Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2009, Blaðsíða 24

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2009, Blaðsíða 24
by the statue on Arnarhóll. The show consists of circus artists, parkour performers and actors, and should provide great entertainment for all. You do not want to miss this. ARNARHÓLL - ARNARHÓLL ENCOURAGEMENT SQUARE Do you know that beautiful plants can grow in the rockiest of terrains? Ideas are like plants. If you place your idea in the square of encouragement for a 15-minute conversation with a goal-coach, what will happen? Goal-coaches operate in accordance to the Icelandic goal-coach code of ethics. THE REPUBLIC GARDEN - HVERFISGATA OLYMPIC FENCING Fencing enthusiasts from the FH fencing division and the Reykjavík Fencing Club will display Olympic fencing. Attendees will be given the chance to fence our national team. ELDING WHALE WATCHING - REYKJAVÍK HARBOUR THE PUPPET MOBILE The puppet play ‘What does the crocodile eat for breakfast?’ will be shown in the Palace Garden. A great show where many colourful puppets of all shapes and sizes perform. THE PALACE GARDEN, FRÍKIRKJUVEGUR THE OPENING OF JOY SQUARE AT ÓÐINSTORG Programme opening headed by Hilmar Örn Hilmarsson, head of Ásatrúarfélagið. Rhymesayer Steindór Andersen performs, Páll from Húsafell plays his stone harp. Ragnheiður Gröndal’s trio performs sweet music. ÓÐINSTORG 14:00 - 15:00 KASPER, JESPER AND JÓNATAN STEAL YOUR ATTENTION The robbers Kasper, Jesper and Jónatan from the play Kardimommubærinn don’t know what’s going on when tens of thousands of people come to town at Culture Night. It is a great opportunity to steal the attention. Watch out for the lion! NATIONAL THEATRE - HVERFISGATA 19 CHILD LABOUR OR TRAINING FOR LIFE? A guided tour in English: Child Labour or Training for Life? Photographs of young children at work, on land or at sea, during the period 1930-50. From the Collection of Photographs and Prints. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND - SUÐURGATA 41 14:00 - 16:00 WAFFLES AND COFFEE Landsbankinn offers delicious barley waffl es and coffee. Everyone is welcome. LANDSBANKINN - AUSTURSTRÆTI EXHIBIT FROM SCULPTOR ÞORBJÖRG PÁLSDÓTTIR Sculptor Þorbjörg Pálsdóttir, who crafted The Dance by Perlan, will display some of her works in the garden. Also on offer are waffl es, coffee and live music. INGÓLFSSTRÆTI 21 A - INGÓLFSSTRÆTI 21 A HARLEY DAVIDSON ICELAND’S CHARITY DAYS Members of Harley Davidson (HOG) chapter Iceland bike around with passengers for a fee of 500 ISK. All proceeds go to Umhyggja, an association that supports terminally ill children. KIRKJUSTRÆTI - KIRKJUSTRÆTI HUGS, COURTESY OF HLUTVERKASETUR Hlutverkasetur brings you hugs. The hugs were well received last year. Everyone is welcome to join or just enjoy being around mentally generous folks. Hugs have never been as important. They cheer you up and don’t make anyone bankrupt. HLJÓMALIND - LAUGAVEGUR 23 THE HOUSES IN TOWN PERSONIFIED Individuals that frequent Hlutverkasetur have personifi ed the houses in downtown. Do they have personality, soul, experience, memories, and emotions or do they come with a special atmosphere? Come and see the photo exhibit, where the houses have been given life and the imagination has gotten wings. HLJÓMALIND - LAUGAVEGUR 23 CHILDREN PAINT Children are welcomed to our gallery, where they can paint their own works of art. They will receive acrylic paints and papers. The theme of the day is ‘Joyful day in Reykjavík’. Their works will be displayed at the gallery, and can be picked up later that evening. GALLERÝ - LAUGAVEGUR 67 WAFFLES AND COFFEE Residents of the neighbourhood Þingholt invite you for freshly baked waffl es and aromatic coffee. Everyone is welcome! SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR 25 ARTS WORKSHOP FOR THE KIDS Join the art workshop for kids at the Icelandic National Museum on Culture Night. Kids can draw, colour, make crafts and allow their imagination to run amok. