

Sameiningin - 01.05.1945, Page 19

Sameiningin - 01.05.1945, Page 19
KVENFÉLAG GLENBORO SAFN. Fundur fyrsta fimtudag I hvcrjum mánuSi Blómsveigasjóöur til Uknarstarfs GLENBORO, MAN. J. J. SWANSON & CO. LIMITED 308 AVENUE BLDG. Fasteig'nasalar . . . Leigja og selja htis og bújarSir . . . Út- vega peningalán . . . Eftirlits- menn ábyggilegra eldsábyrgS- arfélaga. SÍMI 97 538 DRS. H. R. & II. W. TWEED COLUMBIA PRESS, LIMITED tannlæknar, sem mikil viS- sldfti hafa viS Islendinga. 406 TORONTO GENERAL TRUSTS BLDG. Cor. Portage & Smith St. SIMI 96 952 Printers and Publishers Publishers of "Lögberg” Icelandic Weekiy 695 SARGENT AVENUE PHONE 21 804 A. S. BARDAL Útfararstjóri 843 SHERBROOK ST. Winnipeg1 SÍMI 27 324 FYRSTI LOTERSKI SÖFNUÐUR í Winnipeg Kirkjan á Victor Street sunnan viS Sargent Ave. OuSsþjönustur hvern sunnudag kl. 11 f. h. og 7 e. h. Séra V. J. Eylands, B.A., B.D., prestur. SÍMI 29 017 LADIES’ AID OF ST. PAUL’S ICÉLANDIC LUTHERAN CHURCH MINNEOTA, MINNESOTA, U.S.A. Fundir fyrsta þriöjudag 1 hverjum mánuSi, kl. 3 e. h. Mrs. Frank Josephsson, President; Mrs. Julius Driessens, Vice- President; Mrs. Chester Mohn, Secretary; Mrs. Clarence Halvorson, Treasurer. CANADIAN STAMP CO. Rubber Stamps Stencils, Seals Celluloid Buttons Metal Tags Checks, etc. Bjerring and Gillon 324 Smith St., Winnipeg Automatic Numbering Machines Ticket Punches Stamp Pads Ink, etc. PHONE 94 624



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