Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2009, Blaðsíða 43

Reykjavík Grapevine - 14.08.2009, Blaðsíða 43
27 The Reykjavík Grapevine Issue 12 — 2009 Do you like drinking? ‘Duh,’ you say? Good. Whether you are here for a while or just on the classic flying weekend visit, you can’t come to Iceland without pounding a few back. Needless to say, there are dozens of good places to drink in this town, but these are a few that offer a high quality experience, or a downright insane one. KAFFI ZIMZEN HAFNARSTRÆTI 18 Zimsen is best known in this town for the incredibly cheap price of beer. This attracts a very mixed crowd: students, travellers, local drifters, questionably legal youths and obviously shady characters. Needless to say, people get hammered pretty quickly and shit goes down. Former lovers scream at each other from opposite ends of the bar, their friends holding them back from full on fisticuffs, while the staff and other patrons simply watch and enjoy the show. If you are really lucky, you’ll get to watch some poor girl vomit in the smoking area, and then order more 2-for-1 beers. BAR 11 LAUGAVEGUR 11 First time I came to Iceland in 2006, this was THE spot to see a good girl-fight, with real punching and everything! Now it’s more of a desperate meat- market that reaches critical mass around closing time when people make a last ditch effort to find someone to bone for the night. Even at an earlier hour, the place is a slobbering hot mess of depravity set to whatever’s on the jukebox. Not that there’s anything wrong with that! I do suggest leaving if you need to pee, though—the toilets are rough. KARAMBA LAUGAVEGUR 22 This bar opened up in the remnants of the first place I ever went out to in Iceland, Barinn. It is now a one-room madhouse of loud jams and sweaty people where you’re as likely to get felt up as you are to have your beer knocked out of your hand. Its only shortcoming is that the size of the place can’t accommodate the fantastic parties it has become acclaimed for, so there can be chaos at the door and practically no dancing space inside. If that’s the case, just climb onto someone’s shoulders or dance on the bar. Just try not to break your nose (or anyone else’s!) while you’re at it. JACOBSEN AUSTURSTRÆTI 9 This place has a strange effect on people that makes inhibitions seem completely useless and sensible behaviour optional. There is frequent shirtlessness and impromptu make out sessions with random people on the dance floor. It’s probably caused by the bass-heavy house music and the dark, hot, glory hole of a basement lined with built in leather beds and lush pillows. The raving, wild parties can go on longer than legally permitted, which is all the better for those who can’t call it quits at six in the morning, but like I said, it can be a bit senseless and overpowering. It’s very easy to lose yourself in the music and even harder to stop dancing. AUSTURVÖLLUR Okay, granted, it’s not a bar, but it might as well be! It’s lined by bars on three sides and Parliament on the fourth so there is a nice healthy balance of drunkenness and political fury at almost all times. Besides, it’s always fun to get shitfaced in the park. You may have to put up with gong-banging protesters, but chances are some vigilante will march over and forcefully make them stop before getting himself thrown in a police car. What’s more, there are no paper bag laws in this town (not ones that are enforced, anyway) so you don’t have to worry about Five-Oh getting on your case. Have fun and play nice! Nightlife | Good, clean fun U N I V E R S I T Y O F I C E L A N D P R E S S – – tel. 525 4003 RING OF SEASONS. ICELAND: - IT’S CULTURE AND HISTORY Terry G. Lacy brings both the perspective of an outsider and the familiar eye of a long-term resident to this delightful exploration of all facets of Iceland, past and present. She conveys her story with a skillful interlacing of history, religion, politics, and culture to paint a vivid picture of the way Icelanders live today. „This fascinating book is a must for anyone who is interested in Iceland.“ - Dick Ringler SURTSEY - AN ECOSYSTEM FORMED Dr. Sturla Fridrikson describes the birth of the island in 1963 and how in itself it became an interesting geological phenomenon and a biological laboratory, where scientists could investigate how organisms disperse across the ocean to remote islands and how plants and animals colonize completely barren areas such as Surtsey. Available in English, French and German Surtsey was inscribed on UNESCO’s World Heritage List in 2008. THE MANUSCRIPTS OF ICELAND In this collection of articles scholars present the story of Icelandic manuscripts, their medieval origins, the literature they contain and its influence up to the present day. This book is a tribute to the central role that medieval Icelandic literature played in forging national identities in N-Europe. More than ten thousand fingers have played beautiful music on this piano, since it arrived in Eyrarbakki village in 1871. It was brought across the Atlantic on a large merchantman, then hauled into a small fishing boat and rowed ashore, where four strong men carried it into the village in a terrible rainstorm. But you can touch it now in the Húsið museum in Eyrarbakki. TEN THOUSAND FINGERS Open May 15th - Sept. 15th: 11 - 18. Other times by arrangement. | Five Awesome Bars In Reykjavík And why you should go! REBECCA LOUDER REBECCA LOUDER


Reykjavík Grapevine

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