Daily Post - 30.09.1943, Side 1
IV — 188
Thursday, Sept. 30, 1943
Allies Crasb Throngb
To Naples Plain
London, Sept. 29th.
The Allied Fifth Army has smashed the German defences
ín the hills north and east of Salerno, and the Eighth Army has
pushed on beyond Foggia.
After six days of hard offen-
sive fighting, the Fifth Army
has penetrated through the
hills north and west of Salerno
and entered the southern end
of the plain of Naples. Today’s
communique from General Eis-
■enhower’s HQ reports the cap-
ture of Nocera, Castellammare
and Sorrento, along with the
entire Sorrento peninsula west
of these towns. Allied armour
is now pouring through the hill
passes, fanning out across the
plain beyond.
The Germans are said to have
carried out a swift and orderly
withdrawal, and there are no re
ports to indicate that any large
numbers of prisoners have
been taken, but Allied territori-
al gains are considerable. Hav-
ing broken through the last ene
my defences before Naples, the
Allies are by unofficial reports
stated to have captured the an-
cient ruin-city of Pompei, 14
miles from the centre of Na-
It was the left flank of the
Fifth Army which made the
break-through, but the right
flank is driving north and west
towards the inland key com-
munication center of Avellino.
These Allied troops have now
occupied San Angelo, a short
distance due east of Avellino.
The latest reports say that the
savage, destruction of Naples
clearly indicates that the Ger-
jnans do not intend to hold the
city, or expect to return to it.
Following the Eighth Army’s
capture of Foggia, Montgom-
ery’s men are now at a point
50 miles north-east of Bene-
vento, while Allied troops in
the center are less than 25
miles from this key. town.
Bad weather has kept most
of the Allied aircraft grounded,
but reconnaissance and patrols
have been kept up, and Allied
warships have shelled enemy
targets at the base of Mount
U. S. Girl Worker
Sews Honor Star
Surrounded by the shell cas-
ings she helps make, Theresa
Stalker of the United States
adds a star to the “E” flag
awarded to her factory for ex-
cellent war production. The star
means the plant is turning out
even more shells than the re-
cord production which won_the
flag originally.
Ripid Red Progress
Gooti nes
Lonaon, Sept. 29th.
With the Red Army sweep-
ing towards Gomel, Vitebsk,
Orsha and Mohilev, the great
hedgehog positions which pro-
tect Minsk, the capital of White
Russia, only 20 miles from the
Polish border, that vital junc-
tion is now greatly threatened.
Moscow messages this after-
noon report that Russian forces
have already reached the out-
skirts of Gomel, and that the
Soviet artillery is shelling the
town. The Red Army advance
has been remarkable rapid in
view of the difficult country
the Russian armour has had to
cover, negotiating marshes and
numerous small rivers, the
banks of which are dotted with
anti tank and anti personnel
All the way from Gomel to
south of Dniepropetrovsk, hard
fighting has been going on
along the 400 mile front. The
Russians are reported to have
penetrated into the outskirts of
Kremenchug. and several is-
lands in the Dniepr have been
occupied by the Red Army,
which , has now practically
driven the Germans from their
last precarious positions on the
left bank of the river, and est-
ablished several bridgeheads on
the right bank.
Along /the Sea of Azov, our
Russian Allies have continued
their advance and are now
closely threatening Melitupol.
Berlin reports fierce fighting in
the town.
^ Because of shortage of news- J
\ boys, and because. of other ^
S distribution difficulties, the s
) “DAILY POST” asks
^ readers to
S facilitate
be so
kind as
its S
to )
of s
^ “DAILY POST” boys as far S
| as possible. '
Price 50 aurar.
Don’t Be A
If a man throws a monkey
wrench into the cogs of a
moving machine, he is
known as a Saboteur. He has
deliberately aided the Ene-
my by jcommitting Sabotage,
and slowed up the produc-
tion of vital war materials
so necessary to the speedy
winning of the war. There is
another form of sabotage
which is much more com-
mon, but which attracts
scarcely any attention, be-
cause it is an everyday pas-
time with far too many sol-
diers. Everytime a soldier
originates or passes on a “bit
of loose talk” he is committ-
ing “psychological sabo-
TALK! Every soldier has
two eyes and two ears, but
only one tongue. Nature in-
tended that man should see
and hear twice as much as
he talked. Let yourself be
guided accordingly.
Pacific War
London, Sept. 29th.
Tbe communique from Gen-
eral MacArthur’s HQ today an-
nounces fierce fighting still rag-
ing around Finschaven.
Allied New Guinea messages
report that in Monday’s 200
bomber raid on Wiwack, three
enemy tankers were set on
fire, four merchant ships sunk
or damaged, and 20 barges and
eighth Zeros accounted for,—
all for the loss of three Allied
aircraft. *
/ * *
It was revealed in Washing-
ton today that American Mar-
ines on September 4th without
opposition seized the northern-
most island of the Ellice Islands
group. The island will be used
as an air base.