Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2007, Side 4

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2007, Side 4
06_REYKJAVÍK_GRAPEVINE_ISSUE 10_007_OPINION Cappuccino + bagle + yoghurt = 650 kr. We maintain: Originality is the refusal to bor- row anything you can remember as stolen. No being is more pitiable than the arrogant writer who claims ‘he only creates for him- self’ while lacking the necessary means which should enable him to spot the narcissism en- capsulated in this very remark. As if all writers are not mongers who pimp their own perspec- tive. What is the value of a perspective which no one perceives, a fire that does not burn, or a prostitute abstaining from sexual relations? As if you could write in a void, pulling yourself up by your own bootstraps. Does anyone truly believe that Münchhausen escaped the deadly depths of the swamp by pulling himself out by his hair? In an attempt to engage your interest… We have a few mates who we quite like to get pissed with, but ultimately some disappoint. They profess to write ‘for themselves’ but eventually you get into dreary discussions about the very basics and feel like giving them an evil dressing down or chuck Fight Club quotes at them: ‘You are not special!’, ‘You are not a unique snow flake!’. None of us are; your attraction to originality comes from people reading your work and pointing out other people who have had similar sentiments and abstractions – as if this somehow is an insult to your work and points scored; these people are idiots for god’s sake, reactive shitwits! You suddenly realise that these mates of yours have the kind of faces you just want to punch and that time is running out to get one in: Smartness is just a petty form of power; presence has so much more force than clever arguments; character is the source of belief. It did not spring from nothing that the Greek mythology made the goddess of wisdom burst from her father’s forehead dressed in divine armour: One will always have to fight for one’s ‘truth.’ Writing is only about one’s ego and arro- gance… Arrogance, arrogance, arrogance! First comes the suspicion, then psychosis, then understanding and finally that epitome of sanity: arrogance! Love struck with the ob- vious: I never forget to shit. It slowly dawns on you: If you want to be a writer you have to stick to your own. Give us an ‘and’ over a ‘but’ anytime of the day, though of course you can never exclude yourself from the game of exclusion. Why do we worship such automated parsimony? Efficiently retrieved answers that beg no questions? Occam’s razor as deadly as its sharpness is sharp, the lack of plurality that is its edge – that bleatingly whispered echo: one... Wondering about fictional ethics – what fictions should we allow people to entertain, and which should we censor? We can’t stand people ‘correcting’ other people’s dreams. There is a distasteful bitterness in the senti- ment; how, and more to the point, why, do people take pleasure in others’ misfortune. We are glad that we suffer, it allows us to be more human, which is to say, more sympa- thetic. And what gives us the right to present further fictions as the ‘truth’? Wittgenstein put it elegantly and with characteristic brevity when he cited “I must not cut off the branch on which I am sitting”. Indeed. Perhaps we should build a swing. Here is a productive operative that could possibly be of use for our aforementioned mates: Instead of engaging in dull, dull argu- ments, try to keep your will to publish the texts alive by peppering them with wit and a sullen, dejected and wounded but eloquently sarcastic tone – a tone meant for ‘others’. Convergent Evolution, though instead of involving genetics you could cross breed fictions, explore meta- phors, analogies, syntactic metonymic semantic disparities that give birth to moments, raping and pillaging language to conquer grammar in all its static glory while paving the way to a new and dynamic Rome. Have no mercy. Tear it down brothers. Tear it down! Beyond left and right, beyond up and down... Beyond beyond to beyond itself. “Oh the wonders never cease when you have eyes for this marvel!” Arrogance, arrogance, arrogance! Sorry about our arrogance. Not that you’d be bothe- red anyway. Columns – probably due to most of them being invented in business environments where social niceties are as disgustingly ubi- quitous as the average office slaves’ stupidity – seem to demand such pleasantries, so we feel compelled to say something of the sort. So apologies for the apology. Kind regards, “Two men so miserable that they have lost their faith and have nothing left but the cross”. On Arrogant Writers (us included) Text by Magnús Björn Ólafsson and Jamie Burton Writing is only about one’s ego and arrogance… Arrogance, arrogance, arrogance! First comes the suspicion, then psychosis, then understanding and finally that epitome of sanity: arrogance! A French poet once wrote “A gray city, sad as a tombstone