Daily Post


Daily Post - 22.06.1943, Page 3

Daily Post - 22.06.1943, Page 3
DAILYPOST m Amerlcan Sports Shorts U.S. ‘Beveridge Plan’ by “The Ace” FOOTBALL Columbia and Pennsylvania grid squads will meet each oth er twice this fall, the dates be- ing Oct. 2 at Philly and 3 weeks later at N.Y. Maybe they ought to arrange for play off contest in case each school wins one game. . . St. Louis U. cancels football for the durati- on. Minnesota adds Camp Grant and Iowa Naval Pre- Flight School to its grid sched- ule for ’43. HOCKEY Norm Dutton, 3rd son of Red Dutton who is the managing di rector of the National Hockey League, joins the Canadian Army. His older brothers Alex and Joe have been reported al- ready as missing in action. BOXING The Pennsylvania State At- hletic Commission declares “Bobcat” Montgomery, Phila- delphia colored ring general, to be the lightweight world’s champion. . . A fast-stepping U. S. Army boxing team won a close 6—5 victory over a pic • ked squad of British Army boxers in London before a crowd of 10,000 soldiers and civilians. RACING Mrs. Payne Whitney’s prize chattel, Devil Diver, copped the $7500 Carter Handicap at Aqueduct after being closely pressed up to the 3rd quarter of the 7 furlong route. Marriage edged into 2nd place and Boub lerab took the show position in the field of 10. The winner paid $9.10. BASEBALL Little Tommy Holmes tripl- ed and homered to beat Brook lyn his week, alhough he di- munitive Brave is alweys play ed as a single hitter. Yankee Lindell continues his heavy clubbing with a homer plus 2 one-basers against the A’s. . . Frank McCormack of the Reds connects for his 3rd circuit clout. ' The Pirates failed to score in 21 'innings against St. Louis ling. Lippy Durocher entered the Brooklyn line-up for the first time since ’41 last week to help his flagging athletes. Leo had no chances at short for his brief appearance, but drove in a run with a base-hit. . . Jack Hallett of Pittsburgh hooked up in a stirring mound duel with Cardinal Howie Pollet this week only to lose 1—0 when one of his pitches went wild with a runner on 3rd. —- Rookie Irv Hall up from Will- iamsport in the Eastern Lea- gue continues fill the bill in Connie Mack’s infield with able assistance from Pete Sud- er. . . 31-year old Rookie Jim Tyack of the A’s is starting to ride the pill. Oscar Judd of Boston turned in a sparkling performance in his 3hit shut- out over Washington last week. When the A’s copped that double header from the Yanks they did it the hard way, beating “Grandma” Mur phy in the nightcap. Veteran Lefty Clyde Smoll is flinging air-tight ball for Baltimore. Robert Ferdinand Wagner, a United States Senator from New York since 1927, has made himself best known as a spon- sor of social legislation. He in- troduced the NIRA, the Soci- al Security Act, the National Labor Relations Act (Wagner Act), the railway pension law, and other measures. Recently he sponsored in the upper the United States Housing Act chamber the most comprehen- sive piece of social legislation the nation has ever been ask- ed to consider. This “American Beveridge plan” provides cradle-to-the- grave security for practically all persons. To be financed at the outset mainly by workers and employers, with the gov- ernment lending its support later, the plan would cover un- employment insurance, medi- cal and hospital care, disabili- ty and old age. U. S. Air Crew Repairs Damage Damaged in a raid on the Japanese, this large American bomb- er is heing patched up by a United States Air Force ground crew at an air base on a South Pacific island. The symbols on the nose of the plane, which is named “Madame X,” tell of ten raids on the enemy, the bombing of a Japanese battleship at Midway and of four enemy planes shot down. In Reykjavík Today ... MOVIES GAMLA BÍÓ: “Go west” with the Marx Brothers. TJARNABÍÓ: “Are Husbands Necessary?” with Ray Miland and Betty Field. NÝJA BÍÓ: “Unfinished Busin- ess”, with Irene Dunne, Ro- bert Montgomery, and Prest- on Foster. POLAR BEAR: “Return of Frank James”, with Henry Fonda, Gene Tierney. Y.M.C.A. The Y. M. C. A. will be closed for redecoration un- til further notice. BRITISH FORCES BROADCASTS Iceland Birds, Part III Tues day Concert. AMERICAN BROADCASTS 1300—1355: News Headlines Fred Waring Program Laur- itz Melchior Song Recital. 1600—1713: Sibelius Anniver- sary Music Interviews On Iceland Red Skelton Program with Karrit Hilliarde, Ozzie Nelson & Orch. 2200—2315: News Roundup Bob Hope Program with Frances Langford, Jerry Colonna, Skinnay Ennis & Orchestra Bandwagon with Alvino Ray & King Sisters. Drinb On The Hing North Africa — Britains King George VI was apparently una ware that U S. vessels carry no liquor last week when he sugg- ested to the comander of Ameri can warships, while inspecting units of the British and U. S. Navies, that he “splice the ma- in brace”. The crew profited, however, by the royal invitati- on to have a drink when every mmber got a double order of pcp.


Daily Post

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