Tímarit lögfræðinga

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.10.1984, Qupperneq 31

Tímarit lögfræðinga - 01.10.1984, Qupperneq 31
HEIMILDASKRÁ J. R. Stevenson & B. H. Oxman, The Preparations for the Law of the Sea Conference, 68 American Journal of International Law 1 (1974). The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea. The 1974 Caracas Session, 69 AJIL 1 (1975); — The 1975 Geneva Session, 69 AJIL 763 (1975); and Oxman, The Third United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea: The 1976 New York Session, 71 AJIL 247 (1977) — The 1977 New York Session, 72 AJIL 57 (1978) — Tlie Seventh Session (1978), 73 AJIL 1 (1979); — The Eighth Session (1979), 74 AJIL 1 (1980); - The Ninth Session (1980), 75 AJIL 211 (1981). - The Tenth Session (1981) 76 AJIL 1 (1982). S. P. Balasubramanian, Fishery provisions of the ICNT. Part I„ Marine Policy, Vol. 5, 1981, 313-321 og Part II. ibid. 27-42. T. A. Clingan, The Changing Global Pattern of Fisheries Management. Lawyer of the Americas, Vol. 10, 1978, 658—684. E. D. Brown, Delimitation of offshore areas. Marine Policy, Vol. 5, 1981, 172—184. E. D. Brown, Rockall and the limits of national jurisdiction of the U. K., Marine Policy, Vol. 2, No. 3, 1978, 181-211 and Part 2, ibid, Vol. 2. No. 4, 1978, 275-287. E. D. Brown, The continental shelf and the exclusive economic zone: the problem of delimitation at UNCLOS III. Maritime Policy and Management, Vol. 4, No. 6, 1977, 377-408. F. A. Eustis III., Methods and Basis of Seaward Delimitation of Continental Shelf Juris- diction, Virginia Journal of International Law, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1976, 107—119. G. R. Feuler, Delimitation of Continental Shelf Jurisdiction Between States; The Effect of Physical Irregularities in the Natural Continental Shelf. Virginia Journal of Inter- national Law, Vol. 17, No. 1, 1976, 77—105. W. Vitzhum og R. Platzöder, The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea: The Pros and Cons. Law and State, Vol. 28, 32—41. Beitrage zur Dritten Seerechtskonferenz der Vereinten Nationen, Zeitschrift fiir ausland- isches öffentliches Recht und Völkerrecht, Vol. 38/3—4, 1978. C.de Klemm, Conservation and the New Informal Composite Negotiating Text of The Law of the Sea Conference. Environmental Policy and Law, Vol. 4, No. 1, 1978, 2—17. 85
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