Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.01.2005, Side 14

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.01.2005, Side 14
A GRAPEVINE QUIZ: Which type of Icelandic politician are you? Politics is pretty boring stuff, isn’t it? I mean, who can keep track of the different political parties and their issues, or follow the endlessly circular speeches made in parliament? Does anyone under the age of 75 even watch the parliamentary sessions on television? Take this simple quiz to see which of the four types of Icelandic politician you are. Turn off your cerebral cortex and get ready for minutes of fast food for thought: 1) You got your current job by: a) Hard work, long hours, and dedication. b) Switching jobs with your closest ally. c) I have a job? d) No comment. 2) The last time you cried was when: a) Someone ate the last kleina in the break room. b) You saw pictures of starving children on television. c) Tears are for the weak. d) Call my secretary and book an appointment. 3) When you see images of Iceland’s wilderness, you: a) This is off the record, right? b) Think to yourself, “What a waste of real estate.” c) Are filled with pride to live in such an unspoiled country. d) Change the channel. 4) School teachers are: a) None of my business. b) None of your business. c) Greedy, whining parasites. d) Master builders of our nation’s future. 5) When I’m not working, I like to: a) I’m always working when it comes to serving the public. b) Drive to Keflavík and gaze enviously at the NATO base. c) Next question. d) Go to champagne-filled gala events. 6) Iceland’s immigration policy should: a) Wait, they can’t vote, can they? b) Make foreigners feel welcome and accepted the way they are. c) Never upset my constituents. d) Keep the buggers in fish factories or language classes. 7) The war in Iraq is: a) A horrible mistake based on lies. b) Sorry, I’m late for an appointment. c) Another chance to try out our soldiers - I mean, fire fighters. d) I prefer to watch Innlit/Útlit. 8) Iceland’s role in the world is: a) “I’m not in the office right now. Please leave a message. Beep!” b) To serve as an example of a strong, socially- conscious nation. c) To do whatever will keep America happy. d) You mean there’s a rest of the world? by Paul F Nikolov You take civil service very seriously. Your voice carries loud and steady in the halls of parliament, and even those who don’t understand what you’re talking about get the impression that whatever it is, you feel VERY strongly about it. Whatever the issue may be, you consistently stick up for the underdog. Which is not a good way to get ahead in politics. WONDERINGS 1: a=1, b=4, c=2, d=3 2: a=2, b=1, c=4, d=3 3: a=3, b=4, c=1, d=2 4: a=2, b=3, c=4, d=1 5: a=1, b=4, c=3, d=2 6: a=3, b=1, c=2, d=4 7: a=1, b=3, c=4, d=2 8: a=3, b=1, c=4, d=2 SCORING Congratulations! You’re never afraid to let a little thing like popular opinion stand in your way by pushing through even wildly unpopular ideas. Your composure in the face of your opponents only makes them angrier, which might partially explain why no matter how many people disagree with you, you manage to stay on top of your game. When the people ask you the tough questions, you know exactly how to respond: don’t respond at all. If you’re ever put in a position where you’re forced to say something, you manage to say a lot without actually answering the question. For this reason, no knows where you really stand and you can therefore appeal to just about anyone. 28 or higher: You are Foreign Minister Davíð Oddsson 21 - 27: You are Prime Minister Halldór Ásgrímsson What good is a position of authority if you can’t enjoy the perks, right? If there might be work put on your desk, it can always wait – that’s why they invented delegation! But when those invitations to social events show up, you very diligently don your best attire and be sure to situate yourself near the photographers. Say cheese! 8 - 13: You are Chairman of the Left-Green Party Steingrímur Sigfússon 14 - 20: You are Minister of Education Þorgerður Katrín Gunnarsdóttir Lækjar- torg Hverfisgata In gó lfs st ræ ti Læ kj ar ga ta Bankastræti Arnar- hóll Ka lko fns veg ur


Reykjavík Grapevine

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