Daily Post

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Daily Post - 23.05.1943, Qupperneq 1

Daily Post - 23.05.1943, Qupperneq 1
V IcELAND’S only english DAILY SALE 8 A.M. EVERY DAY except MONDAY ^imdai Post IV --- 20 Sunday, May 23, 1943 Price 50 aurar. On Yanks Sipre Isiaid top Resistance Almost Ended London, May 22 nd. Aiu for Attu Island has entered the final phase, the ^can forces being now engaged in moppingup operations. This day) “ news follows yester- seerSfStatement by CoL Knox’ of the U.S. Navy, — ce(j e ’lapanese on Attu fa- °a. S^rrender or exterminati- Wh0 dapanese spokesman, ese ^dmitted that the Japan- Hp rces °n the island were "teetivatriSt terrific odds, indi- y c°nfirmed this. ^oton satisfac- 1h at J ^merican forces landed ce on May the llth. Sin- ^Porte ancbn§> Washington has , satisfactory progress •out ^ ay to day. It is pointed SUccessíe tbat the sPeed and heen ,, °f the campaign has reinarkable. W the isl V}oTstS an<^ are among the fon0 ln the world, with sea o/ ev Tain eÍ9ht days out ather conditions on lík :ivíMed 'y ten. IN Th ^.^Panese occupied Attu, ^ost ex6s West of Kiska, al- r°Ught aCtly a year ago. This ^iles of them within 1,000 a'lct frn 6 ^iashan mainland, this base they ace American shipp- rthern Pacific wat- aPs still hold Kiska, COald "0tn itig men? Crs. -p, W rhe +1_ . # ___ íivau jLVj.orwa. netl>tUed • Stand base is now J t\\,0 n by the Americans ,re 2,5q0 "'s; E'rom Attu there S^.*,™** ‘° T»ky»- u d’ nortb ° ^ aramushir Is- S°ese K, fnmost ef the Ja- °ut ^OOO1^.!Slands’ is iust u miles. Fightlng Brisk In Knban Area London. May 22nd. Moscow dispatches report that follow- ing attacks in considerable strength in the Lisichansk sec- tor, Soviet troops have widen- ed their bridgehead on the right bank of the Donetz. Mes- sages indicate that local fight- ing is still brisk in many pla- ces including the Kuban. The communiqué mentions engage- ments near Sukhinichi, which lies on the Briansk-Kaluga line. Preparation is the key note all along the front. “Pravda” announces to-day that the Comintern is being disbanded. This is considered a great blow to Nazi propaganda which is always stressing the menace of Bolshevism. Eisenhower Te Vavell London. May 22nd. — Gen. Eisenhower has replied to Field Marshal Wavell’s mess- age of congratulation. He expresses the pride he feels that it should havé been forces under his command that struck the final blow at the Axis in North Africa. ‘But’, he adds, ‘it was the same batt- le that was begun under your leadership. The ideal that in- spired us both was the same: the utter destruction of the enemy.” Half A ‘Battle Of Britain’ Bombing Prooramme A fflonth For Nazis Mr. Oliver Lyttleton, British Production Minister, opening the “Wings for Victory Week” at Aldershot yesterday, com- pared our position now with what it had been during the worst year of raids, 1941. The Luftwaffe had that year drop- ped 22,000 tons of bombs on Britain. Now Britain had dropped half that weight on the Reich during the month of April alone. War Department’ Budset Washington. — President Roosevelt has submitted the War Department’s budget for the fiscal year, 1944. It totals 72 billion dollars. The largest item in the new budget is 23 Only Started London. Captain Balfour, — Under Secretary for Air, has disclosed that in one week a- lone of this month, from May lOth to 17th, the RAF’s fight- ers made almost 5,000 sorties across the Channel, which works out at about 700 sorties every day of that week. Speaking of the bombing of- fensive, Captain Balfour said that the RAF had a long cal- endar of German and Italian cities due for really big raids. This month we had picked two of them, Dorthmund and Duis burg, the turn of the others was coming. billions. The Army Air Forces are slated for 655 millions. Mosqnitos Fourth Visit To Berlio In Week London, May 22nd. The RAF were out again last night, vutting a brake on Hitl~ er’s road and sea communications. Mosquitos flew to Orleans, to make a high speed bombing attack from a low level on the locomotive depot there for the second night running. Soon afferwards, Whirlwinds, carry ing bombs, caught a heavily es corted’ Nazi supply ship off Cherbourg. The pilots left her with her stern tipping up at a sharp angle. They also sank the biggest of the armed trawlers — there were four of them — and damaged anoth- er. Strong formations of Mos- quitos, Beaufighters and Bost- ons swept Northern France, — and, in the words of one of the pilots, they had some pretty good hunting in the monnlight He found four locomotives, — and left them all riddled with cannon shells. Heavy bombers backed up the offensive by laying mines in enemy waters, and just to round off the night’s work, a number' oí Mosquitos flew to give Berlin its fourth raid this week. All these operations cost five bombers and one fighter. Berlin Radio had a word to say this morning about yester- day’s heavy raids on Emden and Wilhelmshaven, made by big American bombers. The Nazis actually admitted con- siderable damage in both towns. RJ.F. Attacks In Biirma In Burma, the RAF has made another series of attacks on Japanese positions. Some formations concentra- ted on the Upper Chindwin, while others bombed objective es in the Buthé Daung and A- kyab areas. Wellingtons at- tacked the marshalling yards at Mandalay with good re- sults. From all these extensive operations two aircraft are missing.


Daily Post

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