Education after the War”. MONDAY. 7.30 “Table Tennis Tournament. RED CROSS The Recreation Centre will re- open next Sunday at 1 p.m. Meanwhile, the P. X will be open daily from 4—10. BRITISH FORCES BROADCASTS “Rocky Mountain Rhythm”. Also, quarter of an hour of sweet music by Fred Hart- ley. SUNDAY. “Melody and Song.” News Summary. Studio Ser vice. AMERICAN BROADCASTS 1300—1530: News Round-Up. Manhattan Merry-Go-Round with Conrad Thibault & Bea Wain. Tribute to Stephen Foster. Ballad for Americans. Command Performance with Nelson Eddy, Fannie Brice, Edgar Bergen & Charlie Mc Carthy, Don Ameche. The Fred Waring program. This Is The Army. 1600—1713: Homage to George Gershwin with Bing Crosby, Dinah Shore, Paul Whiteman & Orchestra, Edward Arnold Weekly Round-Up. Note. There will be no U.S. Broadcasts next week, but it is expected that they will be resumed after that.


Daily Post

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