with chrysanthemums”. To be honest, these words might only seem like some sort of morbid allusion, especially seeing how nice the weather has been here in Iceland these past few weeks. Perhaps, perhaps. Or maybe it has something to do with the fact that I have been sitting inside sick, fighting windmills with my Thinkpad and pen as a sword. Or maybe you just need an acute eye. However, I decided to quote this line in connection to a conversation I had the other day. This conversation also got me thinking about the recent fishing quota debate, which I am not going to write about, or am I? Because almost everybody has an opinion on something, you bump into stupid opinions everyday. For example, the Westman Islands’ most famous resident, and their elected repre- sentative in Alþingi, wrote in Morgunblaðið that fishermen know the ocean better than ocean biologists with their fancy smancy PhDs. Slam dunk there, Air Johnsen. The papyrus frag- ment “Thought is common to all” has just been proven wrong. Johnsen is a classical case of a stupid opinion from an even stupider person. Yes, I said stupid. Just ask any rational person. He, like everybody in Iceland, has an opinion on something, or what some call “this and that”, which can become quite annoying in the long run. Sure democracy and freedom of speech are great, they just seem sometimes to become eroded when you hear opinions that forego the process of rational thinking. Although I prefer that to the other option “In the end we shall make thought-crime literally impossible, because there will be no words in which to express it. Every concept that can ever be needed will be expressed by exactly one word, with its meaning rigidly defined and all its subsidiary meanings rubbed out and forgotten.” So after this aforementioned conversation I got to thinking, and this came to mind: “Go home and write a page tonight. And let that page come out of you – then, it will be true”. Yes, the other day I was at the swimming pool and the conversation led to literature and phi- losophy. In what seemed a nano second, I was asked to name a favourite literary quote and book. How can you utter one verbatim ac- count, like some floozy posing as the Sibyll, from countless hours of reading? My learning was shamed into a condensed form of trivial small chat. So, here is my opinion. I hate it when “semi famous” Icelanders are asked about their favourite movie or what movie they saw recently. It annoys me for many reasons: few people second guess a doctor, lawyer or say a financial broker. But when it comes to literature, everybody wants to be a tour guide like Virgil in the murky domains of the humanities. Although with the onslaught of blogs online, things have just gotten worse. Now it seems like almost everybody in Iceland is digitalizing their sublime thoughts on the online blog of our famous newspaper, Morgunblaðið. Before you only had to cringe at the readers’ letters about the dangers of communism, immigration and numerous other threats. Now technology has made it possible in one short click for you to find right wing theologians, illiterate housewives, various schmucks, Islam bashers and others at Everybody there just loves to voice their opinion. However, in my opinion, not only do you have to emulate Descartes but you should always doubt your own opinion like clockwork, every day if possible. I have an opinion too. But, I am not going to rationalise it just so I can fit in with the fringe of the blogging community on Legalise drugs. Interestingly enough, there has been a lot of “talk” (opinions) suggesting there should be a shopping mall in downtown Reykjavík. During this weekend I actually did read an opinion in Fréttablaðið that did make sense regarding the matter. In the article the author managed to point out the absurdities of the matter, e.g. putting a shopping mall downtown or on the Laugavegur is like putting a shopping mall inside a shopping mall. She even asks the authors of the supposed plan whether or not they would rather see the old distinguished parts of Eu- ropeans cities, or rather just go to the Mall of America. The thing that frightens me the most is the fact that there are actually plenty of people here in Iceland who prefer the experience of shopping indoors to culture. People with more soft-boiled opinions than sense. If they get to decide, the city would not only become grey – it would become a victim of base values. A city draped in grey, decked out for its burial of downtown Reykjavík. A fitting end. Oh yeah, in my opinion the fishing quota should be reduced to ten tonnes, because that is my opinion. My Opinion Text by Marvin Lee Dupree Sure democracy and freedom of speech are great, they just seem sometimes to become eroded when you hear opinions that forego the process of rational thinking. Although I prefer that to the other option. 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Reykjavík Grapevine

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