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND - SUÐURGATA 41 BOOKBINDING WORKSHOP Guests can have fun with written-off books and magazines. The library provides books, magazines, glue, yarn, staples and other ingredients, but the participants provide creative energy. Open workshop for children and adults where each works 10:00 - 10:00 THREADS Co-exhibition of four glass artists. They are Dagný Þrastardóttir from Ísafjörður, Helle Viftrup Kristensen from Börkop, Denmark, Ólöf Sigríður Davíðsdóttir in Brákarey and Susanne Aaes from Ikast, Denmark. HJÁ ÓFEGI - SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR 5 10:00 - 16:00 NORDISK PANORAMA 2009 Nordisk Panorama 2009 is a Nordic short and documentary fi lm festival that will take place in Reykjavík September 25–30. The festival’s organisers will introduce the festival at Culture Night and invite those interested to watch the best shorts of years past. Free popcorn and movie treats on offer. LÆKJARTORG 10:00 - 17:00 ELDING WHALE WATCHING CENTRE Learn about ocean life in all its forms. Crafts for the kids and coffee for all. Elding Whale Watching REYKJAVÍK HARBOUR 10:00 - 18:00 CULTURAL NIGHT AT JCI JCI host an open house. JCI operations presented scavenger hunts and fun. JCI - HELLUSUND TREASURE HUNT AT THE OLD HARBOUR Participate in a fun scavenger hunt at Reykjavík’s Old Harbour. The fun commences at the Elding Whale Watching Centre, where you’ll receive an entry form and instructions for the game. Prizes will be drawn three times over the day at the centre, at 11:30, 15:30 and 18:00. Excellent prizes on offer. ELDING WHALE WATCHING CENTRE - REYKJAVÍK HARBOUR WHERE DO YOU COME FROM? The ORG Genealogical Centre is an ocean of knowledge on people, history and much more. Reveals connections to people in the US, Brazil and the wide world. One of the world’s biggest genealogical databases. SKELJANES - AT THE END OF BUS ROUTE 12 10:00 - 23:00 THE JAM WAGON ROLLS AROUND THE CITY The Jam Wagon will be jam-packed with jam that the jam-mothers passionately sell from a ‘68 Emmaljunga. They run the art patron society Sultan Eldmóður, which hosts monthly invitation nights at Næsti bar where they display their works and sell their product, fi ery chilli jam that increases blood fl ow to the brain and sexual prowess. Eldmóður encourages folks to create art and have fun. NÆSTI BAR - INGOLFSSTRÆI 1A MINI-DISPLAYS FROM AMATEUR PAINTERS Around 25 amateur painters host displays around the city. Locations: » Hafsúlan, Elding » Sjóhatturinn, store » Lundavespur, by Ægisgarður » Fish and Chips, Tryggvagata » Kaffi Reykjavík, Vesturgata » Art Form, Skólavörðustígur » Minja, Skólavörðustígur » Verbúðir nr. 17 and 23, Grandagarður ELDING WHALE WATCHING- REYKJAVÍK HARBOUR THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND – A HOUSE WITH HISTORY AND SOUL The square at the National Museum of Iceland will host an exhibit where the building’s history is told in pictures and words. THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND - SUÐURGATA 41 WALKING POETRY The poem is walked, read and the words joined in a poetic unison. The poetry reader may stumble upon words here and there and is free to arrange them after his or her own liking. TJARNARBÍÓ - TJARNARGATA 10:30 - 23:00 CHILDREN IN THE CITY- PHOTOGRAPHY EXHIBIT ‘Children in the City – sharing recess with the students of Austurbæjarskóli in 2008-9’ is the title of an exhibit outside of Laugavegur 4-6 that shows pictures of children in one of the city’s schools. Photos: Gunnar