Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2008, Blaðsíða 42

Reykjavík Grapevine - 10.10.2008, Blaðsíða 42
B14 | The Reykjavík Grapevine | Issue 16 2008 INTERVIEW By Ben h. Murray Biffy Clyro have had one hell of a year. After coming somewhere near the top of many album of the year polls in late 2007, the three- piece (consisting of Simon Neil; vocals and guitar, James John- ston; bass and vocals and Ben Johnston; drums and vocals) em- barked on a series of festival and concert appearances that would have seemed unlikely after spend- ing several years knocking around the Scottish gig circuit in relative anonymity. Their breakthrough record, the bitter-sweet Puzzles, proved to be a revelation to the rest of the world. Combining a melodramatic sound that hovers be- tween a satisfying sub-metal blast and touching acoustic numbers, the band instantly appealed to a broad demographic and hit the number two slot on the UK album list. Comparisons to Nirvana and Weezer followed and Puzzles didn’t even need the artistic talents of Storm Thorgerson (he designed a certain Pink Floyd record cover featuring a prism and a rainbow…) to attract adulation around the world, although his surreal style is instantly recogn- isable on the album artwork. Now winding down after a packed summer tour- ing schedule before opening Iceland Airwaves and touring the UK, lead guitarist Simon Neil took time away from a well-earned holiday to tell the Grapevine about how they’re looking forward to sampling the local cuisine and reclaiming some long-lost Celtic X chromosomes in-between play- ing NASA at the opening night of Iceland Airwaves 10th anniversary. So are you looking forward to it…have you been to Iceland before? We’ve not been before, we only know a couple of people who’ve been to Iceland at all and all I hear is great things so we’re really, really looking for- ward to it. You’ve been told a bit about the place, what are you expecting? People partying all the way through the night, I guess. Some places effect people less than some of the other places you go to and it’s so shut off that I think it’ll just go off and be a lot of fun. I know a lot of people are looking forward to seeing you play; do you have any special plans or surprises in store? We’re just going to turn up and play hard, we’re re- ally not a band with gimmicks, if you like. We just try to let the music do the talking. We’ll definitely turn up with a lot of energy – it should be great. Did you know that 80% of the female gene pool in Iceland is Celtic? Wow, that gives us a good head start. The Vikings are meant to have come over to Scotland and stolen all the good looking wom- en to take home to Iceland… Right, wow. I like that. You should reclaim some of the good ones… I think we should. We could have some Celtic lov- ing going on… Any tactics for getting them on the plane? Some shots are usually a good way. Maybe one of the ballads from Puzzles would be a good start? Oh yeah, get all the girls crying. Great Scot! Biffy Clyro Invade Iceland One top Scottish export that won’t be hit by the credit crunch talk dodgy food, playing hard and instigating a reverse Viking invasion. The biffy clyro clan from kilmarnock Absolutely. You could slip them on the plane and they’d never know… Anyway, your new single is called Mountains - why? It’s about going through challenges in life and some of the things you can face. That’s roughly where it comes from, how people in your life can help you get through things and you do it together. It’s really a symbol for a struggle, but also the challenge.I think with challenges, when you conquer them, the results are that much better because things have been difficult. That’s what it’s about, how you get stronger through the difficult times. Does that idea reflect Biffy Clyro’s last year or two? I think Simon always writes lyrics from a fairly personal point of view, it’s more than likely that it’s about that. It also applies to life in general even though it’s quite specific about what we’ve been through. Scotland also has quite a ‘diverse’ (i.e. odd) cuisine, as does Iceland. Will you be trying raw whale, puffin or anything similar? Well we’ve had a few weird things. We were out in Japan and they had some really crazy food but I’ve never had whale before. There’s a lot of pissed-on shark about. That’s a delicacy too. Definitely. We’re not shy, we’ll eat anything. Surely haggis (traditional offal-based Scottish dish) contains most of those ingredients any- way? I think what goes in haggis is a closely-guarded se- cret. It’s a bunch of really not good tasting stuff with a load of spice so you can’t actually taste it. I gather you’re playing a series of really big gigs later this year around the UK? Yeah, that’s right. Should be good. So what’s your favourite type of gig to play in terms of venue? Actually, it kind of varies. Over the summer we did a lot of big shows at festivals. That’s always fun because you’re not playing to the same crowd and you’re not sure how people are going to react. You’re probably playing to ten or twenty thousand people, maybe even more. We really like the big stage and that aspect but when you play a small club, there’s something about the intensity. You can see the whites of people’s eyes. We wouldn’t like to give up one gig and totally do the other; I think it’s really important to have a good mix. That’s what keeps it really exciting for us. Iceland is quite far away but have you had any fan mail from other far-flung places? We had quite a lot of people from Brazil writing to us on message boards but I don’t know if they sent us any fan mail. Around Japan we got some really crazy stuff given to us. People drew pictures of us, gave us silk scarves and told us all these strange stories. I think in Japan they are particularly crazy but really nice. Quite fanatical, I guess. Biffy Clyro play NASA on Wednesday 15th at the Kerrang / Iceland Airwaves night. Their new sin- gle ‘Mountains’ is out now. biffyclyro We could have soMe celtic lov- ing going on…


Reykjavík Grapevine

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