Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2007, Síða 29

Reykjavík Grapevine - 13.07.2007, Síða 29
Behind the abrasive grunts of vocalist Egill and back- up vocalist Gísli, Changer put on a gruesome set. Sveinn Birkir Björnsson witnessed Changer. Page 27 For the first time in my life, my food was looking back at me. Chandler Fredrick tasted a sheep head, gums and all. Page B10 “I think that the opportuni- ties are plenty but they are also very sparse.” Anna Hildur Hildibrandsdóttir on the tricky business of exporting Icelandic music. Page 20 There was no mistaking that it was well past 6 a.m. – the time I had set my alarm on: I must have overslept, and probably for long. The Lonesome Traveller again battles the hard conditions of the Icelandic nature. Page 32 In one corner we have the residents of Ipswich – one of Britain’s oldest and most historic towns – who number about 117,986. Gavin Portland took on the population of Ipswich, and won. Page 23 During the first week un- der the new laws some of the strip clubs the Grape- vine visited were still open. Zoë Robert explores Reykjavík’s strip clubs Page 10 Stuffed with stuff g ra p ev in e.isISSUE TEN: JULY 13 - JULY 26 YOUR FREE COPY BOOKSTORE & souvenirs open 9 - 22 every day Lækjargata 2a 101 Reykjavík


Reykjavík Grapevine

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