Daily Post


Daily Post - 21.10.1943, Page 2

Daily Post - 21.10.1943, Page 2
2 DAILY POST DAILY POST Blaðahringurlmi. ib publiahed by Editor: S. Benediktsson. OtHaa: 12, Ausrtwrstræti. Tel. 3716. Reykjavík. Printed by Albýöuprentsmiðj an Ltd. Thursday, Oct. 21, 1943 Qootations... Facts “We, and all others who believe as deeply as we do, would rather die on our féet than live on our knees.” — Fraanklin D. Roosevelt, Presi- dent of the United States, to a convocation of the University of Oxford at Cambridge, Massachusetts, June 19, 1941. * ❖ * A new world’s record in monthly pig iron production from a single blast furnace was set recently ‘by the Great Lakes steel Corportion division of the National Steel Corpora- tion. It produces \ 49,705 net íons of iron, a daily average of 1,603 net t(j>ns. 5{í * * Struck by an enemy torpedo which damaged the entire engine room, ruptured steam and fuel pipes and lifted lower j decks, the U. S. S. Edgar Allan Poe proved the value of welded construction — the bulkheads held and no water reached any cargo space. * * * Under the revised Chinese conscription law, all women between 18 and 45 are required to render auxiliary service in time of war. This is the first time that the mobilization of Chinese worqen has been pro- vided for by law. * * * The Philippines, after dis- covery by Ferdinand Magellan in 1521, were known as Islas del Poniente (Islands of the West). In 1543 the archipelago was renamed Islas Filipinas (Philippine Islands in honor of the Spanish crown prince who later became King Philip II. In 1935, when the Philippine Commonwealth constitution was adopted, the official name became simply Philippines. * * * The Foreign Orgin Group of New York State bought $ 81,- 000,000 worth of war bonds during the second U. S. war loan campaign. The money will Hollywootí News Letter ADVERTISMENT LEADS BOY TO HOLLYWOOD CONTRACT Success sometimes comes early, sometimes late, in Holly- wood, the U.S. film center. The case of Farley Granger falls in the first category. Farley the 17-year-old son of a veteran of the last war, answered a help- wanted advertisement which appeared in the newspapers: “Wanted: Boy under 18. Theatrical experience desirable, but not essential. Send photo and brief biography." In cons- equence, he received a contract to play the leading role of a Russian patriot in the picture “The North Star.” Farley, whose theatrical experience consisted of playing in one high-school production, is especially happy over his good fortune because it will enably his mother to give up her posi- tion as clerk in a store. Among those who achieved film success considerably later in life, after some years of less spectacular work, were Marie Dressler, Will Rogers and May Robson. And now Charles Coburn, at 65 years of age and after 40 years of acting, is en- joying the greatest popularity of his career. Somewhere in the same rec- ord belongs the case of Pola Negri, a film star of a genera- tion ago who abandoned her career when sound pictures replaced the silent films. She has returned to the screen in the United Artists comedy “Hey Diddle Diddle.“ Miss Negri took her first name — for picture purposes — from the name of her native land, Poland. Another former star, Jean Muir, has a small part in “The Constant Nymph.” GREER GARSON SURPRISES FILM COLONY The recent wedding of Greer Garson and Richard Ney, who played the role of her son in “Mrs. Miniver,” was a surprise to Hollywood even though the couple had had a marriage license since November 1942. Ney, who is now in the U.S. Navy, was on leave. On the day before he v/as' scheduled to r turn to ty, the two buy 2 0 motor torpedo boats for íhé T ” Navy. went quietly to a small church in Beverly Hills, near Holly- wood, and were married. with Miss Garson’s mother as the only attendant. Ney left the fellowing day, and Miss Garson returned to the Metro-Gold- wyn-Mayer studios and her role in “Madame Curie.” Though the wedding was unpublicized, Hollywood re- porters learned afterward that Miss Garson, who has a. great ; liking for the sea, wore a green i dress at the ceremony — and a sea-green snood with an edging of tiny seashells. The star received word re- cently that “Mrs. Miniver” had. been shown at a command performance in the royal palace. at Cairo, Egypt. The wedding of Greer Garson and Richard Ney, who played the role of her son in the film “Mrs. Miniver,” surprised Hollywood, since they had planned to postpone their marriage until after the war. Ney, who is in the U. S. Navy, was on leave, and on the day before he was to return to duty the two went quietly to a small church and were married. MARKS 62 YEARS AS ACT- RESS Dame May Whitty hap started her 62nd year as an actress with an important part in the picture “Gaslight.” This is a Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer thriller, in which Charles Boyer appears as a suave killer. C. Aubrey Smith, another stage and screen veteran from England, celebrated his 80th birthday by playing scenes in his role of colonel in “The White Cliffs of Dover.’” all of them with newcomers to the screen. Hollywood needs new talent.” Among the “unknowns” tested, however, is Hans Haas, the Czechoslovakian character star, who appeared in more than 200 Czechoslovakian, French and Italian films “Rev- enge” is his first picture in the United States. SOLDllRS LOOK FOR STARS AMONG “UNKNOWNS” To recruit the cast of „Revenge,” the RKO studios are making 100 screen tests of virtually unknown actors, “We hope to find two potential stars a: long them,” Casey Robivso: ■:he director, said. “Th - :;nr-.orta: t part.s ir; • j...T ,nd ■ 'i: :• :'. Send your family a greeting from Iceland, and for re- membrance take with you. the book “Iceland in Pic- tures”. A most appropriate present is “Souvenir from íceland” and “A Yank’s Me- r-oires from Iceland”.. All these bcoks are obtainabie in íh • !• ' ar>d in ; e Fo-t Fvc'1 ancr«> siious. % *.VE::r,L'TN ÍSAFOLDAR.


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