Salvarsson LAUGAVEGUR 4-6 - LAUGAVEGUR 4-6 11:00 - 12:00 MAKING OF A NATION: GUIDED TOUR IN ENGLISH The National Museum’s permanent exhibition is intended to provide insight into the history of the Icelandic nation from the Settlement to the present day. The aim is to cast light on Icelanders’ past by placing the cultural heritage preserved by the National Museum in a historical context, guided by the question: What makes a nation? THE NATIONAL MUSEUM OF ICELAND - SUÐURGATA 41 11:00 - 13:00 EVERYONE IS A KID AT THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE An exhibition of the works of schoolchildren and kindergarteners that partook in the Ombudsman’s project, ‘How it is to be a child in Iceland.’ About 1,000 answers were received, part of which are on display. Surprise events throughout the day. THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE - LAUGAVEGUR 13 11:00 - 15:00 THE MYSTERIES OF LITLAHLÍÐ Reykjavík Energy's coldwater tank in Litlahlíð is an unusual building that is generally closed to the public. The house will be on display on Culture Night, and will host a number of music and art exhibitions. WATERTANK - LITLA HLÍÐ 11:00 - 19:00 HLJÓMALIND BECOMES FJALLKONAN Kristín Dalhstedt was the fi rst woman in Iceland to run a restaurant—Fjallkonan on Laugavegur 23—in the beginning of the 20th century. Kristín was an exceptional woman, and the café often offered an outstanding atmosphere. Kristín’s memory will be honoured by revoking Fjallkonan for the day. Icelandic food and live music. HLJÓMALIND - LAUGAVEGUR 23 11:00 - 23:00 COME AND SEE THE TOWN’S HOUSES Photographs of the houses in town by professional photographers working on behalf of Veraldarvinir. The photos will be displayed on walls by the alley on Hverfi sgata 88a. VERALDARVINIR - HVERFISGATA 88 BECOME A VERALDARVINUR Open house at the headquarters of Veraldarvinir. Veraldarvinir is an Icelandic volunteer organisation that will host 900 international volunteers this year, to work on nature, culture and art based projects all over the country. Veraldarvinir host an open house in their offi ces, where various events will take place, such as a photography exhibit, African drums and DJ performances. VERALDARVINIR - HVERFISGATA 88 POETRYLAUGHTERKNITTING – LUKA’S WORLD OF KNITTING An installation in the window, with knitting sculptures, laughter and poetry reading by the Luka Art & Design Duo, comprised of sisters Gunnhildur and Brynhildur Þórðardóttir. LAUGAVEGUR 12B - LAUGAVEGUR 12B LIGHTS IN TOWN Art exhibition by Elín G. Jóhannsdóttir at Nostrum design. NOSTRUM DESIGN - SKÓLAVÖRÐUSTÍGUR 1A 11:30 - 12:00 EVERYONE IS A KID AT THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE A duo of young singers, Ásta Margrét Helgadóttir and Eva Sóley Stefánsdóttir, will perform one song each in the lobby of the Children’s Ombudsman. Remember to check out the exhibit on the second fl oor. THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE - LAUGAVEGUR 13 12:00 - 12:30 EVERYONE IS A KID AT THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE Father and son duo Gulli and Haukur perform at the lobby. The son plays guitar beautifully and the father supports him with a bass. THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE - LAUGAVEGUR 13 FORMAL OPENING OF THE CULTURE NIGHT PROGRAMME Mayor of Reykjavík, Hanna Birna Kristjánsdóttir, formally opens the Culture night programme. HLJÓMSKÁLINN - HLJÓMSKÁLAGARÐURINN 12:00 - 13:00 THE ANIMALS OF THE NORDIC HOUSE The Animals of the Nordic House Sax player Óskar Guðjónsson performs Thorbjörn Egner along with Matthías Hemstock and Eðvarð Lárusson. NORDIC HOUSE - SÆMUNDARGATA 12:00 - 13:30 A WALKING TOUR OF DOWNTOWN A walk through downtown Reykjavík with guide Guðrún Þorkelssdótir, who will tell of history and life in the past in a vivid manner. HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA - SKÓLAVÖRÐUHOLT 12:00 - 18:00 THE CENTRE OF ORAL HISTORY Tales of the settling and development of the Timber house square will sound out of windows and doors at Grettisgata. Take a seat and listen to some history as told by locals (most likely in Icelandic). Text versions hang outside the buildings, and the inhabitants of Grettisgata provide waffl es. The Centre of Oral History will also host a studio in the yard house of Grettisgata 35b where guests can record their own stories of the houses in town, human life and the experience of living in a house with a history. GRETTISGATA 35 B - GRETTISGATA 35 B 12:00 - 21:00 ARTIST STEFÁN AT CAFÉ LOKI Artist Stefán Björnsson displays reliefs – ‘The Mountains aren’t going anywhere.’ The works are made of plywood, hardwood and acrylic paints. Stefán lives in Dalvík and is a studied carpenter. His works are a sight to behold! CAFÉ LOKI - LOKASTÍG 28 12:30 - 13:00 EVERYONE IS A KID AT THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE Friends Guðný Gígja and Bjartey maintain their youth by playing lovely Icelandic music. They both play guitar and sing like angels in the Ombudsman’s lobby. THE OMBUDSMAN FOR CHILDREN’S OFFICE - LAUGAVEGUR 13 13:00 - 14:00 THE HOUSES IN HISTORY AND THE HISTORY IN THE TOWN’S HOUSES The city contains houses, the houses contain stories, the stories contain the city, the city... is. Birna’s cultural escort offers a guided walk. SKÓLAVÖRÐUHOLT BY HALLGRÍMSKIRKJA CHURCH 13:00 - 16:00 THE HOUSES IN TOWN Culture Night’s theme of the year is ‘The houses in town.’ This is meant to draw attention to the beauty and diversity of the houses in town and the culture that’s connected to them. For that occasion, a number of houses that are usually closed to the public will be open. Among them the Government Offi ces of Iceland, Höfðatorg, Höfði, the Ministry for Foreign affairs, the Ministry of Agriculture and Menntaskólinn í Reykjavík. STJÓRNARRÁÐIÐ - VIÐ LÆKJARTORG 13:00 - 18:00 A CHINESE HOME Unnur Guðjónsdóttir will welcome guests every hour at her ‘Chinese home.’ She will display various objects as well as telling of different customs and traditions that take place in Chinese homes. Unnur will also show guests Thai Chi. Chinese tea and crackers served. Everyone is welcome. NJÁLSGATA 33 A - NJÁLSGATA 33 A 13:00 - 19:00 THE ASÍ ART MUSEUM An exhibit of the works of three Icelandic master painters: Jón Stefánsson, Jóhannes S. Kjarval and Svavar Guðnason. THE ASÍ ART MUSEUM - FREYJUGATA 41 13:00 - 20:00 MULTI-ENTERTAINMENT FROM COLLEGE STUDENTS Multi-entertainment from the colleges – an entertainment programme that aims to present young artists from all over with the opportunity of presenting their art to an audience at optimal circumstances. The varied programme will feature music, fashion shows, dance shows and more. THE OUTDOOR CHESS TABLE BY LÆKJARGATA 13:00 - 22:00 GRAFFITI Throughout the day, British graffi ti artists Jiroe and Odisy from the respected crew Heavy Artillery paint a mural in the Prikið alley along with Maggi Noem. DJs provide atmosphere as they work. PRIKIÐ - BANKASTRÆTI A DATE WITH THE PAST Do you want a Polaroid photo of you and your friends wearing stylish attire from times past? The annual and ever popular Reykjavík Photography Museum photoshoot provides opportunity for passers-by, in cooperation with the City Theatre and Fríða Frænka. THE REYKJAVÍK PHOTOGRAPHY MUSEUM - GRÓFARHÚS, TRYGGVAGATA 15 14:00 - 14:30 THE VODAFONE STREET ART CREW The Vodafone street art crew displays great talent REYKJAVÍK CULTURE NIGHT 2009 – AUGUST 22


Reykjavík Grapevine

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